Bienestar psicológico y relaciones interpersonales en trabajadores de una organización en Cúcuta
Díaz Avendaño, Laudith Paola
Espinosa Meneses, Liseth Milena
Luna Afanador, Darly Karina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar cuál es la relación que existe entre el bienestar psicológico y las relaciones interpersonales de los trabajadores, la metodología usada para la investigación es de enfoque cuantitativo; haciendo uso del paradigma positivista, el diseño es no experimental de estudio correlacional de las dos categorías ya mencionadas, de corte no experimental y transversal; la población pertinente para el desarrollo del proyecto fueron dieciocho trabajadores de una empresa de Cúcuta, mediante dos instrumentos pertinentes, la escala de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff que determina el nivel de bienestar psicológico del trabajador y la escala SRIT que permite medir el nivel de satisfacción laboral, en síntesis, lo que se desea es determinar cuáles son aquellas necesidades que se deben tener en cuenta para que los trabajadores puedan abastecerlas con el cargo laboral en el que se desempeña, desarrollando a su vez buenas relaciones interpersonales para generar una sana convivencia favoreciendo el rendimiento de la empresa.
The present research aims to determine what is the relationship between psychological well-being and interpersonal relationships of workers, the methodology used for the research is quantitative approach; Using the positivist paradigm, the design is a non-experimental correlational study of the two aforementioned categories, non-experimental and cross-sectional; The relevant population for the development of the project were eighteen workers from a company in Cúcuta, using two relevant instruments, the Ryff Psychological Well-being scale that determines the level of psychological well-being of the worker and the SRIT scale that allows measuring the level of job satisfaction In short, what is desired is to determine will be those needs that must be taken into account so that workers can supply them with the job position in which they work, in turn developing good interpersonal relationships to generate a healthy coexistence favoring performance of the company.
The present research aims to determine what is the relationship between psychological well-being and interpersonal relationships of workers, the methodology used for the research is quantitative approach; Using the positivist paradigm, the design is a non-experimental correlational study of the two aforementioned categories, non-experimental and cross-sectional; The relevant population for the development of the project were eighteen workers from a company in Cúcuta, using two relevant instruments, the Ryff Psychological Well-being scale that determines the level of psychological well-being of the worker and the SRIT scale that allows measuring the level of job satisfaction In short, what is desired is to determine will be those needs that must be taken into account so that workers can supply them with the job position in which they work, in turn developing good interpersonal relationships to generate a healthy coexistence favoring performance of the company.
Palabras clave
Bienestar, Trabajador, Psicológico, Satisfacción laboral, Well-being, Worker, Psychological, Job satisfaction