Experiencias restaurativas en jóvenes infractores: un análisis narrativo del dialogo víctima-ofensor
Cortes Muñoz, Edinson
Orduz Gualdron, Frank Steward
García, Saide Johana
lizcano sandoval, leidy viviana
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Asociación Eirene, Estudios de Paz y Conflictos A. C.
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el
dialogo entre víctimas y ofensores (menores de edad)
durante los encuentros restaurativos realizados entre
los años de 2015 y 2021 por el CAE Los Patios operado
por la ONG Crecer En Familia y a cargo del ICBF. La
investigación utiliza un enfoque cualitativo, con alcance
descriptivo y un diseño de investigación narrativo. Las
practicas restaurativas fueron documentadas en video,
transcritas y posterior pasadas categorizadas y analizadas
mediante el software de análisis cualitativo (Atlas TI).
Los resultados incluyen las narrativas de siete ofensores
(por protección de su identidad se usarán seudónimos al
nombrarlos) y siete víctimas, en los cuales se pudo hallar que los encuentros restaurativos generan resultados sociales
positivos y sanadores tanto para la víctima como para el
ofensor, conllevando a la construcción de paz y armonía
social, así como proporcionando al infractor la oportunidad
de reorientar su camino y reparar el daño ocasionado,
participar en la sociedad, siendo facilitador de cambio y
aportando al progreso de la misma.
This article aims to analyze the dialogue between victims and offenders (minors) during the restorative meetings held between 2015 and 2021 by CAE Los Patios, operated by the ONG Crecer En Familia and run by ICBF. The research uses a qualitative approach, with a descriptive scope and a narrative research design. The restorative practices were documented on video, transcribed and subsequently categorized and analyzed using qualitative analysis software (Atlas TI). The results include the narratives of seven offenders (pseudonyms will be used when naming them to protect their identity) and seven victims, in which it was found that restorative encounters generate positive and healing social outcomes for both the victim and the offender, leading to the construction of peace and social harmony, as well as providing the offender with the opportunity to redirect his path and repair the damage caused, participate in society, being a facilitator of change and contributing to its progress.
This article aims to analyze the dialogue between victims and offenders (minors) during the restorative meetings held between 2015 and 2021 by CAE Los Patios, operated by the ONG Crecer En Familia and run by ICBF. The research uses a qualitative approach, with a descriptive scope and a narrative research design. The restorative practices were documented on video, transcribed and subsequently categorized and analyzed using qualitative analysis software (Atlas TI). The results include the narratives of seven offenders (pseudonyms will be used when naming them to protect their identity) and seven victims, in which it was found that restorative encounters generate positive and healing social outcomes for both the victim and the offender, leading to the construction of peace and social harmony, as well as providing the offender with the opportunity to redirect his path and repair the damage caused, participate in society, being a facilitator of change and contributing to its progress.
Palabras clave
Justicia restaurativa, Delincuencia juvenil, Círculos de paz, Responsabilidad penal adolescente
Cortes Muñoz, E. ., Orduz Gualdron, F. S., García, S. J., & Lizcano Sandoval, L. V. Experiencias restaurativas en jóvenes infractores un análisis narrativo del diálogo víctima-ofensor . Eirene Estudios De Paz Y Conflictos, 5(9). Recuperado a partir de https://www.estudiosdepazyconflictos.com/ index.php/eirene/article/view/167