Internacionalización de la Educación Superior en el marco de la construcción del conocimiento
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Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
La presencia de una nación en el contexto internacional depende de su nivel competitivo, optimizando el
recurso humano, a través de procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje, donde la Educación Superior desempeña
un papel preponderante. El objetivo es resaltar la importancia de la internacionalización de la Educación
Superior mediante la construcción del conocimiento. Dentro de este marco, se desarrolla una metodología
tipo cualitativa e investigación documental según la revisión de fuentes mediante la búsqueda de datos,
proceso que permitió analizar resultados como avances en Colombia de la Educación Superior en cuanto
a calidad educativa e interés del Estado en implementar un proceso de internacionalización, permitiendo
concluir que la innovación es un elemento clave del éxito y la universidad debe articular necesidades propias
del estudiante y la sociedad con los cambios en los ámbitos nacional, regional e internacional, lo cual implica
aumentar la inversión pública y privada según las exigencias del entorno globalizado.
The presence of a nation in the international context depends on its competitive level, optimizing human resources, through teaching-learning processes, where Higher Education plays a preponderant role. The objective is to highlight the importance of the internationalization of Higher Education through the construction of knowledge. Within this framework, a qualitative methodology and documentary research are developed according to secondary sources through the search for data, a process that allowed analyzing results such as advances in Colombia of Higher Education in terms of educational quality and interest of the State in implementing a process of internationalization, allowing to conclude that innovation is a key element of success and that it is the university must articulate the student’s and society’s own needs with changes in the national, regional and international spheres, which implies increasing public and private investment according to demands of the globalized environment.
The presence of a nation in the international context depends on its competitive level, optimizing human resources, through teaching-learning processes, where Higher Education plays a preponderant role. The objective is to highlight the importance of the internationalization of Higher Education through the construction of knowledge. Within this framework, a qualitative methodology and documentary research are developed according to secondary sources through the search for data, a process that allowed analyzing results such as advances in Colombia of Higher Education in terms of educational quality and interest of the State in implementing a process of internationalization, allowing to conclude that innovation is a key element of success and that it is the university must articulate the student’s and society’s own needs with changes in the national, regional and international spheres, which implies increasing public and private investment according to demands of the globalized environment.
Palabras clave
Internacionalización, Globalización, Educación sin fronteras, Constructivismo, Acreditación, Education without borders, Accreditation
Díaz-Guecha, L. Y. ., Carrillo-Guecha, K. L. ., & Guecha-Oliveros, J. G. . (2020). Internacionalización de la Educación Superior en el marco de la construcción del conocimiento. Revista Perspectivas, 5(2), 90–102.