La prueba de oficio como forma procesal para la consecución de la verdad en los procesos judiciales
Maldonado Serrano, Mónica Patricia
Noriega Gutiérrez, Leidy Johana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La prueba de oficio como una forma procesal para la consecución de la verdad, la equidad judicial, las responsabilidades legales y constitucionales de los jueces, que como directores del proceso y con justa crítica, deben determinar en qué casos decretan dichas pruebas para corregir dudas decisivas frente a un litigio, dudas que quedan sin resolver a pesar de los esfuerzos de las partes por reunir pruebas para confirmarla o negarla, Asimismo, la prueba de oficio sirve como una forma de búsqueda de la verdad en los procesos judiciales, para preservar la justicia sustantiva, lo que indica que la dicha prueba es un deber legal y constitucional de los jueces en la actualidad. El presente ensayo tiene por objeto reflexionar sobre la prueba de oficio como imagen jurídica para proteger los derechos de las partes en casos específicos. En primer lugar, se hace un sucinto recorrido histórico sobre los antecedentes de la prueba de oficio, luego, procede y explica brevemente el concepto de "procedimiento o verdad jurídica" de forma teórica, en donde se entra a analizar la importancia del decreto de la prueba de oficio como búsqueda de la verdad, en donde el juez tiene un papel fundamental y decisorio, procurando siempre la protección de los derechos de la partes dentro de la controversia propuesta, buscando siempre la equidad y no caer en la imparcialidad; en segundo lugar, propone una metodología basada en teorías y jurisprudencia en la discusión del papel de la prueba de oficio en los procesos judiciales, hace un recorrido a nivel internacional, en donde se evidencia que la prueba de oficio tiene un papel fundamental en los diferentes ordenamientos jurídicos propuestos; si bien en cada ordenamiento es diferente, en definitiva esta prueba ayuda a que el juez alcance claridad al momento de proferir un fallo, de ahí la importancia de procurar un
correcto procedimiento a la hora de ordenarla; como tercer punto, recorre parte del ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, en donde se reconoce la importancia de la prueba de oficio como herramienta procesal para llegar a la verdad dentro de un proceso, no sin antes darle una mirada a las limitaciones que la misma norma tiene con el fin de procurar no caer en un defecto factico. y finalmente, se presentan sentencias de las cortes en donde se exponen casos resueltos por el personal revisor de custodia en los que se violó el debido proceso por falta de otorgamiento de un decreto probatorio.
The legal profession test as a processual form, for the consecution of the truth, justice equality and legal responsibilities, and constitutionals of the judges , who as directors of the process and with justice criticism should determine in what cases should this test be decreed in order to correct decisive doubts regarding a litigation , doubts that lack of resolution even though the effort of the different parts to collect probes to confirm or deny it, In the same way, the legal profession test works as a searching form of the truth in justice processes , to preserve the substance justice , which may indicates that the test is a constitutional legal right of the judges nowadays. The present essay has the objective of making a reflection about the legal profession test as a juridical image to protect the right of the parts in specific cases. In the first place, a succinct is done with the historical path about the background of the test, then, proceed to explain briefly the concept of proceeding or juridical truth by a theoretical form, when it starts to analyze the importance of the decree of the legal professional test as the searching form of truth, in which the judge has a fundamental role in determination always procuring the protection of the parts ‘rights into controversial proposal, looking forward of the equality and not fall into the impartiality, In the second place, a methodology is proposed , based on theories and jurisprudence in the discussion of the role in justice processes , it makes a path into an international level, in which the legal profession test has the evidence of having a fundamental role in the different juridical proposals , in each the ordering is different. Definitely, this test allows the judge to reach clarity at the moment of proffering a fail, because is in that moment where lies the relevance of procuring a correct process in the time of ordering, as a third point, it gets into the path of the Colombian juridical ordering, in which the importance of the legal profession test as a processual tool for getting into the truth inside a process, not before looking into the limitations of the same rule that has the objective of not falling in a factual mistake. Finally, the court sentences are presented in which the solved cases are given for the staff reviewer of the custody in which due process was violated due to failure to grant an evidentiary decree.
The legal profession test as a processual form, for the consecution of the truth, justice equality and legal responsibilities, and constitutionals of the judges , who as directors of the process and with justice criticism should determine in what cases should this test be decreed in order to correct decisive doubts regarding a litigation , doubts that lack of resolution even though the effort of the different parts to collect probes to confirm or deny it, In the same way, the legal profession test works as a searching form of the truth in justice processes , to preserve the substance justice , which may indicates that the test is a constitutional legal right of the judges nowadays. The present essay has the objective of making a reflection about the legal profession test as a juridical image to protect the right of the parts in specific cases. In the first place, a succinct is done with the historical path about the background of the test, then, proceed to explain briefly the concept of proceeding or juridical truth by a theoretical form, when it starts to analyze the importance of the decree of the legal professional test as the searching form of truth, in which the judge has a fundamental role in determination always procuring the protection of the parts ‘rights into controversial proposal, looking forward of the equality and not fall into the impartiality, In the second place, a methodology is proposed , based on theories and jurisprudence in the discussion of the role in justice processes , it makes a path into an international level, in which the legal profession test has the evidence of having a fundamental role in the different juridical proposals , in each the ordering is different. Definitely, this test allows the judge to reach clarity at the moment of proffering a fail, because is in that moment where lies the relevance of procuring a correct process in the time of ordering, as a third point, it gets into the path of the Colombian juridical ordering, in which the importance of the legal profession test as a processual tool for getting into the truth inside a process, not before looking into the limitations of the same rule that has the objective of not falling in a factual mistake. Finally, the court sentences are presented in which the solved cases are given for the staff reviewer of the custody in which due process was violated due to failure to grant an evidentiary decree.
Palabras clave
Prueba de oficio, Debido proceso, Justicia material, Defecto fáctico, Verdad de los hechos, Verdad procesal, Legal professional test, Due process, Material justice, Factual defect, Truth of the facts, Procedural truth