Modelización de los factores de motivación en el puesto de trabajo
Meñeca Guerrero, Indira
Cazallo-Antúnez, Ana María
Sanz del Vecchio, Daniel Arturo
Bascón Jiménez, Milagrosa
Simanca de la Rosa, Jarvin
Palacio del Toro, Beatriz Elena
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT.
La investigación establece la relación entre los factores
motivacionales y la motivación laboral de los
funcionarios universitarios, mediante la adaptación del
modelo de las características del puesto de trabajo, de
Hackman y Oldham (1980). Los datos se recolectaron
en base al cuestionario JDS, según la escala Likert,
encuestándose a 102 personas. El análisis de los
resultados se efectuó mediante la estadística
inferencial. Los resultados denotaron que la motivación
laboral es un pilar importante en la consecución de los
objetivos organizacionales.
The research establishes the relationship between the motivational factors and the labor motivation of university officials, by adapting the job characteristics model, by Hackman and Oldham (1980). The data were collected on the basis of the JDS questionnaire, according to the Likert scale, surveying 102 people. The analysis of the results was performed using inferential statistics. The results showed that the work motivation is an important pillar in the achievement of the organizational objectives.
The research establishes the relationship between the motivational factors and the labor motivation of university officials, by adapting the job characteristics model, by Hackman and Oldham (1980). The data were collected on the basis of the JDS questionnaire, according to the Likert scale, surveying 102 people. The analysis of the results was performed using inferential statistics. The results showed that the work motivation is an important pillar in the achievement of the organizational objectives.
Palabras clave
Motivación, Motivación laboral, Factores motivacionales, Satisfacción laboral, Calidad de vida laboral, Motivation, Work motivation, Motivational factors, Job satisfaction, Quality of working life