El restablecimiento de derechos establecido en la ley 906 de 2004 en favor de las victimas cuyos bienes inmuebles han sido afectados con títulos o registros obtenidos ilícitamente. Un estudio en el distrito de Barranquilla
Cuesta Manyoma, Javier Francisco
Delgado Jimenez, Javier
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Con la expedición de la ley 906 de 2004, que entronizo en Colombia un sistema penal de tendencia acusatoria, se generó la separación entre las funciones investigativas y las jurisdiccionales, quietándole a la Fiscalia el poder jurisdiccional que tenía en vigencia de la ley 600 de 2000 y que le permitía, en lo ateniente a la protección de las víctimas, el restablecimiento de sus derechos cuando resultaban afectados sus bienes inmueble o mueblessujetos a registro como consecuencia de la obtención de títulos o registros de manera fraudulenta. Con la nueva ley procedimental, este tipo de decisiones trascendentales para las víctimas, quedo bajo la competencia de los jueces Quienes en sus audiencias, han dado en clasificar el restablecimiento de derechos en provisional y en definitivo, refiriéndose el primero a la suspensión del poder dispositivo y el segundo a la cancelación definitiva de los registros y títulos espurios. División contraproducente para la garantía de las víctimas y que no contribuye para nada al verdadero restablecimiento de sus derecho y torna ineficaz el mismo, específicamente en lo relativo a la suspensión del poder dispositivo como forma provisional de restablecimiento de derechos. Objetivos:
En este contexto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la eficacia del instituto del restablecimiento de derechos en el marco de la ley 906 de 2004 en favor de victimas cuyos bienes inmuebles o muebles sujetos a registro han sido afectos con títulos o registros obtenidos fraudulentamente en el Distrito de Barranquilla, cuando dicho restablecimiento se circunscribe a la suspensión del poder dispositivo de los referidos bienes, lo cual implica un análisis descriptivo del concepto de víctima, el marco normativo, doctrinal y jurisprudencial del principio del restablecimiento de derechos en términos generales y en el marco de la ley 906, así como el análisis de la figura de la suspensión del poder dispositivo como forma provisional de mismo restablecimiento.
Para esta investigación además de posiciones doctrinarias, se tuvo en cuenta la ley 906 de 2004, ley 600 de 2000, así como la constitución política de Colombia, decisiones de la corte suprema de justicia y decisiones de la corte constitucional, sobre los cuales se realizó un profundo análisis con rigurosidad científica en procura de dar respuesta a la pregunta problema y alcanzar los objetivos planteados.
Resultado de esta recopilación y análisis de la información hemos podido concluir que en la práctica se torna difícil alcanzar una decisión de restablecimiento de derechos con carácter definitivo por parte del juez de conocimiento dado el grado de dificulta que entraña identificar, individualizar a los autores del reato. También se concluye que la aplicación de la medida cautelar de suspensión de poder dispositivo del bien sujeto a registro como restablecimiento de carácter provisional ordenado por el juez de control de garantías resulta ineficaz frente al derecho de disposición del bien por parte de la víctima propietaria del mismo. Finalmente en un estado social y democrático de derecho como el nuestro, el mismo estado, los funcionarios públicos que administran justicia están llamados a aplicar las normas, los principios de carácter constitucional, supraconstitucional y la jurisprudencia que informan el derecho penal en lo referente a la protección de las víctimas, con el fin último de brindar una verdadera garantía a sus derechos.
With the issuance of the Act 906 of 2004, which I entronizo in Colombia a criminal set of accusatory tendency, the separation between the investigative functions and the jurisdictional, quietando him to the Prosecutor's Office the jurisdictional power that had in the law was generated 600 of 2000 and which allowed, in the relevance to the protection of victims, the restoration of their rights when their immovable property or furniture subject to registration as a result of obtaining qualifications or fraudulently records were affected. With the new procedural law, such momentous decisions for victims, remain under the competence of the judges who have given in classifying the re-establishment of rights in the provisional and definitive, referring first to the suspension of the power in their audiences, device and the second to the final cancellation of registrations and spurious titles. Counterproductive Division for the guarantee of victims and does not contribute to the true restoration of its right and becomes ineffective it, specifically with regard to the suspension of the power device such as a provisional basis of restoration of rights. Objectives: In this context, the objective of the present study is to analyze the effectiveness of the Institute for the restoration of rights in the context of the Act 906 of 2004 in favour of victims whose property real estate or subject to log furniture have been affections with titles or records fraudulently obtained in the District of Barranquilla, when said restoration is confined to the suspension of power device of the referred goods, implying a descriptive analysis of the concept of victim, the regulatory framework, doctrinal and jurisprudential principle of the restoration of rights in general terms and within the framework of the law 906, as well as the analysis of the figure of the suspension of the power device as a provisional form of same reset. Results: For this research as well as doctrinal positions, taking into account the Act 906 of 2004, law 600 of 2000, as well as the political Constitution of Colombia, Justice Supreme Court decisions and decisions of the Constitutional Court, on which held an in-depth analysis with scientific rigor in order to give answer to the question problem and achieve the goals. Result of this compilation and analysis of information have been able to conclude that in practice it becomes difficult to reach a decision of re-establishment of rights with finality by the judge of knowledge given the degree of difficult for involved identify, identify the authors of the reato. It is also concluded that the application of the measure precautionary suspension of power device of the good subject to registration as a provisional restorationordered by the judge in control of guarantees it is ineffective against the right to dispose of the property by the owner the same victim. Finally in a social and democratic State of law like ours, the same State officials who administer justice are called to apply rules, the constitutional, common principles and jurisprudence that they report the criminal law in relation to the protection of victims, with the ultimate goal of providing a genuine guarantee their rights.
With the issuance of the Act 906 of 2004, which I entronizo in Colombia a criminal set of accusatory tendency, the separation between the investigative functions and the jurisdictional, quietando him to the Prosecutor's Office the jurisdictional power that had in the law was generated 600 of 2000 and which allowed, in the relevance to the protection of victims, the restoration of their rights when their immovable property or furniture subject to registration as a result of obtaining qualifications or fraudulently records were affected. With the new procedural law, such momentous decisions for victims, remain under the competence of the judges who have given in classifying the re-establishment of rights in the provisional and definitive, referring first to the suspension of the power in their audiences, device and the second to the final cancellation of registrations and spurious titles. Counterproductive Division for the guarantee of victims and does not contribute to the true restoration of its right and becomes ineffective it, specifically with regard to the suspension of the power device such as a provisional basis of restoration of rights. Objectives: In this context, the objective of the present study is to analyze the effectiveness of the Institute for the restoration of rights in the context of the Act 906 of 2004 in favour of victims whose property real estate or subject to log furniture have been affections with titles or records fraudulently obtained in the District of Barranquilla, when said restoration is confined to the suspension of power device of the referred goods, implying a descriptive analysis of the concept of victim, the regulatory framework, doctrinal and jurisprudential principle of the restoration of rights in general terms and within the framework of the law 906, as well as the analysis of the figure of the suspension of the power device as a provisional form of same reset. Results: For this research as well as doctrinal positions, taking into account the Act 906 of 2004, law 600 of 2000, as well as the political Constitution of Colombia, Justice Supreme Court decisions and decisions of the Constitutional Court, on which held an in-depth analysis with scientific rigor in order to give answer to the question problem and achieve the goals. Result of this compilation and analysis of information have been able to conclude that in practice it becomes difficult to reach a decision of re-establishment of rights with finality by the judge of knowledge given the degree of difficult for involved identify, identify the authors of the reato. It is also concluded that the application of the measure precautionary suspension of power device of the good subject to registration as a provisional restorationordered by the judge in control of guarantees it is ineffective against the right to dispose of the property by the owner the same victim. Finally in a social and democratic State of law like ours, the same State officials who administer justice are called to apply rules, the constitutional, common principles and jurisprudence that they report the criminal law in relation to the protection of victims, with the ultimate goal of providing a genuine guarantee their rights.
Palabras clave
Sistema penal acusatorio, Principios rectores y garantías procesales, Medidas cautelares, Restablecimiento de derechos, Victima en el proceso penal, Bienes inmuebles, Registro de bienes, Suspensión de poder dispositivo, Accusatory penal system, Guiding principles and measures, Procedural guarantees precautionary, Restoration of rights, The victim in the criminal process, Real estate, Property, Suspension of power device