Influencia del estrés laboral en los indicadores de accidentalidad del proceso operativo en una naviera fluvial de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Urueta Ventura, Oscar Abraham
Iglesias Ferraro, Liceth Johanna
Cuentas Roqueme, María Fernanda
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Esta investigación se centra en analizar la influencia del estrés laboral en los indicadores de accidentalidad del proceso operativo de una naviera fluvial en Barranquilla, considerando las condiciones altamente exigentes de su entorno de trabajo, como largas jornadas, aislamiento prolongado y exposición a factores ambientales adversos.
Mediante una metodología cuantitativa y el uso de encuestas basadas en la escala de evaluación de estrés del Ministerio de Protección Social de Colombia, se evaluó una muestra de 42 trabajadores operativos. Los resultados revelaron que el estrés laboral se manifiesta principalmente en alteraciones de salud, como dolores musculares y trastornos del sueño, y en factores psicológicos como sobrecarga mental y angustia ocasional. Estas condiciones influyen directamente en la ocurrencia de actos inseguros, identificados como la principal causa raíz de los accidentes laborales en 2023 y 2024. Los datos indican que el 100% de los accidentes en 2024 estuvieron relacionados con factores humanos asociados al estrés, como descuidos y violación de procedimientos.
A pesar de una reducción del 50% en la frecuencia de accidentes en 2024, las condiciones laborales continúan representando un desafío significativo para la empresa. Factores como la falta de supervisión adecuada, las jornadas extendidas y las demandas laborales intensas exacerban el impacto del estrés en el desempeño de los trabajadores. Las lesiones más frecuentes afectan a los pies, manos y miembros inferiores, reflejando la necesidad de abordar los riesgos asociados a las tareas repetitivas y las posturas forzadas.
La investigación concluye que el estrés laboral es un factor determinante en la seguridad operativa y resalta la importancia de implementar estrategias integrales que incluyan programas de manejo del estrés, reorganización de turnos laborales y fortalecimiento de la cultura de seguridad. Asimismo, se recomienda establecer mecanismos de apoyo emocional y capacitación continua para mitigar los riesgos y promover un entorno laboral saludable y seguro. Esta investigación contribuye al entendimiento de cómo el estrés laboral impacta la accidentalidad, proporcionando una base para desarrollar intervenciones efectivas en el sector fluvial.
This research focuses on analyzing the influence of occupational stress on accident indicators in the operational process of a river shipping company in Barranquilla, considering the highly demanding conditions of its work environment, such as long working hours, prolonged isolation and exposure to adverse environmental factors. Using a quantitative methodology and surveys based on the Colombian Ministry of Social Protection's stress evaluation scale, a sample of 42 operational workers was evaluated. The results revealed that occupational stress manifests itself mainly in health alterations, such as muscular pain and sleep disorders, and in psychological factors such as mental overload and occasional anguish. These conditions directly influence the occurrence of unsafe acts, identified as the main root cause of occupational accidents in 2023 and 2024. Data indicate that 100% of accidents in 2024 were related to human factors associated with stress, such as carelessness and violation of procedures. Despite a 50% reduction in accident frequency in 2024, working conditions continue to represent a significant challenge for the company. Factors such as lack of adequate supervision, long hours, and intense work demands exacerbate the impact of stress on worker performance. The most frequent injuries affect the feet, hands and lower limbs, reflecting the need to address the risks associated with repetitive tasks and awkward postures. The research concludes that occupational stress is a determining factor in operational safety and highlights the importance of implementing comprehensive strategies that include stress management programs, reorganization of work shifts, and strengthening of the safety culture. It also recommends establishing emotional support mechanisms and continuous training to mitigate risks and promote a healthy and safe work environment. This research contributes to the understanding of how work stress impacts accident rates, providing a basis for developing effective interventions in the river sector
This research focuses on analyzing the influence of occupational stress on accident indicators in the operational process of a river shipping company in Barranquilla, considering the highly demanding conditions of its work environment, such as long working hours, prolonged isolation and exposure to adverse environmental factors. Using a quantitative methodology and surveys based on the Colombian Ministry of Social Protection's stress evaluation scale, a sample of 42 operational workers was evaluated. The results revealed that occupational stress manifests itself mainly in health alterations, such as muscular pain and sleep disorders, and in psychological factors such as mental overload and occasional anguish. These conditions directly influence the occurrence of unsafe acts, identified as the main root cause of occupational accidents in 2023 and 2024. Data indicate that 100% of accidents in 2024 were related to human factors associated with stress, such as carelessness and violation of procedures. Despite a 50% reduction in accident frequency in 2024, working conditions continue to represent a significant challenge for the company. Factors such as lack of adequate supervision, long hours, and intense work demands exacerbate the impact of stress on worker performance. The most frequent injuries affect the feet, hands and lower limbs, reflecting the need to address the risks associated with repetitive tasks and awkward postures. The research concludes that occupational stress is a determining factor in operational safety and highlights the importance of implementing comprehensive strategies that include stress management programs, reorganization of work shifts, and strengthening of the safety culture. It also recommends establishing emotional support mechanisms and continuous training to mitigate risks and promote a healthy and safe work environment. This research contributes to the understanding of how work stress impacts accident rates, providing a basis for developing effective interventions in the river sector
Palabras clave
Estrés laboral, Accidentalidad, Transporte fluvial, Factores psicosociales, Ergonomía