Control de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 con hipoglicemiantes orales en pacientes no insulinorrequerientes de 50 a 80 años de edad en una clínica de cuarto nivel de Barranquilla Atlántico en el año 2013
Algarín Mendoza, Robert Junior
Murillo De La Hoz, Osnaider De Jesús
Ricaurte De Porras, Gonzalo Ariel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es una de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles
de gran importancia en salud debido a su alta morbimortalidad, especialmente en
los países en vía de desarrollo como Colombia y debido a esto existen múltiples
formas de tratamiento con los diferentes medicamentos como los hipoglicemiantes
orales. Se realizó un estudio con el fin de caracterizar el control que ejercen los
distintos hipoglicemiantes orales en una población de 50-80 años de edad
diagnosticada con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en una clínica de cuarto nivel de la
ciudad de barranquilla- Atlántico, se trató de un estudio descriptivo de corte
transversal, en el que la muestra total se asignó aplicando los criterios de
inclusión. El estudio arrojó que el mejor hipoglicemiante oral suministrado que
permite tener unos mejores valores de glicemia a los pacientes y menos efectos
adversos fue la Metformina.
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a chronic non-communicable diseases of majar health importance because of its high morbidity and mortality, especially in countries in the developing world as Colombia and because of this there are many forms of treatment with different drugs and hypoglycemic oral. A study was conducted to characterize the control exercised by different oral hypoglycemic agents in a population of 50-80 years of age diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a clinic in the fourth level of the city of Barranquilla, Atlántico, was treated a descriptive cross-sectional study, in which the total sample were assigned using the criteria for inclusion. The study found that the best oral hypoglycemic provided which allows a better blood glucose values to patients and fewer adverse effects was metformin.
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a chronic non-communicable diseases of majar health importance because of its high morbidity and mortality, especially in countries in the developing world as Colombia and because of this there are many forms of treatment with different drugs and hypoglycemic oral. A study was conducted to characterize the control exercised by different oral hypoglycemic agents in a population of 50-80 years of age diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a clinic in the fourth level of the city of Barranquilla, Atlántico, was treated a descriptive cross-sectional study, in which the total sample were assigned using the criteria for inclusion. The study found that the best oral hypoglycemic provided which allows a better blood glucose values to patients and fewer adverse effects was metformin.
Palabras clave
Diabetes, Hipoglicemiantes, Morbimortalidad, Metformina, Hypoglycemic, Morbidity, Metformin