Eficacia del Hábeas Corpus como mecanismo de libertad para una persona capturada en los juzgados de Colombia
Zúñiga Lamar, Josehp Joshelin
Argel Hoyos, Luis Fernando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El Hábeas Corpus, se considera como esa acción que se fundamenta en la
protección judicial para todo individuo que es privado de su libertad, de una forma
ilegal. En países como Colombia el Hábeas Corpus se nombra en el artículo 30 de
su carta magna, y exponen que esta debe resolverse en un término de treinta y
seis horas, desde el momento de su petición. Pero aunque las leyes colombianas
son muy precisas en estos aspectos de libertad mediante Hábeas Corpus,
actualmente surgen problemáticas entorno al número de solicitudes de estas que
resultan a todas luces improcedente, dado que el detenido no se encuentra
privado de la libertad de manera ilegal o está en cumplimiento de sentencias
judiciales dictas una autoridades competentes. Por ello, se hace necesario indagar
sobre que sucede al momento de hacer uso de Hábeas Corpus por parte de los
abogados que desarrollan sus labores en los juzgados de Colombia, ya que es
bueno determinar si esas negaciones de Hábeas Corpus hacia sus clientes, se
dan por desconocimiento de la norma o si la problemática recae sobre los jueces
por un desconocimiento acentuado del alcance y naturaleza de la Acción de
Hábeas Corpus.
Entendido lo anterior, la presente ensayo tuvo como objetivo general,
examinar la eficacia del Habeas Corpus como mecanismo de libertad para un
individuo capturado en los juzgados de Colombia, así como estudiar las
jurisprudenciales y definiciones sobre el Hábeas Corpus ; para tal fin se utilizó
instrumentos de investigación como la revisión bibliográfica en relación al Hábeas
Durante el desarrollo de esta ensayo, se encontró como las concepciones
jurisprudenciales sobre el HC, se han dado con varios anuncios de la Corte
Constitucional en las últimas dos décadas, por ejemplo en la sentencia T 459/92,
negó que la tutela fuera el medio para lograr la libertad dada de una manera ilegal,
pero expuso que es el Hábeas Corpus el accionar para poder finalizar o poner fin
a una detención arbitraria. En relación a los aspectos que hacen que se den
ineficacias en la puesta en marcha de Hábeas Corpus en los tribunales de
Colombia, se evidenció que esto se da en un gran número de casos por
desconocimiento de la temática por parte de los abogados, lo que se constituye en
una de las justificaciones del por qué, no tiene la efectividad del Hábeas Corpus
ante los jueces; lo que reafirma que se debe trabajar en los abogados en el
desarrollo de instrumentos teóricos para la comprensión clara sobre el
procedimiento a seguir sobre la aplicación del derecho fundamental del Hábeas
Corpus, el cual les sirva al momento de utilizar esta herramienta para la protección
eficaz de la libertad de sus clientes, en donde se nombren aspectos como la
garantías para el ejercicio de la acción constitucional, los contenidos de la petición,
el tramite, la decisión, la impugnación y la improcedencia del Hábeas Corpus.
Por último, es bueno decir que se entendió como es necesario por parte del
Estado promover capacitaciones sobre el HC hacia los jueces y abogados en un
mismo contexto, de tal manera que facilite el grado de subjetividad atribuido a los
jueces de dichos juzgados, así mismo se debe trabajar en las universidades del
país que cuenten con estudio de Derechos para una mejor enseñanza del HC, en
donde se estudie los elementos fondo y forma de dicho instrumento.
Habeas Corpus is considered as that action that is based on judicial protection for every individual who is deprived of his liberty, in an illegal way. In countries such as Colombia, Habeas Corpus is named in Article 30 of their Magna Carta, and they state that it must be resolved within thirty-six hours, from the moment of its request. But although Colombian laws are very precise in these aspects of freedom through Habeas Corpus, problems currently arise around the number of requests for these that are clearly inadmissible, given that the detainee is not illegally deprived of liberty or is In compliance with judicial decisions you dictate a competent authorities. Therefore, it is necessary to inquire about what happens at the time of the use of Habeas Corpus by the lawyers who carry out their work in the courts of Colombia, since it is good to determine if these denials of Habeas Corpus towards their clients are due to ignorance of the rule or if the problem falls on the judges due to an accentuated ignorance of the scope and nature of the Habeas Corpus Action. With the foregoing understood, the general objective of this essay was to examine the effectiveness of Habeas Corpus as a mechanism of freedom for an individual captured in the courts of Colombia, as well as to study the jurisprudential and definitions of Habeas Corpus; For this purpose, a study was taken with a qualitative and descriptive approach, where research instruments such as the bibliographic review in relation to Habeas Corpus were used. During the development of this essay, it was found that the jurisprudential conceptions on the HC, have been found with several announcements of the Constitutional Court in the last two decades, for example in the sentence T 459/92, it denied that the guardianship was the means to achieve the freedom given in an illegal way, but he stated that it is Habeas Corpus the action to end or put an end to an arbitrary detention. In relation to the aspects that cause inefficiencies in the implementation of Habeas Corpus in the courts of Colombia, it was evidenced that this occurs in a large number of cases due to ignorance of the subject by the lawyers, which it constitutes one of the justifications for why, it does not have the effectiveness of Habeas Corpus before the judges; which reaffirms that lawyers should work on the development of theoretical instruments for a clear understanding of the procedure to follow regarding the application of the fundamental right of Habeas Corpus, which will serve them when using this tool for the effective protection of the freedom of its clients, where aspects such as the guarantees for the exercise of the constitutional action, the contents of the petition, the processing, the decision, the challenge and the inadmissibility of the Habeas Corpus are named. Finally, it is good to say that it was understood as necessary by the State to promote training on HC to judges and lawyers in the same context, in such a way as to facilitate the degree of subjectivity attributed to the judges of said courts, as well It is necessary to work in the country's universities that have a study of Rights for a better teaching of the HC, where the background and form elements of said instrument are studied.
Habeas Corpus is considered as that action that is based on judicial protection for every individual who is deprived of his liberty, in an illegal way. In countries such as Colombia, Habeas Corpus is named in Article 30 of their Magna Carta, and they state that it must be resolved within thirty-six hours, from the moment of its request. But although Colombian laws are very precise in these aspects of freedom through Habeas Corpus, problems currently arise around the number of requests for these that are clearly inadmissible, given that the detainee is not illegally deprived of liberty or is In compliance with judicial decisions you dictate a competent authorities. Therefore, it is necessary to inquire about what happens at the time of the use of Habeas Corpus by the lawyers who carry out their work in the courts of Colombia, since it is good to determine if these denials of Habeas Corpus towards their clients are due to ignorance of the rule or if the problem falls on the judges due to an accentuated ignorance of the scope and nature of the Habeas Corpus Action. With the foregoing understood, the general objective of this essay was to examine the effectiveness of Habeas Corpus as a mechanism of freedom for an individual captured in the courts of Colombia, as well as to study the jurisprudential and definitions of Habeas Corpus; For this purpose, a study was taken with a qualitative and descriptive approach, where research instruments such as the bibliographic review in relation to Habeas Corpus were used. During the development of this essay, it was found that the jurisprudential conceptions on the HC, have been found with several announcements of the Constitutional Court in the last two decades, for example in the sentence T 459/92, it denied that the guardianship was the means to achieve the freedom given in an illegal way, but he stated that it is Habeas Corpus the action to end or put an end to an arbitrary detention. In relation to the aspects that cause inefficiencies in the implementation of Habeas Corpus in the courts of Colombia, it was evidenced that this occurs in a large number of cases due to ignorance of the subject by the lawyers, which it constitutes one of the justifications for why, it does not have the effectiveness of Habeas Corpus before the judges; which reaffirms that lawyers should work on the development of theoretical instruments for a clear understanding of the procedure to follow regarding the application of the fundamental right of Habeas Corpus, which will serve them when using this tool for the effective protection of the freedom of its clients, where aspects such as the guarantees for the exercise of the constitutional action, the contents of the petition, the processing, the decision, the challenge and the inadmissibility of the Habeas Corpus are named. Finally, it is good to say that it was understood as necessary by the State to promote training on HC to judges and lawyers in the same context, in such a way as to facilitate the degree of subjectivity attributed to the judges of said courts, as well It is necessary to work in the country's universities that have a study of Rights for a better teaching of the HC, where the background and form elements of said instrument are studied.
Palabras clave
Juzgado, Sentencia, Penal, Court, Sentence, Criminal