Diseño de una política de inventario obsoleto en el sector automotriz de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Borrero Valderrama, Luis Fabián
Cardona Pacheco, Kevin Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
En el sector automotriz de la ciudad de Barranquilla, se enfrenta un desafío
recurrente relacionado con la obsolescencia de productos en los almacenes de las
empresas. Los repuestos automotrices tienen ciclos de vida muy cortos, lo que
provoca que muchos de estos productos disminuyan su rotación de manera
esporádica y se queden estancados en los almacenes de las empresas. Esto
genera la necesidad de implementar estrategias que, en ocasiones, no resultan
rentables y afectan la productividad de las mismas.
Para abordar esta problemática, se ha desarrollado una política de control de
inventarios con el objetivo de brindar alternativas con la rentabilidad de las
empresas del sector automotriz. Esta política se enfoca en clasificar a través del
método ABC los diferentes tipos de productos que puede haber en el almacén de
una empresa del sector automotriz, también en administrar y evaluar la rotación
del inventario de acuerdo a la demanda del mercado.
La propuesta se basa en la implementación de métodos de clasificación,
revisiones continuas y modelos de indicadores de gestión para evaluar el
desempeño de la política. El enfoque principal es reducir los costos operativos en
las empresas del sector automotriz. Esto se logra mediante la optimización del
proceso de clasificación, lo que disminuye la posibilidad de acumular inventario de
baja rotación en un sector tan fluctuante como el automotriz.
La implementación de esta propuesta tiene múltiples beneficios. En primer lugar,
se reducirá exponencialmente el espacio de almacenamiento necesario para las
empresas, ya que se disminuirá la acumulación de inventario de baja rotación. Esto permitirá aprovechar de manera más eficiente el espacio disponible y reducir los costos asociados al almacenamiento.
Esto se traduce en una reducción de los costos de inventario y una mejora en la gestión financiera de las empresas.
Asimismo, la implementación de esta política de control de inventarios permitirá una mejor planificación y toma de decisiones por parte de las empresas del sector automotriz. Por medio de una revisión continua de los productos se podrá contar con información actualizada y precisa sobre el estado de su inventario, podrán anticiparse a las necesidades del mercado y ajustar su oferta de manera más eficiente. La implementación de una política de control de inventarios en el sector automotriz de Barranquilla busca abordar el problema de la obsolescencia de productos en los almacenes de las empresas. Esta política se basa en el modelo de revisión continua, esta revisión permite identificar y gestionar de manera eficiente los productos que están cerca de volverse obsoletos o que ya lo son. Al realizar un seguimiento regular y contar con sistemas de registro actualizados, las empresas pueden tomar decisiones informadas para minimizar el inventario obsoleto y maximizar la rentabilidad. En conclusión el proyecto busca mantener un orden a través de los indicadores de gestión, la clasificación ABC y la revisión continua, aplicando estos 3 conceptos se llega a una gestión más eficiente del inventario obsoleto en el sector automotriz de Barranquilla.
In the automotive sector of the city of Barranquilla, a recurring challenge related to the obsolescence of products in company warehouses is faced. Automotive spare parts have very short life cycles, which causes many of these products to decrease their rotation sporadically and remain stagnant in company warehouses. This generates the need to implement strategies that, on occasions, are not profitable and affect their productivity. To address this problem, an inventory control policy has been developed with the aim of providing alternatives with profitability for companies in the automotive sector. This policy focuses on classifying through the ABC method the different types of products that may be in the warehouse of a company in the automotive sector, as well as managing and evaluating inventory rotation according to market demand. The proposal is based on the implementation of classification methods, continuous reviews and models of management indicators to evaluate the performance of the policy. The main focus is to reduce operating costs in companies in the automotive sector. This is achieved by optimizing the classification process, which reduces the possibility of accumulating slow-moving inventory in a sector as fluctuating as the automotive industry. The implementation of this proposal has multiple benefits. In the first place, the storage space required by companies will be exponentially reduced, since the accumulation of slow-moving inventory will be reduced. This will allow more efficient use of available space and reduce costs associated with storage. This translates into a reduction in inventory costs and an improvement in the financial management of companies. Likewise, the implementation of this inventory control policy will allow better planning and decision-making by companies in the automotive sector. Through a continuous review of the products, it will be possible to have updated and accurate information on the status of your inventory, you will be able to anticipate the needs of the market and adjust your offer more efficiently. The implementation of an inventory control policy in the automotive sector of Barranquilla seeks to address the problem of product obsolescence in company warehouses. This policy is based on the continuous review model, this review allows the efficient identification and management of products that are close to becoming obsolete or that already are. By regularly tracking and having up-to-date systems of record, companies can make informed decisions to minimize obsolete inventory and maximize profitability. In conclusion, the project seeks to maintain an order through management indicators, the ABC classification and continuous review, applying these 3 concepts, a more efficient management of obsolete inventory is reached in the automotive sector of Barranquilla.
In the automotive sector of the city of Barranquilla, a recurring challenge related to the obsolescence of products in company warehouses is faced. Automotive spare parts have very short life cycles, which causes many of these products to decrease their rotation sporadically and remain stagnant in company warehouses. This generates the need to implement strategies that, on occasions, are not profitable and affect their productivity. To address this problem, an inventory control policy has been developed with the aim of providing alternatives with profitability for companies in the automotive sector. This policy focuses on classifying through the ABC method the different types of products that may be in the warehouse of a company in the automotive sector, as well as managing and evaluating inventory rotation according to market demand. The proposal is based on the implementation of classification methods, continuous reviews and models of management indicators to evaluate the performance of the policy. The main focus is to reduce operating costs in companies in the automotive sector. This is achieved by optimizing the classification process, which reduces the possibility of accumulating slow-moving inventory in a sector as fluctuating as the automotive industry. The implementation of this proposal has multiple benefits. In the first place, the storage space required by companies will be exponentially reduced, since the accumulation of slow-moving inventory will be reduced. This will allow more efficient use of available space and reduce costs associated with storage. This translates into a reduction in inventory costs and an improvement in the financial management of companies. Likewise, the implementation of this inventory control policy will allow better planning and decision-making by companies in the automotive sector. Through a continuous review of the products, it will be possible to have updated and accurate information on the status of your inventory, you will be able to anticipate the needs of the market and adjust your offer more efficiently. The implementation of an inventory control policy in the automotive sector of Barranquilla seeks to address the problem of product obsolescence in company warehouses. This policy is based on the continuous review model, this review allows the efficient identification and management of products that are close to becoming obsolete or that already are. By regularly tracking and having up-to-date systems of record, companies can make informed decisions to minimize obsolete inventory and maximize profitability. In conclusion, the project seeks to maintain an order through management indicators, the ABC classification and continuous review, applying these 3 concepts, a more efficient management of obsolete inventory is reached in the automotive sector of Barranquilla.
Palabras clave
Inventario, Obsoleto, Políticas de inventario, Inventory, Obsolete, Inventory policies