Psicoterapia basada en la evidencia en caso de trastorno de ansiedad generalizada y trastorno obsesivo compulsivo
Cotrino, Johana
Gomez-Mejia, Inés Alicia
Mendoza-Rincón, Beatriz Milagros
Arenas-Villamizar, Vivian Vanessa
Araque-Castellanos, Franlet
Jaimes-Parada, Gerson Yesith
López-Jaimes, Ruth-Jimena
Julio-Hoyos, Yahir Enrique
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Saber UCV, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Antecedentes: El trastorno de ansiedad generalizada (TAG) se determina por una variedad de preocupaciones generando un malestar clínicamente significativo para la persona y, en consecuencia, su deterioro social, laboral o de otras áreas importantes del funcionamiento.
Objetivo: Describir los resultados obtenidos a partir, de la psicoterapia basada en la evidencia como intervención en el caso de una adolescente diagnosticada con trastorno obsesivo compulsivo, comórbil a un trastorno de ansiedad generalizada.
Métodos: Estudio descriptivo-longitudinal durante 15 meses de intervención (febrero 2019 a mayo 2020). Para la evaluación se empleó la entrevista clínica, los cuestionarios de Creencias Irracionales, Pensamientos Automáticos y de Esquemas YSQ-L; además de la Escala de Ansiedad Infantil de Spence. A partir de los resultados se plantearon objetivos desarrollados en un plan de tratamiento soportado por técnicas con evidencia empírica como la reestructuración cognitiva, solución de problemas, respiración, relajación y exposición con prevención de respuesta.
Resultados: Se realizaron 30 sesiones de intervención durante 15 meses de estudio. Se identificó la reducción en la sintomatología en los canales de respuesta y mejoría en el funcionamiento a nivel escolar, familiar y social. Los resultados del Inventario de Pensamiento Automáticos de Ruiz y Luján (1991), presentan una reducción del filtraje, visión catastrófica, falacia de control, falacia de justicia, razonamiento emocional y falacia de recompensa divina.
Conclusión: Los avances obtenidos a partir del proceso psicoterapéutico son congruentes con la evidencia de eficacia de las técnicas empleadas para el tratamiento de los trastornos de ansiedad, por medio del desarrollo de habilidades en la paciente, que le permitieron nuevas vías en el desarrollo de sus áreas de funcionamiento y una reducción del malestar emocional propio de quienes presentan trastornos de ansiedad.
Background: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is determined by a variety of concerns generating clinically significant discomfort for the person and consequently, their social, work or other important areas of functioning deterioration. Objective: To describe the results obtained from evidencebased psychotherapy as an intervention in the case of an adolescent diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder, comorbid to a generalized anxiety disorder. Methods: Descriptive-longitudinal study during 15 months of intervention (February 2019 to May 2020). For the evaluation, the clinical interview, the Irrational Beliefs, Automatic Thoughts and YSQ-L Schemes questionnaires were used; in addition to the Spence Child Anxiety Scale. Based on the results, objectives developed in a treatment plan supported by techniques with empirical evidence such as cognitive restructuring, problem solving, breathing, relaxation and exposure with response prevention were raised. Results: 30 intervention sessions were held during the 15-month study period. The reduction in symptoms was identified in the response channels and improvement in functioning at school, family and social levels. The results of the Automatic Thought Inventory by Ruiz and Luján (1991) show a reduction in filtering, catastrophic vision, control fallacy, justice fallacy, emotional reasoning and divine reward fallacy. Conclusion: The advances obtained from the psychotherapeutic process are congruent with the evidence of efficacy of the techniques used for the treatment of anxiety disorders, through the development of skills in the patient, which allowed new ways in the development of their areas of functioning and a reduction in emotional distress typical of those with anxiety disorders.
Background: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is determined by a variety of concerns generating clinically significant discomfort for the person and consequently, their social, work or other important areas of functioning deterioration. Objective: To describe the results obtained from evidencebased psychotherapy as an intervention in the case of an adolescent diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder, comorbid to a generalized anxiety disorder. Methods: Descriptive-longitudinal study during 15 months of intervention (February 2019 to May 2020). For the evaluation, the clinical interview, the Irrational Beliefs, Automatic Thoughts and YSQ-L Schemes questionnaires were used; in addition to the Spence Child Anxiety Scale. Based on the results, objectives developed in a treatment plan supported by techniques with empirical evidence such as cognitive restructuring, problem solving, breathing, relaxation and exposure with response prevention were raised. Results: 30 intervention sessions were held during the 15-month study period. The reduction in symptoms was identified in the response channels and improvement in functioning at school, family and social levels. The results of the Automatic Thought Inventory by Ruiz and Luján (1991) show a reduction in filtering, catastrophic vision, control fallacy, justice fallacy, emotional reasoning and divine reward fallacy. Conclusion: The advances obtained from the psychotherapeutic process are congruent with the evidence of efficacy of the techniques used for the treatment of anxiety disorders, through the development of skills in the patient, which allowed new ways in the development of their areas of functioning and a reduction in emotional distress typical of those with anxiety disorders.
Palabras clave
Adolescente, Ansiedad generalizada, Trastorno Obsesivo-Compulsivo, Estudio de caso único, Psicología basada en la evidencia, Adolescent, Generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Single case study, evidence-based psychology