Modelos pedagógicos y factores identitarios de las prácticas de enseñanza en contextos emergentes
Pérez Aguilar, Adriana Cistina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el escenario de este estudio, se desarrolló un proceso de articulación de acciones enmarcadas en el propósito de relacionar los modelos pedagógicos y los factores identitarios de las prácticas de enseñanza en contextos emergentes. Para ello fue necesario sustentar el estudio desde la visión cualitativa, apostándole al paradigma hermenéutico, denominado interpretativo, el cual permite comprender fenómenos sociales. En este sentido, se destaca que se partió del diseño de estudio de casos múltiples, el cual se enfoca en comprender fenómenos en medio de las comunidades, para ello se tomaron como población dos instituciones del municipio de Sincelejo, una del sector rural y la otra del contexto urbano. La muestra estuvo constituida por directivos docentes, docentes, padres de familia y estudiantes pertenecientes al nivel de básica primaria. En relación con los instrumentos se hizo
uso de mesas de trabajo para la socialización del estudio, la observación directa, el análisis documental del PEI de cada Institución Educativa para la caracterización del modelo pedagógico. También se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada, para escuchar sus experiencias y vivencias subyacentes al objeto de estudio. Con los padres de familia se ejecutó la conformación de grupos focales para que expusieran sus vivencias en el contexto de la pandemia y a los estudiantes se les aplicó la técnica de la observación a través de registros iconográficos y diálogo abierto, mediados por la praxis de valores y el principio de confidencialidad, como ética investigativa, con el fin de interpretar y hacer lectura de la visión holística de sus realidades durante la época del Covid-19. En lo relacionado a los resultados, se tiene que las instituciones educativas analizadas respondieron de manera notable a los retos que presentó la pandemia, implementando la enseñanza en línea y aprovechando diversas herramientas tecnológicas, lo cual modificó sustancialmente las metodologías docentes. Este cambio hacia la educación a remota facilitó un mayor enfoque en la personalización del aprendizaje, permitiendo a los profesores adaptar los materiales y actividades a las particularidades de cada estudiante. No obstante, la conectividad limitada impidió el acceso equitativo a esta modalidad educativa para algunos alumnos. Además, la crisis sanitaria evidenció la urgencia de un modelo pedagógico que fuese flexible y adaptativo, integrando tanto recursos digitales como tradicionales, y priorizando la interacción social y el apoyo emocional. El estudio permitió concluir que las experiencias vividas durante la pandemia destacaron la imperiosa necesidad de crear modelos pedagógicos robustos que puedan enfrentar situaciones de emergencia sin sacrificar la calidad de la educación. La educación mixta se posicionó como una estrategia clave, proporcionando la flexibilidad y personalización necesarias en un entorno cada vez más digital. Así mismo, la cooperación entre la escuela y la familia demostró ser fundamental para asegurar la continuidad del aprendizaje, subrayando la importancia de dotar a todos los participantes en el proceso educativo de los recursos y el apoyo necesario.
In the scenario of this study, a process of articulation of actions was developed, framed in the purpose of relating pedagogical models and identity factors of teaching practices in emerging contexts. In order to do this, it was necessary to support the study from a qualitative perspective, using the hermeneutic paradigm, known as interpretative, which allows us to understand social phenomena. In this sense, it should be noted that the study was based on the design of a multiple case study, which focuses on understanding phenomena in the midst of communities, for which two institutions in the municipality of Sincelejo were taken as the population, one in the rural sector and the other in the urban context. The sample consisted of teachers, teachers, parents and students at primary school level. In relation to the instruments used, worktables were used for the socialisation of the study, direct observation, documentary analysis of the PEI of each educational institution for the characterization of the pedagogical model. A semi-structured interview was also used to listen to their experiences and experiences underlying the object of study. Focus groups were formed with the parents so that they could share their experiences in the context of the pandemic, and the students were observed through iconographic records and open dialogue, mediated by the praxis of values and the principle of confidentiality, as research ethics, in order to interpret and read the holistic vision of their realities during the Covid-19 period. In terms of the results, the educational institutions analysed responded in a remarkable way to the challenges presented by the pandemic, implementing online teaching and taking advantage of various technological tools, which substantially modified teaching methodologies. This shift towards remote education facilitated a greater focus on personalisation of learning, allowing teachers to tailor materials and activities to the particularities of each student. However, limited connectivity prevented equitable access to this mode of education for some students. In addition, the health crisis highlighted the urgency of a pedagogical model that can be flexible and adaptive, integrating both digital and traditional resources, and prioritising social interaction and emotional support. The study concluded that experiences during the pandemic highlighted the urgent need to create robust pedagogical models that can cope with emergency situations without sacrificing the quality of education. Blended learning emerged as a key strategy, providing the flexibility and personalisation needed in an increasingly digital environment. Likewise, cooperation between school and family proved to be essential to ensure continuity of learning, underlining the importance of providing all those involved in the educational process with the necessary resources and support.
In the scenario of this study, a process of articulation of actions was developed, framed in the purpose of relating pedagogical models and identity factors of teaching practices in emerging contexts. In order to do this, it was necessary to support the study from a qualitative perspective, using the hermeneutic paradigm, known as interpretative, which allows us to understand social phenomena. In this sense, it should be noted that the study was based on the design of a multiple case study, which focuses on understanding phenomena in the midst of communities, for which two institutions in the municipality of Sincelejo were taken as the population, one in the rural sector and the other in the urban context. The sample consisted of teachers, teachers, parents and students at primary school level. In relation to the instruments used, worktables were used for the socialisation of the study, direct observation, documentary analysis of the PEI of each educational institution for the characterization of the pedagogical model. A semi-structured interview was also used to listen to their experiences and experiences underlying the object of study. Focus groups were formed with the parents so that they could share their experiences in the context of the pandemic, and the students were observed through iconographic records and open dialogue, mediated by the praxis of values and the principle of confidentiality, as research ethics, in order to interpret and read the holistic vision of their realities during the Covid-19 period. In terms of the results, the educational institutions analysed responded in a remarkable way to the challenges presented by the pandemic, implementing online teaching and taking advantage of various technological tools, which substantially modified teaching methodologies. This shift towards remote education facilitated a greater focus on personalisation of learning, allowing teachers to tailor materials and activities to the particularities of each student. However, limited connectivity prevented equitable access to this mode of education for some students. In addition, the health crisis highlighted the urgency of a pedagogical model that can be flexible and adaptive, integrating both digital and traditional resources, and prioritising social interaction and emotional support. The study concluded that experiences during the pandemic highlighted the urgent need to create robust pedagogical models that can cope with emergency situations without sacrificing the quality of education. Blended learning emerged as a key strategy, providing the flexibility and personalisation needed in an increasingly digital environment. Likewise, cooperation between school and family proved to be essential to ensure continuity of learning, underlining the importance of providing all those involved in the educational process with the necessary resources and support.
Palabras clave
Modelo pedagógico, Factores identitarios, Prácticas de enseñanza, Contexto emergente