Pedagogía emergente para la resignificación de la educación patrimonial e identidad cultural desde el museo
Maldonado Carrillo, Ana Teresa
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación científica aborda la problemática de la educación
patrimonial desde los espacios museísticos, con el objeto de fundamentar una práctica
pedagógica emergente que genere un proceso de resignificación de la educación
patrimonial, para fortalecer valores culturales e identidarios de los ciudadanos. Se
implementó el paradigma histórico hermenéutico, el enfoque cualitativo y los compendios
de la etnometodología ontológica, aplicando técnicas de investigación como: la observación
directa, grupos de discusión y el análisis documental, usando un muestreo no probabilístico,
por conveniencia, permitiendo esbozar una propuesta sustentada en tres ejes: partiendo
del patrimonio, el cual está dentro de unas sinergias cambiantes por su contexto situacional,
siendo el punto intercepción entre las instituciones museísticas y las comunidades.
Segundo eje lo axiológico que es la valoración de la comunidad con respecto a sus
patrimonios desde una mirada poliédrica, sustentada desde el respeto donde se resaltan
aspectos como: multicultural, aculturación y/o transculturación, que permiten procesos
dialógicos soportados en los parámetros de la educación diversa, inclusiva y sostenible.
Como último eje praxis-ontológica apoyado en el análisis de prácticas pedagógicas que
desarrollan los espacios museísticos, donde se encuentra la congruencia entre las líneas
de lo global y lo glocal a través de procesos de diálogos. Partiendo que la identidad se
desarrolla desde lo individual y colectivo, permitiendo unos procesos de co-creacion en el
discurso del patrimonio ya que es un constructo de la sociedad, por ende, tiene las
características de ser accesibles, democráticas y favorezcan el desarrollo de la inteligencia
This research is a theoretical construct that addresses the problem of heritage education from museum spaces, with the aim of fundamentally emerging pedagogical practice that generates a process of redefinition of heritage education, to strengthen cultural and identity values of citizen. The hermeneutic historical paradigm, the qualitative approach and the compendiums of ontological ethnomethodology were implemented, applying research techniques such as: direct observation, discussion groups and documentary analysis, using a non-probabilistic sample, for convenience, allowing to outline a sustained proposal. On three axes: starting from heritage, which is within changing synergies due to its situational context, being the point of interception between museum institutions and communities. Second axis, the axiological that is the valuation of the community with respect to its heritage from a polyhedral perspective, sustained from respect where aspects such as: multicultural, acculturation and/or transculturation are highlighted, which allow dialogical processes supported in the parameters of education. Diverse, inclusive and sustainable. As a last praxiontological axis, he supported the analysis of pedagogical practices developed by museum spaces, where the congruence between the lines of the global and the glocal is found through dialogue processes. Based on the fact that identity is developed from the individual and collective, allowing co-creation processes in the heritage discourse since it is a construct of society, therefore, it has the characteristics of being accessible, democratic and favoring the development of the territorial intelligence.
This research is a theoretical construct that addresses the problem of heritage education from museum spaces, with the aim of fundamentally emerging pedagogical practice that generates a process of redefinition of heritage education, to strengthen cultural and identity values of citizen. The hermeneutic historical paradigm, the qualitative approach and the compendiums of ontological ethnomethodology were implemented, applying research techniques such as: direct observation, discussion groups and documentary analysis, using a non-probabilistic sample, for convenience, allowing to outline a sustained proposal. On three axes: starting from heritage, which is within changing synergies due to its situational context, being the point of interception between museum institutions and communities. Second axis, the axiological that is the valuation of the community with respect to its heritage from a polyhedral perspective, sustained from respect where aspects such as: multicultural, acculturation and/or transculturation are highlighted, which allow dialogical processes supported in the parameters of education. Diverse, inclusive and sustainable. As a last praxiontological axis, he supported the analysis of pedagogical practices developed by museum spaces, where the congruence between the lines of the global and the glocal is found through dialogue processes. Based on the fact that identity is developed from the individual and collective, allowing co-creation processes in the heritage discourse since it is a construct of society, therefore, it has the characteristics of being accessible, democratic and favoring the development of the territorial intelligence.
Palabras clave
Educación patrimonial, Espacios museísticos, Identidad y valores culturales, Heritage education, Museum spaces, Identity and cultural values