Valores de la caminata de 6 minutos en una comunidad de sujetos con antecedentes de COVID-19 de la ciudad de Barranquilla 2022-2023
Lobos Barros, Jesús David
Pizarro Gómez, Natalia María
Reyes Hernández, José David
Ríos Ariza, Bruce Willis
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: Los efectos en pacientes recuperados de COVID-19 se caracterizan principalmente por síntomas de agotamiento, fatiga, disnea e intolerancia al ejercicio, los cuales persisten durante meses después de la infección. Estudios de investigación han demostrado que estas secuelas y sus posibles mecanismos subyacentes pueden superarse mediante pruebas de ejercicio cardiopulmonar. De los 26 estudios analizados, 22 informaron sobre la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria, definida como el consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2máx). En muchos pacientes, el VO2máx fue inferior al 90% del valor predicho. Además, el VO2 pico también se mantuvo notablemente por debajo de lo normal incluso a largo plazo. Se ha evidenciado que la función respiratoria contribuye menos al bajo VO2 pico, excepto en relación con la capacidad de difusión pulmonar, que fue frecuentemente baja en los estudios incluidos.
El sistema cardiovascular también desempeña un papel en el bajo VO2 pico. El gasto cardíaco subnormal, debido a la incompetencia crono trópica y al volumen sistólico reducido, es especialmente relevante en los primeros meses después de la infección. Además, factores periféricos como la masa muscular, la fuerza, la perfusión y la función mitocondrial, así como la diferencia de oxígeno arteriovenoso, también pueden contribuir a un VO2 pico bajo.
En pacientes post-COVID, se observaron daños en la función cardíaca, especialmente en personas con sobrepeso. Hubo una mayor tendencia hacia una fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo reducida, así como volúmenes diastólicos y sistólicos disminuidos, lo que puede afectar significativamente la actividad física. Además, las medidas de confinamiento implementadas para controlar la propagación del virus también afectaron el estilo de vida, las actividades y la salud mental de las personas.En resumen, la enfermedad y las restricciones de confinamiento han tenido un impacto significativo en la salud física y mental de los pacientes recuperados de COVID-19. Objetivo: Determinar los valores de la caminata de 6 minutos en una comunidad de sujetos con antecedentes post covid-19 de la ciudad de Barranquilla 2022- 2023. Materiales y método: En un estudio realizado en Barranquilla durante los primeros meses de 2023, se evaluaron sujetos con antecedentes post COVID-19 de ambos géneros. La población de estudio consistió en voluntarios pertenecientes a una comunidad de la ciudad. La muestra se seleccionó convenientemente entre personas de 18 a 60 años que aceptaron participar en el protocolo y cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión establecidos. Los criterios de inclusión abarcaron a personas con antecedentes de COVID-19 que residían en comunidades de Barranquilla y que dieron su consentimiento informado para participar en la prueba.Por otro lado, los criterios de exclusión excluyeron a individuos sin diagnóstico de COVID-19, pacientes con neumonía, enfermedades cardíacas no tratadas, aquellos que habían sufrido un infarto reciente, personas con taquicardia, insuficiencia cardíaca no controlada, edema pulmonar, embarazo avanzado o complicado, asma no controlada, arritmias no controladas con síntomas o compromisos hemodinámicos, y angina inestable.
La fuente primaria de investigación fueron los estudiantes encargados de recolectar datos mediante encuestas y la prueba de la caminata de 6 minutos en los días programados. Además, se utilizaron fuentes secundarias, como artículos, para recopilar información relevante para el proyecto.
Resultados: En un estudio de Barranquilla realizado durante los primeros meses de 2023, se evaluaron sujetos con antecedentes post COVID-19 de ambos géneros. Los datos recopilados en la prueba de la caminata de 6 minutos proporcionaron información sobre las características de salud de los participantes. Los hallazgos más relevantes incluyen: Edades: No hubo una gran diferencia entre los géneros. La media de edad para hombres fue de 23,9 años (desviación estándar de 2,9), mientras que para mujeres fue de 23,4 años (desviación estándar de 2,7).
Peso: Los hombres tenían un peso promedio mayor, con una media de 76,3 kg (desviación estándar de 9,0 kg). Las mujeres presentaron un peso menor, con una media de 71,8 kg (desviación estándar de 9,0).
Talla: La altura promedio de los hombres fue mayor, con una media de 1,80 metros (desviación estándar de 0,027), mientras que las mujeres tuvieron una altura promedio menor, con una media de 1,68 metros (desviación estándar de 0,096).
IMC: Las mujeres mostraron un IMC promedio más alto, con una media de 25,2 (desviación estándar de 3,2), lo que indica sobrepeso. En contraste, los hombres
tuvieron un IMC promedio de 23,5 (desviación estándar de 2,0), considerado adecuado o aceptable. Disnea: Al final de la prueba, los hombres reportaron una media de 4,1 (desviación estándar de 0,9), mientras que las mujeres tuvieron una media menor de 3,7 (desviación estándar de 0,8).
Además, se midió la distancia recorrida en metros (mts) durante la prueba. El género masculino obtuvo una media de 288 mts (desviación estándar de 25,2 mts), mientras que el género femenino tuvo una media de 270 mts (desviación estándar de 46,9 mts), lo que sugiere que los hombres recorrieron una mayor distancia.
Conclusiones: En conclusión, la prueba de la caminata de 6 minutos se ha utilizado como una herramienta valiosa en la evaluación de la capacidad funcional en personas con secuelas post Covid-19, específicamente en aquellos que presentan atenácese tés (disminución de la capacidad pulmonar). Esta prueba ha demostrado ser confiable y sensible para medir la capacidad de ejercicio y la tolerancia al esfuerzo en esta población. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de esta prueba pueden proporcionar información importante sobre el estado físico y la progresión de la enfermedad en personas que se están recuperando de la infección por Covid-19.
Introduction: The effects in patients recovered from COVID-19 are mainly characterized by symptoms of exhaustion, fatigue, dyspnea and exercise intolerance, which persist for months after infection. Research studies have shown that these sequelae and their possible underlying mechanisms can be overcome through cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Of the 26 studies analyzed, 22 reported on cardiorespiratory fitness, defined as maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). In many patients, VO2max was less than 90% of the predicted value. Furthermore, VO2 peak also remained noticeably below normal even in the long term. It has been shown that respiratory function contributes less to low peak VO2, except in relation to lung diffusion capacity, which was frequently low in the included studies. The cardiovascular system also plays a role in low VO2 peak. Subnormal cardiac output, due to chronotropic incompetence and reduced stroke volume, is especially relevant in the first months after infection. Additionally, peripheral factors such as muscle mass, strength, perfusion, and mitochondrial function, as well as arteriovenous oxygen difference, may also contribute to low VO2 peak. In post-COVID patients, damage to cardiac function was observed, especially in overweight people. There was a greater trend toward reduced left ventricular ejection fraction as well as decreased diastolic and stroke volumes, which can significantly impact physical activity. In addition, the confinement measures implemented to control the spread of the virus also affected people's lifestyle, activities and mental health. In summary, the disease and confinement restrictions have had a significant impact on physical and mental health. mental health of patients recovered from COVID-19. Objective: Determine the values of the 6-minute walk in a community of subjects with a post-covid-19 history in the city of Barranquilla 2022-2023. Materials and method: In a study carried out in Barranquilla during the first months of 2023, subjects with a post-COVID-19 history of both genders. The study population consisted of volunteers belonging to a community in the city. The sample was conveniently selected from people aged 18 to 60 who agreed to participate in the protocol and met the established inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria covered people with a history of COVID-19 who resided in communities in Barranquilla and who gave their informed consent to participate in the test. On the other hand, the exclusion criteria excluded individuals without a diagnosis of COVID-19, patients with pneumonia, untreated heart diseases, those who had suffered a recent heart attack, people with tachycardia, uncontrolled heart failure, pulmonary edema, advanced or complicated pregnancy, uncontrolled asthma, uncontrolled arrhythmias with symptoms or hemodynamic compromises, and unstable angina. The primary source of research was the students in charge of collecting data through surveys and the 6-minute walk test on scheduled days. Additionally, secondary sources, such as articles, were used to gather information relevant to the project. Results: In a study from Barranquilla carried out during the first months of 2023, subjects with a post-COVID-19 history of both genders were evaluated. The data collected in the 6-minute walk test provided information about the health characteristics of the participants. The most relevant findings include: Ages: There was not a big difference between the genders. The mean age for men was 23.9 years (standard deviation of 2.9), while for women it was 23.4 years (standard deviation of 2.7). Weight: Men had a higher average weight, with a mean of 76.3 kg (standard deviation of 9.0 kg). Women weighed less, with a mean of 71.8 kg (standard deviation of 9.0). Height: The average height of men was higher, with a mean of 1.80 meters (standard deviation of 0.027), while women had a lower average height, with a mean of 1.68 meters (standard deviation of 0.096). BMI: Women showed a higher average BMI, with a mean of 25.2 (standard deviation of 3.2), indicating overweight. In contrast, men had an average BMI of 23.5 (standard deviation of 2.0), considered adequate or acceptable. Dyspnea: At the end of the test, men reported a mean of 4.1 (standard deviation of 0.9), while women had a lower mean of 3.7 (standard deviation of 0.8). Additionally, the distance traveled in meters (mts) during the test was measured. The male gender obtained an average of 288 meters (standard deviation of 25.2 meters), while the female gender had an average of 270 meters (standard deviation of 46.9 meters), which suggests that men traveled a greater distance. Conclusions: In conclusion, the 6-minute walk test has been used as a valuable tool in the evaluation of functional capacity in people with post-Covid-19 sequelae, specifically in those who present athenacese teas (decreased lung capacity). . This test has been shown to be reliable and sensitive in measuring exercise capacity and exercise tolerance in this population. The results obtained from this test can provide important information about the physical status and disease progression in people recovering from Covid-19 infection.
Introduction: The effects in patients recovered from COVID-19 are mainly characterized by symptoms of exhaustion, fatigue, dyspnea and exercise intolerance, which persist for months after infection. Research studies have shown that these sequelae and their possible underlying mechanisms can be overcome through cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Of the 26 studies analyzed, 22 reported on cardiorespiratory fitness, defined as maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). In many patients, VO2max was less than 90% of the predicted value. Furthermore, VO2 peak also remained noticeably below normal even in the long term. It has been shown that respiratory function contributes less to low peak VO2, except in relation to lung diffusion capacity, which was frequently low in the included studies. The cardiovascular system also plays a role in low VO2 peak. Subnormal cardiac output, due to chronotropic incompetence and reduced stroke volume, is especially relevant in the first months after infection. Additionally, peripheral factors such as muscle mass, strength, perfusion, and mitochondrial function, as well as arteriovenous oxygen difference, may also contribute to low VO2 peak. In post-COVID patients, damage to cardiac function was observed, especially in overweight people. There was a greater trend toward reduced left ventricular ejection fraction as well as decreased diastolic and stroke volumes, which can significantly impact physical activity. In addition, the confinement measures implemented to control the spread of the virus also affected people's lifestyle, activities and mental health. In summary, the disease and confinement restrictions have had a significant impact on physical and mental health. mental health of patients recovered from COVID-19. Objective: Determine the values of the 6-minute walk in a community of subjects with a post-covid-19 history in the city of Barranquilla 2022-2023. Materials and method: In a study carried out in Barranquilla during the first months of 2023, subjects with a post-COVID-19 history of both genders. The study population consisted of volunteers belonging to a community in the city. The sample was conveniently selected from people aged 18 to 60 who agreed to participate in the protocol and met the established inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria covered people with a history of COVID-19 who resided in communities in Barranquilla and who gave their informed consent to participate in the test. On the other hand, the exclusion criteria excluded individuals without a diagnosis of COVID-19, patients with pneumonia, untreated heart diseases, those who had suffered a recent heart attack, people with tachycardia, uncontrolled heart failure, pulmonary edema, advanced or complicated pregnancy, uncontrolled asthma, uncontrolled arrhythmias with symptoms or hemodynamic compromises, and unstable angina. The primary source of research was the students in charge of collecting data through surveys and the 6-minute walk test on scheduled days. Additionally, secondary sources, such as articles, were used to gather information relevant to the project. Results: In a study from Barranquilla carried out during the first months of 2023, subjects with a post-COVID-19 history of both genders were evaluated. The data collected in the 6-minute walk test provided information about the health characteristics of the participants. The most relevant findings include: Ages: There was not a big difference between the genders. The mean age for men was 23.9 years (standard deviation of 2.9), while for women it was 23.4 years (standard deviation of 2.7). Weight: Men had a higher average weight, with a mean of 76.3 kg (standard deviation of 9.0 kg). Women weighed less, with a mean of 71.8 kg (standard deviation of 9.0). Height: The average height of men was higher, with a mean of 1.80 meters (standard deviation of 0.027), while women had a lower average height, with a mean of 1.68 meters (standard deviation of 0.096). BMI: Women showed a higher average BMI, with a mean of 25.2 (standard deviation of 3.2), indicating overweight. In contrast, men had an average BMI of 23.5 (standard deviation of 2.0), considered adequate or acceptable. Dyspnea: At the end of the test, men reported a mean of 4.1 (standard deviation of 0.9), while women had a lower mean of 3.7 (standard deviation of 0.8). Additionally, the distance traveled in meters (mts) during the test was measured. The male gender obtained an average of 288 meters (standard deviation of 25.2 meters), while the female gender had an average of 270 meters (standard deviation of 46.9 meters), which suggests that men traveled a greater distance. Conclusions: In conclusion, the 6-minute walk test has been used as a valuable tool in the evaluation of functional capacity in people with post-Covid-19 sequelae, specifically in those who present athenacese teas (decreased lung capacity). . This test has been shown to be reliable and sensitive in measuring exercise capacity and exercise tolerance in this population. The results obtained from this test can provide important information about the physical status and disease progression in people recovering from Covid-19 infection.
Palabras clave
COVID-19, Caminata 6 minutos, Resistencia cardiovascular, Actividad fisica