Factores laborales que influyen en los problemas de salud mental en los trabajadores de tres empresas de la Región Caribe colombiana
Guerra Zúñiga, Angie Marcela
Montero Marinez, Irlenis
Narváez Zapata, María Claudia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El trabajo es uno de los ambientes que en mayor medida afecta la salud física y
mental de las personas y debido a los cambios actuales como el teletrabajo, el
incremento en el uso de información, el empleo de las tecnologías de comunicación
y los tipos de contratación, son algunos de los factores que pueden explicar los
problemas de salud mental presentes en los trabajadores. Uno de los factores de
riesgo más afectado dentro de los trabajadores que sufren de estrés laboral es el
factor psicosocial; la presión, la sobrecarga laboral y la sobre exigencia de la
empresa a los colaboradores son las causas principales de afectación en la salud
mental. Los efectos de los problemas de salud mental en los trabajadores se
evidencian en la baja productividad de la empresa, intermitencia en las labores de
trabajo, incapacidades continuas y muchas otras situaciones negativas. Los
estudios han confirmado la relación que existe entre factores laborales provenientes
por condiciones del trabajo y las conductas de salud mental de los colaboradores,
dicha combinación trae como consecuencia la aparición de alteraciones mentales
como, la depresión y la ansiedad que tienen un impacto negativo sobre el
desempeño laboral y la calidad de vida de una persona. Dentro del contexto laboral,
al momento de reconocer y analizar los factores de riesgos que tienen que ver con
la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, por lo general se establecen acercamientos a
enfermedades que surgen de las acciones físicas laborales propias de un cargo en
específico y es poco la profundización que se lleva en lo que tienen que ver con las
dificultades o afecciones mentales a las que se pueden ver comprometidos los
trabajadores al momento de desarrollar sus actividades.
El objetivo del presente proyecto de investigación es Identificar los factores
laborales que influyen en los problemas de salud mental en los trabajadores de tres
empresas de la región Caribe Colombiana.
Este proyecto es un estudio de corte transversal realizado a 80 trabajadores de tres
empresas de la región Caribe Colombiana. Se evalúo la salud mental mediante el
cuestionario DASS-21 que mide las variables depresión, ansiedad y estrés en las
Dentro de los resultados arrojados se detectó que el 86,25% de los trabajadores no
presenta depresión, aunque un 10% de los trabajadores presenta depresión leve y
un 3,75% depresión moderada. En cuanto a la ansiedad, la mayoría de los
trabajadores evaluados no presenta este problema (85%), sin embargo, se
presentan porcentajes de ansiedad leve y moderada de 6,25% y 8,75%
respectivamente. El 92,5% no presenta estrés, el 5% presenta estrés leve y el
1,25% de trabajadores presentan estrés moderado, sin embargo, podemos
observar que un 1,25% presenta estrés severo.
En este estudio se concluye que los factores laborales como el tipo de cargo,
modalidad de trabajo y antigüedad en el trabajo sí influyen en los niveles de
depresión, ansiedad y estrés en la población trabajadora.
Work is one of the environments that most affects the physical and mental health of people and due to current changes such as teleworking, the increase in the use of information, the use of communication technologies and the types of hiring , are some of the factors that can explain the mental health problems present in workers. One of the most affected risk factors among workers who suffer from work stress is the psychosocial factor; Pressure, work overload and the company's over-demand of employees are the main causes of affectation in mental health. The effects of mental health problems on workers are evident in the low productivity of the company, intermittent work tasks, continuous disabilities and many other negative situations. Studies have confirmed the relationship that exists between labor factors arising from work conditions and the mental health behaviors of employees, this combination results in the appearance of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety that have a negative impact on the work performance and quality of life of a person. Within the labor context, when recognizing and analyzing the risk factors that have to do with safety and health at work, approaches to diseases that arise from physical labor actions typical of a specific position are generally established and There is little in-depth study that has to do with the difficulties or mental conditions to which workers may be compromised when carrying out their activities. The objective of this research project is to identify the labor factors that influence mental health problems in the workers of three companies in the Colombian Caribbean region. This project is a cross-sectional study carried out on 80 workers from three companies in the Colombian Caribbean region. Mental health was evaluated using the DASS-21 questionnaire that measures the variables depression, anxiety and stress in people. Within the results obtained, it was detected that 86.25% of the workers did not present depression, although 10% of the workers presented mild depression and 3.75% moderate depression. Regarding anxiety, most of the workers evaluated do not present this problem (85%), however, there are percentages of mild and moderate anxiety of 6.25% and 8.75% respectively. 92.5% do not have stress, 5% have mild stress and 1.25% of workers have moderate stress, however, we can see that 1.25% have severe stress. This study concludes that labor factors such as the type of position, type of work, and seniority at work do influence the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress in the working population.
Work is one of the environments that most affects the physical and mental health of people and due to current changes such as teleworking, the increase in the use of information, the use of communication technologies and the types of hiring , are some of the factors that can explain the mental health problems present in workers. One of the most affected risk factors among workers who suffer from work stress is the psychosocial factor; Pressure, work overload and the company's over-demand of employees are the main causes of affectation in mental health. The effects of mental health problems on workers are evident in the low productivity of the company, intermittent work tasks, continuous disabilities and many other negative situations. Studies have confirmed the relationship that exists between labor factors arising from work conditions and the mental health behaviors of employees, this combination results in the appearance of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety that have a negative impact on the work performance and quality of life of a person. Within the labor context, when recognizing and analyzing the risk factors that have to do with safety and health at work, approaches to diseases that arise from physical labor actions typical of a specific position are generally established and There is little in-depth study that has to do with the difficulties or mental conditions to which workers may be compromised when carrying out their activities. The objective of this research project is to identify the labor factors that influence mental health problems in the workers of three companies in the Colombian Caribbean region. This project is a cross-sectional study carried out on 80 workers from three companies in the Colombian Caribbean region. Mental health was evaluated using the DASS-21 questionnaire that measures the variables depression, anxiety and stress in people. Within the results obtained, it was detected that 86.25% of the workers did not present depression, although 10% of the workers presented mild depression and 3.75% moderate depression. Regarding anxiety, most of the workers evaluated do not present this problem (85%), however, there are percentages of mild and moderate anxiety of 6.25% and 8.75% respectively. 92.5% do not have stress, 5% have mild stress and 1.25% of workers have moderate stress, however, we can see that 1.25% have severe stress. This study concludes that labor factors such as the type of position, type of work, and seniority at work do influence the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress in the working population.
Palabras clave
Salud mental, Trabajadores, Factores laborales, Ansiedad, Estrés, Depresión