Health Strategies in Latin America for the Elderly in relation to COVID-19
Bonilla-Cruz, Nidia-Johanna
Cudris-Torres, Lorena
Mendoza-Rincón, Beatriz-Milagros
Gamboa-Aldana, Andres-Sebastian
Forgiony-Santos, Jesús
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Saber UCV, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Introducción: Las medidas de confinamientos
social adoptadas ante la pandemia de COVID-19, ha
implicado el diseño e implementación de programas en
salud mitigando los efectos de la misma y reconociendo
las implicaciones a nivel de salud mental en el adulto
mayor, considerando uno de los grupos poblaciones
de mayor vulnerabilidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar las
estrategias y programas implementadas por países de
América Latina en respuesta al control de la pandemia
de COVID-19, focalizada en la población adulta mayor.
Métodos: Se revisaron 45 documentos entre artículos
científicos, decretos y lineamientos emitidos de los
ministerios de salud de 13 países de Latino América
bajo los criterios de búsqueda, COVID-19, salud y
adulto mayor. Resultados. Se ejecutaron estrategias
de acuerdo a las etapas y niveles de incidencia de
la pandemia, los grupos más vulnerables fueron
protegidos en el caso del adulto mayor con edades
entre 60 o 65 años. Permitió clasificar los países
según el objetivo de sus acciones en salud enfocadas
en la prevención, la promoción, rehabilitación y
la restauración del enfermo. Discusión: Se han
reorientando los servicios sanitarios y la rigurosidad
de los mismo priorizando el aumento de promoción
de salud y prevención de enfermedad a través de
estrategias de información, educación y comunicación.
Conclusiones: La emergencia sanitaria decretada
por los países, no priorizo estrategias o políticas
frente a los aspectos emocionales y mentales, y las
afectaciones subsecuentes del aislamiento social que
ponen a prueba las estrategias de afrontamiento y
los recursos psicológicos en lo que se puede llamar
nueva normalidad.
Introduction: The quarantine measures adopted because of the COVID-19 pandemic have involved the design and implementation of health programs to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and to understand the mental health implications for the elderly, one of the most vulnerable population groups. Objective: To characterize the strategies and programs implemented by Latin American countries due to the COVID-19 pandemic, focused on the older population. Methods: Forty-five documents were reviewed including scientific articles, decrees, and guidelines issued by the Ministries of Health of 13 Latin American countries under the search criteria, COVID 19, health, and older adults. Results: Strategies were implemented according to the stages and levels of incidence of the pandemic, the most vulnerable groups were protected in the case of the elderly aged 60 or 65. It allowed classifying the countries according to the objective of their health actions focused on prevention, promotion, rehabilitation, and recovery of the patient. Discussion: The health services have been reoriented by prioritizing the increase of health promotion and disease prevention through information, education, and communication strategies. Conclusions: The health emergency decreed by the countries did not prioritize strategies or policies against the emotional and mental aspects, and the subsequent affectations of social isolation that test the strategies and psychological resources of the new normality.
Introduction: The quarantine measures adopted because of the COVID-19 pandemic have involved the design and implementation of health programs to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and to understand the mental health implications for the elderly, one of the most vulnerable population groups. Objective: To characterize the strategies and programs implemented by Latin American countries due to the COVID-19 pandemic, focused on the older population. Methods: Forty-five documents were reviewed including scientific articles, decrees, and guidelines issued by the Ministries of Health of 13 Latin American countries under the search criteria, COVID 19, health, and older adults. Results: Strategies were implemented according to the stages and levels of incidence of the pandemic, the most vulnerable groups were protected in the case of the elderly aged 60 or 65. It allowed classifying the countries according to the objective of their health actions focused on prevention, promotion, rehabilitation, and recovery of the patient. Discussion: The health services have been reoriented by prioritizing the increase of health promotion and disease prevention through information, education, and communication strategies. Conclusions: The health emergency decreed by the countries did not prioritize strategies or policies against the emotional and mental aspects, and the subsequent affectations of social isolation that test the strategies and psychological resources of the new normality.
Palabras clave
COVID-19, Strategies in health, elderly, Estrategias en salud, Adulto mayor