Factores que determinan la competitividad de las empresas turísticas de la zona de media y alta Guajira
Barraza Bermúdez, Clara Vanessa
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
El turismo es un motor de desarrollo económico para el departamento de La Guajira; su
majestuosa riqueza natural y cultural hace que se convierta en uno de los principales focos de
atracción turística del país. En 2019, el departamento acogió a más de 80.000 visitantes
extranjeros (Centro de Información Turística de Colombia, 2020), lo que representa un
incremento de más del 600% en los últimos cinco años. Sin embargo, con la llegada del covid-19
la economía global entró en una profunda crisis, afectando el desempeño competitivo de las
empresas a nivel mundial y principalmente a las involucradas en la cadena del servicio turístico.
En este sentido, el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los factores que determinan
la competitividad en las empresas turísticas de la zona de Media y Alta Guajira para el
mejoramiento del desempeño económico de la región y la calidad de vida de sus habitantes. En
lo metodológico, se enmarca dentro de la investigación cuantitativa, de tipo descriptiva, de
diseño transeccional y de campo.
En primera instancia se desarrolló una revisión documental basada en un abordaje teórico
sobre competitividad para determinar las categorías de análisis y luego una extracción de
informes emitidos por instituciones como Foro Económico Mundial (WEF, por sus siglas en
ingles), Organización Mundial del Turismo (WTO, por sus siglas en ingles), Ministerio de
Comercio, Industria y Turismo (MCIT), Cámara de Comercio de La Guajira, entre otras.
Se tomó como población universo a la totalidad de las empresas turísticas ubicadas en el
Distrito de Riohacha, Uribia, Manaure y Dibulla, quienes conforman la Media y Alta Guajira y
sobre ella se tomó una muestra representativa basado en un muestreo probabilístico, el cual
permitió determinar un mínimo de población a participar bajo un nivel de confianza del 90% y
un margen de error de 0,10. En total, fueron consultadas 74 empresas, de las cuales solo 50
manifestaron su interés por hacer parte de la investigación garantizando la muestra mínima
Para la recopilación de la información, se diseñó un instrumento tipo encuesta, aplicado a
través de medios electrónicos y constituido por 40 ítems con opciones de respuesta tipo Likert y
dicotómicas, permitiendo obtener una caracterización del estado actual de las empresas
participantes en cuanto a aspectos determinantes de la competitividad. El instrumento utilizado
fue validado en tres (3) escenarios; por un experto metodológico, un experto en el área de
turismo y finalmente a través de la validación estadística dada por un experto en el área, donde se
determinó una fiabilidad del instrumento con un alfa de Cronbach de 0,836, apoyado en el
software IBM SPSS Statistics.
Los resultados de la investigación arrojan que existen diferencias significativas al evaluar
las variables tecnologías de la información, alianzas estrategias y sostenibilidad en los diversos
subsectores. Además, la variable capital humano e innovación se comporta similar entre los
subsectores mostrando falencias en aspectos relacionados con la compensación de los
colaboradores, habilidades comunicativas en idiomas extranjeros, toma de decisiones objetivas,
diseño de nuevos productos turísticos y mejora de los existentes, uso del comercio electrónico,
relaciones de confianza e interacción entre usuarios, como fuente de ventaja competitiva.
Tourism is an engine of economic development for the department of La Guajira, its majestic natural and cultural wealth makes it one of the main focuses of tourist attraction in the country. In 2019 the department welcomed more than 80,000 foreign visitors (Centro de Información Turística de Colombia, 2020) which represents an increase of more than 600% in the last five years. However, with the arrival of covid-19 the global economy entered a deep crisis, affecting the competitive performance of companies worldwide and mainly those involved in the tourism service chain. In this sense, the objective of this research is to analyze the factors that determine the competitiveness of tourism companies in the area of Media and Alta Guajira for the improvement of the economic performance of the region and the quality of life of its inhabitants. Methodologically, it is framed within the quantitative research, of descriptive type, of transectional and field design. First, a documentary review was carried out based on a theoretical approach to competitiveness to determine the categories of analysis and then an extraction of reports issued by institutions such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Tourism Organization (WTO), the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MCIT), and the Chamber of Commerce of La Guajira, among others. The universe population was taken as the totality of the tourism companies located in the District of Riohacha, Uribia, Manaure and Dibulla, which make up the Media and Alta Guajira, and a representative sample was taken based on a probability sampling, which allowed determine a minimum population to participate under a confidence level of 90% and a margin of error of 0.10. A total of 74 companies were consulted, of which only 50 expressed their interest in participating in the research, guaranteeing the minimum sample defined. For the collection of information, a survey-type instrument was designed, applied through electronic means and consisting of 40 items with Likert-type and dichotomous response options, allowing to obtain a characterization of the current state of the participating companies in terms of determinant aspects of competitiveness. The instrument used was validated in three (3) scenarios; by a methodological expert, an expert in the area of tourism and finally through statistical validation by an expert in the area, where the reliability of the instrument was determined with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.836, supported by IBM SPSS Statistics software. The results of the research show that there are significant differences when evaluating the variables information technologies, strategic alliances and sustainability in the various subsectors. In addition, the human capital and innovation variable behaves similarly among the subsectors, showing deficiencies in aspects related to employee compensation, communication skills in foreign languages, objective decision making, design of new tourism products and improvement of existing ones, use of electronic commerce, relationships of trust and interaction among users, as a source of competitive advantage.
Tourism is an engine of economic development for the department of La Guajira, its majestic natural and cultural wealth makes it one of the main focuses of tourist attraction in the country. In 2019 the department welcomed more than 80,000 foreign visitors (Centro de Información Turística de Colombia, 2020) which represents an increase of more than 600% in the last five years. However, with the arrival of covid-19 the global economy entered a deep crisis, affecting the competitive performance of companies worldwide and mainly those involved in the tourism service chain. In this sense, the objective of this research is to analyze the factors that determine the competitiveness of tourism companies in the area of Media and Alta Guajira for the improvement of the economic performance of the region and the quality of life of its inhabitants. Methodologically, it is framed within the quantitative research, of descriptive type, of transectional and field design. First, a documentary review was carried out based on a theoretical approach to competitiveness to determine the categories of analysis and then an extraction of reports issued by institutions such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Tourism Organization (WTO), the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MCIT), and the Chamber of Commerce of La Guajira, among others. The universe population was taken as the totality of the tourism companies located in the District of Riohacha, Uribia, Manaure and Dibulla, which make up the Media and Alta Guajira, and a representative sample was taken based on a probability sampling, which allowed determine a minimum population to participate under a confidence level of 90% and a margin of error of 0.10. A total of 74 companies were consulted, of which only 50 expressed their interest in participating in the research, guaranteeing the minimum sample defined. For the collection of information, a survey-type instrument was designed, applied through electronic means and consisting of 40 items with Likert-type and dichotomous response options, allowing to obtain a characterization of the current state of the participating companies in terms of determinant aspects of competitiveness. The instrument used was validated in three (3) scenarios; by a methodological expert, an expert in the area of tourism and finally through statistical validation by an expert in the area, where the reliability of the instrument was determined with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.836, supported by IBM SPSS Statistics software. The results of the research show that there are significant differences when evaluating the variables information technologies, strategic alliances and sustainability in the various subsectors. In addition, the human capital and innovation variable behaves similarly among the subsectors, showing deficiencies in aspects related to employee compensation, communication skills in foreign languages, objective decision making, design of new tourism products and improvement of existing ones, use of electronic commerce, relationships of trust and interaction among users, as a source of competitive advantage.
Palabras clave
Competitividad, Turismo, Ventaja competitiva, Empresas turísticas, Competitiveness, Tourism, Competitive advantage, Tourism companies