Percepciones del profesorado en relación con el fortalecimiento de áreas STEM para facilitar el incremento de la asertividad y de las habilidades personales y sociales
Muñoz De La Hoz, Kathleen Julieth
Pote Mercado, Mayra Alejandra
Genes Polanco, María Thalia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En las escuelas regularmente encontramos conflictos internos entre dos o más miembros de dicha institución, esto es algo que viene sucediendo hace mucho tiempo atrás y es algo que se presenta tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, en las instituciones se dan relaciones interpersonales alumnos, entre docentes y viceversa. Objetivo: Analizar las percepciones del profesorado en relación al fortalecimiento de áreas STEAM en la Institución educativa departamental básica media San Antonio (I.E..D.B.M.S.A).
Materiales y métodos:
Según Pita y Pértegas (2002), la investigación cuantitativa intenta “determinar la fuerza de asociación o correlación entre variables, la generalización y objetivación de los resultados a través de una muestra para hacer inferencia a una población de la cual toda muestra procede” (p.76). así mismo el diseño no experimental según Hernández, Fernández y Baptista (2010) son “Estudios que se realizan sin la manipulación deliberada de variables y en los que sólo se observan los fenómenos en su ambiente natural para después analizarlos”
Es por eso que esta investigación por sus características se fundamenta en el enfoque cuantitativo con diseño no experimental, puesto que en esta investigación tiene como objetivo conocer la percepción del profesorado en la Institución.
El presente estudio analizo las percepciones del profesorado en relación a la aplicación de las STEAM, para ello se utilizó el Inventario de Complejidad de Intereses STEM - Formulario corto con respuesta escala tipo Likert de 5 puntos. Este inventario fue aplicado alrededor de 105 profesores del plantel educativo. Así mismo nos respaldamos con documentos obtenidos en plataformas especializadas de información como lo es Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science (WoS), Redalyc y Scielo.
In schools we regularly find internal conflicts between two or more members of the institution, this is something that has been happening for a long time and is something that occurs both nationally and internationally, in institutions there are interpersonal relationships between students, between teachers and vice versa. Objective: To analyze the perceptions of the teaching staff in relation to the strengthening of STEAM areas in the San Antonio Basic Secondary Departmental Educational Institution (I.E..D.B.M.M.S.A). Materials and methods: According to Pita and Pértegas (2002), quantitative research attempts "to determine the strength of association or correlation between variables, the generalization and objectification of the results through a sample to make inference to a population from which every sample comes" (p.76). likewise the non-experimental design according to Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2010) are "Studies that are conducted without the deliberate manipulation of variables and in which only the phenomena are observed in their natural environment to then analyze them" That is why this research, due to its characteristics, is based on the quantitative approach with a non-experimental design, since the objective of this research is to know the perception of the teaching staff in the institution. The present study analyzed the perceptions of the teaching staff in relation to the application of STEAM, using the Inventory of Complexity of STEM Interests - Short Form with a 5-point Likert-type scale response. This inventory was applied around 105 teachers of the educational campus. We also used documents obtained from specialized information platforms such as Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science (WoS), Redalyc and Scielo.
In schools we regularly find internal conflicts between two or more members of the institution, this is something that has been happening for a long time and is something that occurs both nationally and internationally, in institutions there are interpersonal relationships between students, between teachers and vice versa. Objective: To analyze the perceptions of the teaching staff in relation to the strengthening of STEAM areas in the San Antonio Basic Secondary Departmental Educational Institution (I.E..D.B.M.M.S.A). Materials and methods: According to Pita and Pértegas (2002), quantitative research attempts "to determine the strength of association or correlation between variables, the generalization and objectification of the results through a sample to make inference to a population from which every sample comes" (p.76). likewise the non-experimental design according to Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2010) are "Studies that are conducted without the deliberate manipulation of variables and in which only the phenomena are observed in their natural environment to then analyze them" That is why this research, due to its characteristics, is based on the quantitative approach with a non-experimental design, since the objective of this research is to know the perception of the teaching staff in the institution. The present study analyzed the perceptions of the teaching staff in relation to the application of STEAM, using the Inventory of Complexity of STEM Interests - Short Form with a 5-point Likert-type scale response. This inventory was applied around 105 teachers of the educational campus. We also used documents obtained from specialized information platforms such as Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science (WoS), Redalyc and Scielo.
Palabras clave
Steam, Percepción, Profesores, Perception, Teachers