Bienestar laboral y calidad del servicio al cliente en el sector salud renal: Caso de estudio Fresenius Medical Care Riomar
Portillo Rojas, July Catherine
Mesa Velásquez, Mariana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
La presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo, diseñar un sistema de servicios que permita incrementar la calidad del servicio percibida por los pacientes renales, al mismo tiempo que se fortalece el bienestar de los colaboradores de la empresa Fresenius Medical Care, la cual es una organización multinacional encargada de brindar servicios y productos dialíticos para pacientes con falla renal.
La principal justificación para realizar esta investigación radica en la preocupación actual de la organización y sus directivos sobre el incremento de bienestar y calidad de vida de sus principales stakeholders, como lo son, los colaboradores y pacientes. Debido a que el impacto del bienestar laboral podría estar afectando significativamente en la percepción de satisfacción del servicio de los pacientes, por tanto, esta investigación propone elementos claves para el modelo de servicios, con el fin, que la organización enfoque sus esfuerzos en la mejora de la percepción de calidad.
Para lo anterior, se ha tomado este estudio de caso aplicado a la unidad renal Riomar, ubicada en la ciudad de Barranquilla, la cual hace parte de las 40 clínicas que la empresa Fresenius Medical Care cuenta a nivel nacional, se usó una metodología cualitativa donde se hizo uso de tres instrumentos principales, entrevista informales no estructuradas, ejercicios de observación y encuesta propia de medición del clima laboral, apoyadas de otras herramientas como buyer persona y blueprint.
En el capítulo 1 se aborda el planteamiento del problema, donde se describe la preocupación por la satisfacción de los usuarios y colaboradores, se ahonda en las justificaciones y razones por las cuales se decide realizar esta investigación, además de proporcionar los objetivos y preguntas principales, los cuales son la columna vertebral de la presente investigación.
En el capítulo 2 se plantea la teoría que sustenta la investigación, iniciando con la primera variable a evaluar, bienestar laboral, donde se hace referencia a los antecedentes y referentes teóricos, encontrando que el concepto de bienestar no es un concepto nuevo y que desde la teoría se ha abordado desde dos perspectivas diferentes, en cuanto a los factores motivacionales que inspiran la satisfacción laboral. De igual forma, se expone la variable sobre la calidad del servicio, donde múltiples autores han resaltado la importancia en las organizaciones de la satisfacción en los usuarios como un factor imperante de competitividad.
Adicionalmente se abordan las principales escuelas de medición de calidad del servicio y recientes aproximaciones sobre modelos de servicios transformativos.
En el capítulo 3 se presenta el diseño metodológico de la investigación, donde se hace claridad sobre los instrumentos, herramientas y fuentes utilizadas, por su parte en el capítulo 4 se detalla cada uno de los resultados encontrados luego del análisis y evaluación de los instrumentos aplicados a la población seleccionada, por último, se exponen las conclusiones y recomendaciones sobre los elementos del diseño de servicios para la unidad renal Riomar de la organización Fresenius Medical Care.
The main objective of this research is to design a service system to increase the quality of service perceived by renal patients, while strengthening the welfare of employees of Fresenius Medical Care, a multinational organization responsible for providing dialysis services and products for patients with renal failure. The main justification for conducting this research lies in the current concern of the organization and its managers about increasing the well-being and quality of life of its main stakeholders, such as employees and patients. Since the impact of labor welfare could be significantly affecting the patients’ perception of service satisfaction, this research proposes key elements for the service model, so that the organization can focus its efforts on improving the perception of quality. For the above, this case study has been applied to the Riomar renal unit, located in the city of Barranquilla, which is part of the 40 clinics that the company Fresenius Medical Care has nationwide, a qualitative methodology was used where three main instruments were used, informal unstructured interviews, observation exercises and own survey to measure the work environment, supported by other tools such as buyer persona and blueprint. Chapter 1 addresses the problem statement, describing the concern for the satisfaction of users and collaborators, delves into the justifications and reasons why it was decided to carry out this research, in addition to providing the objectives and main questions, which are the backbone of this research Chapter 2 presents the theory that supports the research, starting with the first variable to be evaluated, labor welfare, where reference is made to the background and theoretical references, finding that the concept of welfare is not a new concept and that from the theory it has been approached from two different perspectives, in terms of the motivational factors that inspire job satisfaction. Likewise, the variable on the quality of service is presented, where multiple authors have highlighted the importance of user satisfaction in organizations as a prevailing factor of competitiveness. Additionally, the main schools of service quality measurement and recent approaches to transformative service models are discussed. Chapter 3 presents the methodological design of the research, where clarity is provided on the instruments, tools and sources used, while Chapter 4 details each of the results found after the analysis and evaluation of the instruments applied to the selected population, and finally, the conclusions and recommendations on the elements of service design for the Riomar renal unit of the Fresenius Medical Care organization are presented.
The main objective of this research is to design a service system to increase the quality of service perceived by renal patients, while strengthening the welfare of employees of Fresenius Medical Care, a multinational organization responsible for providing dialysis services and products for patients with renal failure. The main justification for conducting this research lies in the current concern of the organization and its managers about increasing the well-being and quality of life of its main stakeholders, such as employees and patients. Since the impact of labor welfare could be significantly affecting the patients’ perception of service satisfaction, this research proposes key elements for the service model, so that the organization can focus its efforts on improving the perception of quality. For the above, this case study has been applied to the Riomar renal unit, located in the city of Barranquilla, which is part of the 40 clinics that the company Fresenius Medical Care has nationwide, a qualitative methodology was used where three main instruments were used, informal unstructured interviews, observation exercises and own survey to measure the work environment, supported by other tools such as buyer persona and blueprint. Chapter 1 addresses the problem statement, describing the concern for the satisfaction of users and collaborators, delves into the justifications and reasons why it was decided to carry out this research, in addition to providing the objectives and main questions, which are the backbone of this research Chapter 2 presents the theory that supports the research, starting with the first variable to be evaluated, labor welfare, where reference is made to the background and theoretical references, finding that the concept of welfare is not a new concept and that from the theory it has been approached from two different perspectives, in terms of the motivational factors that inspire job satisfaction. Likewise, the variable on the quality of service is presented, where multiple authors have highlighted the importance of user satisfaction in organizations as a prevailing factor of competitiveness. Additionally, the main schools of service quality measurement and recent approaches to transformative service models are discussed. Chapter 3 presents the methodological design of the research, where clarity is provided on the instruments, tools and sources used, while Chapter 4 details each of the results found after the analysis and evaluation of the instruments applied to the selected population, and finally, the conclusions and recommendations on the elements of service design for the Riomar renal unit of the Fresenius Medical Care organization are presented.
Palabras clave
Bienestar laboral, Servicios transformativos, Calidad del servicio, Mercado de servicios, Mercadeo, Sistemas de gestión de calidad, Labor welfare, Transformative services, Service quality, Service market, Marketing, Quality management systems