Intervención en salud mental en adolescentes
Almarales Gutiérrez, Anyela Paola
Contreras Camargo, María Camila
Gonzáles Muñoz, María José
Meluk Romo, María del Pilar
Villa Toro, Dariana Marcela
Mercado Velásquez, Johangie
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el presente artículo titulado “INTERVENCIÓN EN SALUD MENTAL EN
ADOLESCENTES”, presentamos una revisión narrativa y creación de alternativas enfocadas
solo a la salud mental en adolescentes. Se realizó una exhaustiva búsqueda de datos acerca
de los programas de intervención en salud mental enfocado en adolescentes, los cuales
evidenciaban la efectividad e importancia de estos, sobre todo el promover la salud mental
positiva puede aumentar el bienestar, pues llevan a reducir los riesgos de suicidio y, a su vez,
promueven mejores alternativas de prevención durante esta etapa fundamental de cambios
que se vivencia durante la adolescencia.
Mediante esta búsqueda, se revelan importantes datos como; la población femenina durante
la adolescencia es más propensa a padecer trastornos mentales o alimenticios, siendo la
depresión, el estrés y problemas emocionales los más controversiales a comparación con los
hombres, también se ve una ausencia y falta de interés por parte del adolescente en continuar
su proceso terapéutico. Los resultados de los hallazgos encontrados nos llevaron a elaborar
diversas actividades relacionadas con la atención en línea y el uso terapéutico del arte para
el bienestar mental, todo con el propósito de reducir no solo la falta de interés, sino también
generar un mejor bienestar emocional.
In this article entitled “MENTAL HEALTH INTERVENTION IN ADOLESCENTS: NARRATIVE REVIEW”, we present a narrative review and creation of alternatives focused only on mental health in adolescents. An exhaustive search of data was carried out about mental health intervention programs focused on adolescents, which showed their effectiveness and importance, especially promoting positive mental health can increase wellbeing, as it leads to reducing the risks of suicide and, in turn, promote better prevention alternatives during this fundamental stage of changes experienced during adolescence. Through this search, important data is revealed such as; The female population during adolescence is more likely to suffer from mental or eating disorders, with depression, stress and emotional problems being the most controversial compared to men, there is also an absence and lack of interest on the part of the adolescent in continuing their therapeutic process. The results of the findings led us to develop various activities related to online attention and the therapeutic use of art for mental well -being, all with the purpose of reducing not only the lack of interest, but also generating better emotional well-being.
In this article entitled “MENTAL HEALTH INTERVENTION IN ADOLESCENTS: NARRATIVE REVIEW”, we present a narrative review and creation of alternatives focused only on mental health in adolescents. An exhaustive search of data was carried out about mental health intervention programs focused on adolescents, which showed their effectiveness and importance, especially promoting positive mental health can increase wellbeing, as it leads to reducing the risks of suicide and, in turn, promote better prevention alternatives during this fundamental stage of changes experienced during adolescence. Through this search, important data is revealed such as; The female population during adolescence is more likely to suffer from mental or eating disorders, with depression, stress and emotional problems being the most controversial compared to men, there is also an absence and lack of interest on the part of the adolescent in continuing their therapeutic process. The results of the findings led us to develop various activities related to online attention and the therapeutic use of art for mental well -being, all with the purpose of reducing not only the lack of interest, but also generating better emotional well-being.
Palabras clave
Salud mental, Adolescentes, Emociones, Intervención, Trastornos, Bienestar, Mental health, Adolescents, Emotions, Intervention, Disorders, Well-being