La indemnización moratoria por falta de pago de salarios y/o prestaciones sociales
Vásquez Álvarez, Alexander
Mancilla Marenco, Juan Bautista
González Insignares, Rafael Enrique
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales
Facultad De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales
El Derecho del Trabajo está conformado por un conjunto de normas de orden público y contiene unos principios que se erigen como protectores del eslabón más débil de las relaciones laborales: el trabajador, y tiene como finalidad la de lograr la justicia en las relaciones que surgen entre empleadores y trabajadores, dentro de un espíritu de coordinación económica y equilibrio social, C.S.T. artículo 1º. Entre las obligaciones recíprocas que nacen de las relaciones laborales están las de prestar un servicio personal por parte del trabajador, y por parte del empleador pagar como contraprestación un salario por ese servicio que a su vez genera por fuente legal el derecho del trabajador de percibir unas prestaciones sociales. Del incumplimiento de esa obligación de pagar el salario y prestaciones sociales, deviene una especie de sanción llamada indemnización moratoria que supone mala fe de quien no satisfizo el pago en su oportunidad, lo que obliga a este para exonerarse de la sanción, según la jurisprudencia nacional, a demostrar que no hubo mala fe de su parte ante el impago de las acreencias laborales. Sin embargo, esa sanción moratoria funge como mecanismo de presión para garantizar el pago de las acreencias laborales del trabajador.
Labor Law is made up of a set of public order rules and contains principles that stand as protectors of the weakest link in labor relations: the worker, and its purpose is to achieve justice in the relations hips that arise between employers and workers, within a spirit of economic coordination and social balance, CST Article 1. Within the reciprocal obligations that are born out of the labor relations there are the ones of render service by the worker, and by the employer pay as consideration a salary for this service that at the generates by legal source the right of the worker to perceive some social benefits. Failure to comply with the obligation to pay wages and social benefits will result in a penalty called moratorium compensation which implies bad faith of those who did not satisfy the payment at the time, forcing the payer to waive the penalty, according to national case-law, to show that there was no bad faith on his part in the face of nonpayment of labor rendered. However, this moratorium sanction serves as a pressure mechanism to guarantee the payment of the worker's labor claims.
Labor Law is made up of a set of public order rules and contains principles that stand as protectors of the weakest link in labor relations: the worker, and its purpose is to achieve justice in the relations hips that arise between employers and workers, within a spirit of economic coordination and social balance, CST Article 1. Within the reciprocal obligations that are born out of the labor relations there are the ones of render service by the worker, and by the employer pay as consideration a salary for this service that at the generates by legal source the right of the worker to perceive some social benefits. Failure to comply with the obligation to pay wages and social benefits will result in a penalty called moratorium compensation which implies bad faith of those who did not satisfy the payment at the time, forcing the payer to waive the penalty, according to national case-law, to show that there was no bad faith on his part in the face of nonpayment of labor rendered. However, this moratorium sanction serves as a pressure mechanism to guarantee the payment of the worker's labor claims.
Palabras clave
Incumplimiento, Mala fe, Obligación, Pago, Indemnización, Oportunidad, Obligation, Breach, Compensation, Bad faith, payment, Opportunity