Actividad física en adultos durante el tiempo de pandemia
Torregrosa Peluffo, Enrique José
Rueda Jiménez, Silvia Juliana
Rada Rodríguez, Zaid Andrés
Hernández Cañas, Jurledyis María
Del Valle Torres, Diana Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad Ciencias de la Salud
Antecedentes: La actividad física se ha definido como cualquier movimiento producido por la musculatura esquelética que requiere el consumo de energía, lo cual conlleva beneficios para la salud de la persona en especial cuando se cumplen las recomendaciones internacionales de alcanzar la meta de al menos 150 minutos/semana de actividad física de intensidad moderada a vigorosa según la Guía de Actividad Física, que también sostiene que un poco de actividad física es mejor que ninguna (1). Los adultos deben acumular a lo largo de la semana un mínimo de entre 150 y 300 minutos de actividad física aeróbica de intensidad moderada, o bien un mínimo de entre 75 y 150 minutos de actividad física aeróbica de intensidad vigorosa. A nivel mundial, las estadísticas muestran que uno de cada cuatro adultos de todo el mundo no realiza actividad física suficiente que le permita aprovechar sus beneficios y revelan que, en todos los países, las mujeres, los grupos étnicos minoritarios, las comunidades desfavorecidas y las personas con discapacidades o enfermedades crónicas tienen más probabilidades de permanecer inactivas; por ejemplo, las mujeres son menos activas que los hombres, con una diferencia de más del 8% a nivel mundial (32% hombres frente a 23%, mujeres). Las conductas sedentarias son cada vez más universales y motivadas por el entorno, los contextos económico, social y físico en los que el ser humano actual se mueven muy poco y el tiempo sentado durante las actividades de la vida diaria se han instaurado rápidamente, sobre todo desde mediados del siglo pasado. En otros reportes de la Organización Mundial de la Salud muestra que la prevalencia de comportamientos sedentarios a nivel global en los adultos es de 17%, mientras que la de actividad física moderada es de 31% a 51% (1). En Colombia, según la Encuesta Nacional de la Situación Nutricional (8), la prevalencia de actividad física en adultos entre 18 y 64 años es de 42, 6%, siendo en los hombres el 38,1%) y en mujeres el 46.4%; en el grupo de adultos de 18 a 64 años, el 56.9% a nivel nacional, con mayor frecuencia a nivel urbano (61.7%) que en el resto del país (40.2%) pasan de 2 o más horas en actividades frente a pantallas no relacionadas con el trabajo (8). En estudios realizados en Barranquilla se encontró que los estudiantes universitarios gastan 7,5±5,6 horas frente al celular y con respecto al computador, gastan 3±2,5 horas (9). Esta situación se ha incrementado debido a la emergencia sanitaria global por el SARS-COV2 (COVID-19), la cual fue declarada pandemia en el año 2020 (1) y dio lugar a medidas de confinamiento y cuarentena obligatoria (11). Entre las principales actividades afectadas se encuentran los estilos de vida activos, la inactividad física y el comportamiento sedentario se han incrementado en estos tiempos de confinamiento; antes de la pandemia, el 75,9% manifestó que realizaba ejercicio físico, esta cifra se redujo a 33,5% durante la misma (12). Objetivos: Determinar la práctica de actividad física en adultos durante el tiempo de pandemia Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, esta investigación se efectuó en Barranquilla/Atlántico, durante el periodo de febrero a marzo de 2022 con una muestra de 600 personas, los instrumentos que se utilizaron para este estudio fueron el IPAQ y el consentimiento informado en el cual se digitaron los datos en una hoja de Excel, y se definieron la medida de frecuencias absoluta y relativas para las variables categóricas y para las cuantitativas, la media y desviación estándar. Resultados: El 70% de los participantes fueron mujeres, mientras que el 30% fueron del sexo masculino. En cuanto al nivel educativo, se observa que el 33% alcanzó el grado universitario, 30% de bachiller, 15% grado de técnica profesional, sólo el 13% tiene un nivel de primaria. Por otra parte, solo el 2% tiene el nivel posgrado. Evidenciando que el 51% vive en casa y el 49% en apartamento. La mayor parte de población vive en estrato 2 y 3, en cuanto al trabajo el mayor índice es el de trabajo presencial con un 59,6% (Tabla 2). La media de edad fue 37,5-9,2 años. Al analizar el CS la media de horas de sueño diario es 7,1-1,1 horas. Se puede observar que la media femenina es menor que la media masculina en relación con las horas de sueño diario, también nos indica que la media de horas frente al computador que es de 4,4-3,8 horas es mayor que a las de horas frente a la TV, notando una gran similitud, en las medias frente al celular y las de horas sentado. El 66% de la población general cumple con las recomendaciones de actividad física, mientras que el 34% no alcanzan los 150 minutos de actividad física semanales de moderada a vigorosa. En relación con el consumo energético, las personas que realizan actividad física vigorosa tienen mayor gasto energético (750,6-984,5 MET), mientras que la actividad caminar tiene un menor gasto calórico, con una media de 245-252,9 MET. Conclusiones: La media femenina es menor que la media masculina en relación con las horas de sueño diario, también la media de horas frente al computador es mayor que a las de horas frente a la TV, notando una gran similitud, en las medias frente al celular y las de horas sentado. Pasan más horas sentado frente a un computador, Tablet, celular que durmiendo. Es importante reconocer que, para llevar un estilo de vida saludable se deben evitar los hábitos que conllevan al sedentarismo y hacer pausas activas con ejercicios físicos suaves. En relación con el consumo energético, las personas que realizan actividad física vigorosa tienen mayor gasto energético mientras que la actividad caminar tiene un menor gasto calórico, por lo cual, el consumo calórico de los adultos no cubre los requerimientos energéticos recomendado. La actividad física, sin importar de cuál se trate, genera múltiples beneficios para la salud de las personas, cualquiera sea su edad o sexo.
Background: Physical activity has been defined as any movement produced by the skeletal muscles that requires energy consumption, which entails benefits for the health of the person, especially when international recommendations are met to reach the goal of at least 150 minutes/week of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity according to the Physical Activity Guide, which also states that some physical activity is better than none (1). Adults should accumulate a minimum of 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, or a minimum of 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week (2). Globally, statistics show that one in four adults around the world do not engage in enough physical activity to reap its benefits, and reveal that in every country, women, ethnic minority groups, disadvantaged communities and people with disabilities or chronic illnesses are more likely to be inactive; for example, women are less active than men, with a difference of more than 8% globally (32% men vs. 23% women). Sedentary behaviors are increasingly universal and motivated by the environment, the economic, social and physical contexts in which the current human being moves very little and the time spent sitting during the activities of daily life have been established rapidly, especially since the middle of the last century. In other reports from the World Health Organization, it is shown that the prevalence of sedentary behaviors globally in adults is 17%, while that of moderate physical activity is from 31% to 51% (1). In Colombia, according to the National Nutritional Situation Survey (8), the prevalence of physical activity in adults between 18 and 64 years old is 42.6%, being 38.1% in men and 46.4% in women. ; in the group of adults from 18 to 64 years old, 56.9% at the national level, more frequently at the urban level (61.7%) than in the rest of the country (40.2%) spend 2 or more hours in activities in front of screens not work-related (8). In studies carried out in Barranquilla, it was found that university students spend 7.5±5.6 hours in front of the cell phone and with respect to the computer, they spend 3±2.5 hours (9). This situation has increased due to the global health emergency caused by SARSCOV2 (COVID-19), which was declared a pandemic in 2020 (1) and gave rise to confinement and mandatory quarantine measures (11). Among the main activities affected are active lifestyles, physical inactivity and sedentary behavior have increased in these times of confinement; Before the pandemic, 75.9% said they did physical exercise, this figure dropped to 33.5% during it (12). Objective: To determine the practice of physical activity in adults during the time of pandemic Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, this research was carried out in Barranquilla/Atlántico, during the period from February to March 2022 with a sample of 600 people, the instruments used for this study were the IPAQ and the informed consent in which the data was entered into an Excel sheet, and the measurement of absolute and relative frequencies for the categorical variables and for the quantitative variables, the mean and standard deviation were defined. Results: 70% of the participants were women, while 30% were men. Regarding the educational level, it is observed that 33% reached a university degree, 30% a bachelor's degree, 15% a professional technical degree, only 13% have a primary level. On the other hand, only 2% have a postgraduate level. Showing that 51% live at home and 49% in an apartment. Most of the population lives in stratum 2 and 3, in terms of work the highest rate is that of face-to-face work with 59.6% (Table 2). The mean age was 37.5+9.2 years. When analyzing the CS, the average number of hours of daily sleep is 7.1+1.1 hours. It can be seen that the female average is less than the male average in relation to the hours of daily sleep, it also indicates that the average number of hours in front of the computer, which is 4.4+3.8 hours, is greater than that of women. hours in front of the TV, noticing a great similarity, in the averages in front of the cell phone and those of hours sitting. 66% of the general population meet the physical activity recommendations, while 34% do not reach 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. In relation to energy consumption, people who perform vigorous physical activity have a higher energy expenditure (750.6+984.5 MET), while walking activity has a lower caloric expenditure, with an average of 245+252.9 MET. Conclusions: The female average is lower than the male average in relation to the hours of daily sleep, also the average hours in front of the computer is greater than the hours in front of the TV, noting a great similarity, in the averages compared to the cell phone and those of hours sitting. They spend more hours sitting in front of a computer, tablet, cell phone than sleeping. It is important to recognize that, in order to lead a healthy lifestyle, habits that lead to a sedentary lifestyle should be avoided and active breaks should be taken with gentle physical exercises. In relation to energy consumption, people who perform vigorous physical activity have higher energy expenditure while walking activity has lower caloric expenditure, therefore, the caloric intake of adults does not cover the recommended energy requirements. Physical activity, no matter what it is, generates multiple health benefits for people, whatever their age or gender.
Background: Physical activity has been defined as any movement produced by the skeletal muscles that requires energy consumption, which entails benefits for the health of the person, especially when international recommendations are met to reach the goal of at least 150 minutes/week of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity according to the Physical Activity Guide, which also states that some physical activity is better than none (1). Adults should accumulate a minimum of 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, or a minimum of 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week (2). Globally, statistics show that one in four adults around the world do not engage in enough physical activity to reap its benefits, and reveal that in every country, women, ethnic minority groups, disadvantaged communities and people with disabilities or chronic illnesses are more likely to be inactive; for example, women are less active than men, with a difference of more than 8% globally (32% men vs. 23% women). Sedentary behaviors are increasingly universal and motivated by the environment, the economic, social and physical contexts in which the current human being moves very little and the time spent sitting during the activities of daily life have been established rapidly, especially since the middle of the last century. In other reports from the World Health Organization, it is shown that the prevalence of sedentary behaviors globally in adults is 17%, while that of moderate physical activity is from 31% to 51% (1). In Colombia, according to the National Nutritional Situation Survey (8), the prevalence of physical activity in adults between 18 and 64 years old is 42.6%, being 38.1% in men and 46.4% in women. ; in the group of adults from 18 to 64 years old, 56.9% at the national level, more frequently at the urban level (61.7%) than in the rest of the country (40.2%) spend 2 or more hours in activities in front of screens not work-related (8). In studies carried out in Barranquilla, it was found that university students spend 7.5±5.6 hours in front of the cell phone and with respect to the computer, they spend 3±2.5 hours (9). This situation has increased due to the global health emergency caused by SARSCOV2 (COVID-19), which was declared a pandemic in 2020 (1) and gave rise to confinement and mandatory quarantine measures (11). Among the main activities affected are active lifestyles, physical inactivity and sedentary behavior have increased in these times of confinement; Before the pandemic, 75.9% said they did physical exercise, this figure dropped to 33.5% during it (12). Objective: To determine the practice of physical activity in adults during the time of pandemic Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, this research was carried out in Barranquilla/Atlántico, during the period from February to March 2022 with a sample of 600 people, the instruments used for this study were the IPAQ and the informed consent in which the data was entered into an Excel sheet, and the measurement of absolute and relative frequencies for the categorical variables and for the quantitative variables, the mean and standard deviation were defined. Results: 70% of the participants were women, while 30% were men. Regarding the educational level, it is observed that 33% reached a university degree, 30% a bachelor's degree, 15% a professional technical degree, only 13% have a primary level. On the other hand, only 2% have a postgraduate level. Showing that 51% live at home and 49% in an apartment. Most of the population lives in stratum 2 and 3, in terms of work the highest rate is that of face-to-face work with 59.6% (Table 2). The mean age was 37.5+9.2 years. When analyzing the CS, the average number of hours of daily sleep is 7.1+1.1 hours. It can be seen that the female average is less than the male average in relation to the hours of daily sleep, it also indicates that the average number of hours in front of the computer, which is 4.4+3.8 hours, is greater than that of women. hours in front of the TV, noticing a great similarity, in the averages in front of the cell phone and those of hours sitting. 66% of the general population meet the physical activity recommendations, while 34% do not reach 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. In relation to energy consumption, people who perform vigorous physical activity have a higher energy expenditure (750.6+984.5 MET), while walking activity has a lower caloric expenditure, with an average of 245+252.9 MET. Conclusions: The female average is lower than the male average in relation to the hours of daily sleep, also the average hours in front of the computer is greater than the hours in front of the TV, noting a great similarity, in the averages compared to the cell phone and those of hours sitting. They spend more hours sitting in front of a computer, tablet, cell phone than sleeping. It is important to recognize that, in order to lead a healthy lifestyle, habits that lead to a sedentary lifestyle should be avoided and active breaks should be taken with gentle physical exercises. In relation to energy consumption, people who perform vigorous physical activity have higher energy expenditure while walking activity has lower caloric expenditure, therefore, the caloric intake of adults does not cover the recommended energy requirements. Physical activity, no matter what it is, generates multiple health benefits for people, whatever their age or gender.
Palabras clave
Actividad física, Conducta sedentaria, COVID 19