Estrés laboral, calidad del sueño y síntomas osteomusculares en trabajadores de la Costa Caribe colombiana
Sincelejo Charris, Ana Raquel
Bohórquez Assia, Maryvic
Barraza Rubio, Mileydis Paola
Leyva Uribe, Oscar Emilio
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo: Determinar los indicadores de riesgo asociados a estrés laboral, calidad
del sueño y síntomas osteomusculares en trabajadores de la Costa Caribe
Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal aplicado a 133
trabajadores, se aplicó el Cuestionario de Índice de calidad de sueño de Pittsburgh,
el cuestionario Nórdico de síntomas Músculo - Tendinosos y el cuestionario Maslach
Burnout Inventory (MBI) por medio del análisis estadístico descriptivo de las
variables de sentido laboral, fatiga laboral, actividad laboral, calidad del sueño,
medicación para dormir, molestias, percepción del dolor según el sexo medidas en
los cuestionarios. Resultados: Se obtuvo que el 64.6% de los trabajadores nunca o pocas veces a la
semana se siente vacío cuando termina la jornada de trabajo, el 46.7% nunca o
pocas veces se siente fatigado cuando se levanta por la mañana a enfrentarse a otra
jornada laboral, el 55.6% se siente activo todos los días, el 42.1% tiene muy buena
calidad de sueño, el 85.7% no ha tomado en el último mes ninguna medicina para
poder dormir, el 44.4% en los últimos 12 meses ha presentado molestia en el cuello,
el 68.4% no presenta dolor en la caderas o las piernas, y el 66,9% no presenta dolor
en las rodillas.
Conclusión: Los riesgos asociados a Estrés laboral, Calidad del Sueño y Síntomas
Osteomusculares en trabajadores, se encuentran presente, aunque en menores
proporciones, es importante que se tomen medidas eficaces para disminuir los
indicadores y futuras enfermedades de origen laboral.
Objective: Determine the risk indicators associated with work stress, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers on the Colombian Caribbean Coast. Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study applied to 133 workers, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Questionnaire, the Nordic Muscle-Tendon Symptoms Questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire were applied through descriptive statistical analysis of the variables of work meaning, work fatigue, work activity, sleep quality, sleeping medication, discomfort, pain perception according to sex measured in the questionnaires. Results: It was found that 64.6% of workers never or few times a week feel empty when the work day ends, 46.7% never or rarely feel fatigued when they get up in the morning to face another work day. , 55.6% feel active every day, 42.1% have very good quality of sleep, 85.7% have not taken any medicine in the last month to help them sleep, 44.4% in the last 12 months have had discomfort in the neck, 68.4% do not have pain in the hips or legs, and 66.9% do not have pain in the knees. Conclusion: The risks associated with work stress, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers are present, although in smaller proportions. It is important that effective measures be taken to reduce the indicators and future work-related diseases.
Objective: Determine the risk indicators associated with work stress, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers on the Colombian Caribbean Coast. Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study applied to 133 workers, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Questionnaire, the Nordic Muscle-Tendon Symptoms Questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire were applied through descriptive statistical analysis of the variables of work meaning, work fatigue, work activity, sleep quality, sleeping medication, discomfort, pain perception according to sex measured in the questionnaires. Results: It was found that 64.6% of workers never or few times a week feel empty when the work day ends, 46.7% never or rarely feel fatigued when they get up in the morning to face another work day. , 55.6% feel active every day, 42.1% have very good quality of sleep, 85.7% have not taken any medicine in the last month to help them sleep, 44.4% in the last 12 months have had discomfort in the neck, 68.4% do not have pain in the hips or legs, and 66.9% do not have pain in the knees. Conclusion: The risks associated with work stress, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers are present, although in smaller proportions. It is important that effective measures be taken to reduce the indicators and future work-related diseases.
Palabras clave
Estrés laboral, Calidad del sueño, Sistema osteomuscular, Salud de los trabajadores, Work stress, Sleep quality, Musculoskeletal System, Worker health