Psicoterapia basada en la evidencia en un caso de distimia y crisis de pánico
Mendoza-Rincón, Beatriz-Milagros
Quiceno-Manosalva, Marcela
Cudris-Torres, Lorena
Álvarez-Maestre, Annie
Cotrino, Johana
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Universidad Central de Venezuela
Se describe un estudio de caso único de una paciente
de 23 años con un diagnóstico clínico de trastorno
depresivo persistente (gravedad actual moderada), con
ansiedad, específicamente episodios poco recurrentes
de crisis de pánico. El objetivo del presente artículo,
es estudiar los resultados obtenidos tras la aplicación
de un esquema de terapia basado en la evidencia, a
la luz de la evolución de los síntomas relacionados
con el estado de ánimo y ansiedad; y los resultados
encontrados por estudios previos. Se utilizaron como
instrumentos de evaluación la entrevista clínica
semiestructurada, lista de chequeo para evaluar las
crisis de pánico y test estandarizados entre ellos el BDI,
IDER, EROS. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron
desarrollar un plan de tratamiento de 23 sesiones,
aplicando técnicas de intervención soportadas con
evidencia empírica como la reestructuración cognitiva,
exposición interoceptiva, exposición en vivo y técnicas
de reforzamiento positivo de actividades para el
manejo de la distimia y los ataques de pánico. Los
resultados evidenciaron un avance significativo en la
reestructuración de pensamientos, la disminución de
la ansiedad y aumento en la activación del estado de
ánimo, cumpliendo con los objetivos y corroborando la
eficacia de las técnicas aplicadas para el tratamiento
de la distimia y las crisis de pánico.
This paper presents a single case study of a 23-yearold woman with a clinical diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder (Currently in a moderate level), with anxiety, specifically infrequent episodes of panic attacks, is described. The objective of this article is to study the results obtained after the application of an evidence-based therapy scheme, in light of the evolution of symptoms related to mood and anxiety; and the results found by previous studies. The semistructured clinical interview, a checklist to evaluate panic attacks, and standardized tests were used as evaluation instruments, including the BDI, IDER, EROS. The results obtained allowed the development of a 23-session treatment plan, applying intervention techniques supported by empirical evidence such as cognitive restructuring, interoceptive exposure, live exposure, and techniques for positive reinforcement of activities for the management of dysthymia and panic attacks. The results showed a significant advance in the restructuring of thoughts, the decrease in anxiety and an increase in the activation of the mood, fulfilling the objectives and corroborating the efficacy of the techniques applied for the treatment of dysthymia and panic attacks.
This paper presents a single case study of a 23-yearold woman with a clinical diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder (Currently in a moderate level), with anxiety, specifically infrequent episodes of panic attacks, is described. The objective of this article is to study the results obtained after the application of an evidence-based therapy scheme, in light of the evolution of symptoms related to mood and anxiety; and the results found by previous studies. The semistructured clinical interview, a checklist to evaluate panic attacks, and standardized tests were used as evaluation instruments, including the BDI, IDER, EROS. The results obtained allowed the development of a 23-session treatment plan, applying intervention techniques supported by empirical evidence such as cognitive restructuring, interoceptive exposure, live exposure, and techniques for positive reinforcement of activities for the management of dysthymia and panic attacks. The results showed a significant advance in the restructuring of thoughts, the decrease in anxiety and an increase in the activation of the mood, fulfilling the objectives and corroborating the efficacy of the techniques applied for the treatment of dysthymia and panic attacks.
Palabras clave
Ansiedad, Trastorno de pánico, Adulto joven, Trastorno distímico, Refuerzo, Psicología, Cognición, Anxiety, Panic disorder, Young adult, Dysthymic disorder, Reinforcement, Psychology