Actitud hacia la actividad física en personas mayores
Barrios Sierra, Linda Michell
Blanco Torres, Luis Alfredo
Tapias Pacheco, María Paula
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación nos habla sobre la actitud hacia la actividad física en personas mayores. Se
menciona que la vejez es una etapa del ciclo vital que comienza alrededor de los 65 años y se
considera la última etapa de la vida. El envejecimiento se define como la acumulación
progresiva de cambios que aumentan la probabilidad de enfermar y morir. En las últimas
décadas, ha habido un aumento en el envejecimiento de la población debido a la disminución
de la mortalidad y el incremento de la esperanza de vida.
Se destaca la importancia de tener una actitud positiva hacia el envejecimiento y la vejez, ya
que los prejuicios culturales pueden afectar la percepción de uno mismo en esta etapa de la
vida. Existen estereotipos negativos sobre las personas mayores, como la creencia de que
están enfermas o discapacitadas, que pasan mucho tiempo en cama o que viven en residencias
La calidad de vida en las personas mayores está determinada por factores objetivos y
subjetivos. Los factores objetivos incluyen condiciones externas como la situación
económica, sociopolítica y cultural, mientras que los factores subjetivos están relacionados
con la valoración que la persona hace de su propia vida.
El proceso de envejecimiento puede llevar a limitaciones en las habilidades físicas y sociales,
pero se pueden compensar con adecuadas condiciones del entorno y la actitud del individuo.
La capacidad funcional en la tercera edad se puede estudiar a través del modelo CIF
(Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento), que incluye componentes relacionados con
las funciones corporales, la actividad y la participación social.
Aunque la capacidad de realizar actividad física se ve limitada por la edad, se destaca que el
ejercicio regular puede retrasar la incapacidad y tener beneficios físicos y psicológicos en las
personas mayores. Es necesario promover la actividad física en este grupo para que conozcan
sus beneficios y cambien su actitud hacia ella.
Se menciona que la fuerza muscular disminuye con la edad, pero esta pérdida puede ser
contrarrestada con el ejercicio físico. La atrofia muscular es mayor en los miembros
inferiores que en los superiores.
This investigation talks about the attitude towards physical activity in older people. It is mentioned that old age is a stage of the life cycle that begins around the age of 65 and is considered the last stage of life. Aging is defined as the progressive accumulation of changes that increase the likelihood of getting sick and dying. In recent decades, there has been an increase in population aging due to declining mortality and increased hope Life expectancy. The importance of having a positive attitude towards aging and old age is highlighted, as cultural prejudices can affect one's perception of oneself at this stage of life. There are negative stereotypes about older people, such as the belief that they are sick or disabled, that they spend a lot of time in bed or that they live in nursing homes. Quality of life in older people is determined by objective and subjective factors. Objective factors include external conditions such as economic, socio-political and cultural situation, while subjective factors are related to a person's assessment of his own life. The aging process can lead to limitations in physical and social abilities, but they can be compensated for by adequate environmental conditions and the individual's attitude. Functional capacity in the elderly can be studied through the CIF (International Classification of Functioning) model, which includes components related to bodily functions, activity and social participation. Although the ability to engage in physical activity is limited by age, it is highlighted that regular exercise can delay disability and have physical and psychological benefits in older people. It is necessary to promote physical activity in this group so that they know its benefits and change their attitude towards it. It is mentioned that muscle strength decreases with age, but this loss can be counteracted with physical exercise. Muscle atrophy is greater in the lower limbs than in the upper limbs.
This investigation talks about the attitude towards physical activity in older people. It is mentioned that old age is a stage of the life cycle that begins around the age of 65 and is considered the last stage of life. Aging is defined as the progressive accumulation of changes that increase the likelihood of getting sick and dying. In recent decades, there has been an increase in population aging due to declining mortality and increased hope Life expectancy. The importance of having a positive attitude towards aging and old age is highlighted, as cultural prejudices can affect one's perception of oneself at this stage of life. There are negative stereotypes about older people, such as the belief that they are sick or disabled, that they spend a lot of time in bed or that they live in nursing homes. Quality of life in older people is determined by objective and subjective factors. Objective factors include external conditions such as economic, socio-political and cultural situation, while subjective factors are related to a person's assessment of his own life. The aging process can lead to limitations in physical and social abilities, but they can be compensated for by adequate environmental conditions and the individual's attitude. Functional capacity in the elderly can be studied through the CIF (International Classification of Functioning) model, which includes components related to bodily functions, activity and social participation. Although the ability to engage in physical activity is limited by age, it is highlighted that regular exercise can delay disability and have physical and psychological benefits in older people. It is necessary to promote physical activity in this group so that they know its benefits and change their attitude towards it. It is mentioned that muscle strength decreases with age, but this loss can be counteracted with physical exercise. Muscle atrophy is greater in the lower limbs than in the upper limbs.
Palabras clave
Actividad física, Adultos mayores