Violencia contra la mujer en época de Covid-19 en el departamento del Atlántico 2019-2022
Aguilar Campo, Karen Jael
Martínez Téllez, Mariana Ángeles
Higuera Torres, Dylan Francois
Ramírez Gómez, Andrea Carolina
Miranda Blanquiceth, Winny Liseth
Held Piñeros, Joseph Emmanuel
Maestre Arévalo, Yisandry Paola
Narváez Doria, Viviana de Jesús
Chávez Rodríguez, Karen Paola
Moreno Duque, Adel David
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el desarrollo de la revisión de la literatura empleada para soportar el trabajo investigativo, se tiene que hay referenciadas 2 en el ámbito internacional, 3 en el ámbito nacional y 2 en el ámbito local, con el cual se tiene una subdivisión de la que se tiene como referencia dos elementos.
En primer lugar, es el desarrollo de estudios de campo de tipo cuantitativo, que busca revisar y actualizar los indicadores del fenómeno de la violencia contra la mujer en el contexto familiar, puesto que como mencionan las investigaciones, estas constituyen uno de los aspectos fundamentales que desencadenan los feminicidios, ello mencionado por la teoría del ciclo de la violencia, referenciado en el trabajo.
En segundo lugar, se tiene la conexión de la legislación penal y tipificación del delito en el ámbito jurídico y psicológico, puesto que para que este acto se considere ilegitimo, puesto que este constituye una construcción social que se la ha dado a esta conducta y acto, donde hay una situación de vulnerabilidad consciente de uno sobre el otro, partiendo de cómo se señala la constitución donde se constituye una garantía de no discriminación e inferioridad económica, social y política, por la condición de sexo. Por consiguiente, en el desarrollo de nuestros antecedentes se desatacó que Para nosotros en la presente investigación, la comprensión de la realidad social a partir de su análisis crítico, los ejes de acción orientados a la transformación de la misma realidad, se apoya en la crítica ideológica en la forma que influencia nuestro trabajo, en el caso de las ideologías presentes para el caso de la ciudad de Barranquilla y la región caribe.
In the development of the literature review used to support the research work, there are 2 referenced at the international level, 3 at the national level and 2 at the local level, with which there is a subdivision of which two elements are referenced. In the first place, it is the development of quantitative field studies, which seeks to review and update the indicators of the phenomenon of violence against women in the family context, since, as mentioned in the research, these constitute one of the fundamental aspects that trigger femicides, as mentioned by the theory of the cycle of violence, referenced in the work. Secondly, there is the connection of the criminal legislation and typification of the crime in the legal and psychological field, since this act is considered illegitimate, since it constitutes a social construction that has been given to this conduct and act, where there is a situation of conscious vulnerability of one over the other, starting from how the constitution is indicated where it constitutes a guarantee of non-discrimination and economic, social and political inferiority, due to the condition of sex. Therefore, in the development of our background it was emphasized that For us in the present investigation, the understanding of the social reality from its critical analysis, the axes of action oriented to the transformation of the same reality, is supported by the ideological criticism in the form that influences our work, in the case of the ideologies present for the case of the city of Barranquilla and the Caribbean region.
In the development of the literature review used to support the research work, there are 2 referenced at the international level, 3 at the national level and 2 at the local level, with which there is a subdivision of which two elements are referenced. In the first place, it is the development of quantitative field studies, which seeks to review and update the indicators of the phenomenon of violence against women in the family context, since, as mentioned in the research, these constitute one of the fundamental aspects that trigger femicides, as mentioned by the theory of the cycle of violence, referenced in the work. Secondly, there is the connection of the criminal legislation and typification of the crime in the legal and psychological field, since this act is considered illegitimate, since it constitutes a social construction that has been given to this conduct and act, where there is a situation of conscious vulnerability of one over the other, starting from how the constitution is indicated where it constitutes a guarantee of non-discrimination and economic, social and political inferiority, due to the condition of sex. Therefore, in the development of our background it was emphasized that For us in the present investigation, the understanding of the social reality from its critical analysis, the axes of action oriented to the transformation of the same reality, is supported by the ideological criticism in the form that influences our work, in the case of the ideologies present for the case of the city of Barranquilla and the Caribbean region.
Palabras clave
Violencia, Patriarcado, Mujer, Sociedad, Cultura, Política social, Violence, Patriarchy, Women, Society, Culture, Social policy