Gestión de trámites en el traspaso de vehículos sustentada en la reducción de filas y tiempo de espera de los usuarios: caso área comercial de la secretaría de tránsito y seguridad vial de Barranquilla
Andrade Conrado, Blanca Belén
Guzmán, María Cristina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
En la actualidad en la Oficina de Registros de la Secretaria de Tránsito y Seguridad Vial de Barranquilla ha aumentado significativamente el número de trámites que allí se realizan, donde el promedio diario de turnos que se asignan en todas las sedes con que cuenta esta dependencia es de aproximadamente 625 en los meses comprendidos de enero a mayo de 2019, siendo el traspaso de vehículos automotores el que mayor flujo de usuarios presenta, por tal motivo es muy importante darle una respuesta adecuada y oportuna a ellos para satisfacer sus necesidades, sin embargo se ha detectado que estos trámites son rechazados porque no cumplen con las condiciones establecidas para realizar el proceso
solicitado por el ciudadano, originando reprocesos, aumento de las filas y tiempos de espera e incremento de las quejas efectuada por los usuarios.
At present, the Registry Office of the Traffic and Traffic Safety Secretariat of Barranquilla has significantly increased the number of procedures carried out there, where the daily average of shifts assigned in all the branches of this unit is of approximately 625 so far between the months of January to May 2019, the transfer of motor vehicles is the one with the highest flow of users, for this reason it is very important to give an adequate and timely response to them to meet their needs, However, it has been detected that these procedures are rejected because they do not comply with the conditions established to carry out the process requested by the citizen, resulting in reprocessing, increase in the number of queues and waiting times and an increase in complaints made by users
At present, the Registry Office of the Traffic and Traffic Safety Secretariat of Barranquilla has significantly increased the number of procedures carried out there, where the daily average of shifts assigned in all the branches of this unit is of approximately 625 so far between the months of January to May 2019, the transfer of motor vehicles is the one with the highest flow of users, for this reason it is very important to give an adequate and timely response to them to meet their needs, However, it has been detected that these procedures are rejected because they do not comply with the conditions established to carry out the process requested by the citizen, resulting in reprocessing, increase in the number of queues and waiting times and an increase in complaints made by users
Palabras clave
Tránsito, Trámites, Traspaso, Vehículos, Usuarios, Transit, Procedures, Transfer, Vehicles, Users