Aplicabilidad de las políticas públicas para el fortalecimiento de la afroetnoeducación en las universidades del sector público del departamento del Atlántico
De Armas Molina, Eliana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
La necesidad de que existan currículos flexibles interculturales que integre la
población afrocolombiana a la vida universitaria, conlleva a una discusión académica
abordada desde la perspectiva investigativa donde se analice cómo estas comunidades
afrodescendientes puedan integrarse a La educación superior a través de políticas
La Gerencia de Proyectos, al igual que otras disciplinas tales como la sociología
jurídica, la psicología social entre otras, coadyuvan en las diferentes discusiones respecto
a la inclusión y participación desde la academia en los procesos donde convergen los
actores sociales, las instituciones y el ciudadano común y corriente.
Más allá de establecer el otorgamiento de beneficios de esta comunidad por parte
de los claustros universitarios, lo que se busca es minimizar la brecha existente por lo
que en muchos casos estas acciones se realizan de manera discriminatoria tal como
ocurre al momento de demostrar a través de certificados que son descendientes de la
raza negra, que sin ese documento no es posible que se reconozca un derecho. La
implementación de medidas para el ingreso a la vida universitaria obedece a la falta de
unas políticas nacionales mediante el cual se ejerza una verdadera inclusión que
conserve patrones culturales en relación al desarrollo de la etnia en Colombia.
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito mostrar la necesidad de
implementar currículos flexibles interculturales el cual pretende por unas políticas pública
que logren proteger la afrocolombianidad es decir los orígenes, los rasgos y su cultura
sus usos y costumbres combinados con los modelos pedagógicos que determinen la
inclusión como medidas incluyentes y diferenciadoras con el fin de alcanzar una
formación educativa superior con un mejor rendimiento académico, teniendo como eje
central el fortalecimiento de sus vínculos culturales, así como elevar sus tasas de
graduación de los distintos programas de pregrado y posgrado.
En este orden de ideas, existe la necesidad desde los “claustros” universitarios de
interactuar con los actores públicos y la ciudadanía, y de esa forma, asumir un rol activo
e importante en buscar soluciones para implementar una educación de calidad para la
población afrodescendientes.
The need for flexible intercultural curricula that integrates the Afro-Colombian population into university life leads to an academic discussion approached from a research perspective that analyzes how these Afro-descendant communities can be integrated into higher education through public policies. Project management, like other disciplines such as legal sociology, social psychology among others, contribute to the different discussions regarding inclusion and participation from the academy in the processes where social actors, institutions and citizens converge. common and ordinary. Beyond establishing the granting of benefits to this community by the university faculty, what is sought is to minimize the existing gap, which is why in many cases these actions are carried out in a discriminatory manner, as occurs when demonstrating through certificates that they are descendants of the black race, that without that document it is not possible for a right to be recognized. The implementation of measures for entry to university life is due to the lack of national policies through which true inclusion is exercised that preserves cultural patterns in relation to the development of the ethnic group in Colombia. This research work aims to show the need to implement flexible intercultural curricula which aims for public policies that manage to protect Afro-Colombian identity, that is, the origins, traits and culture, its uses and customs combined with the pedagogical models that determine inclusion. as inclusive and differentiating measures in order to achieve higher educational training with better academic performance, having as its axis central to strengthening their cultural ties, as well as raising their graduation rates from the different undergraduate and graduate programs. In this order of ideas, there is a need for the university "cloisters" to interact with public actors and citizens, and in this way, assume an active and important role in seeking solutions to implement quality education for the Afro-descendant population.
The need for flexible intercultural curricula that integrates the Afro-Colombian population into university life leads to an academic discussion approached from a research perspective that analyzes how these Afro-descendant communities can be integrated into higher education through public policies. Project management, like other disciplines such as legal sociology, social psychology among others, contribute to the different discussions regarding inclusion and participation from the academy in the processes where social actors, institutions and citizens converge. common and ordinary. Beyond establishing the granting of benefits to this community by the university faculty, what is sought is to minimize the existing gap, which is why in many cases these actions are carried out in a discriminatory manner, as occurs when demonstrating through certificates that they are descendants of the black race, that without that document it is not possible for a right to be recognized. The implementation of measures for entry to university life is due to the lack of national policies through which true inclusion is exercised that preserves cultural patterns in relation to the development of the ethnic group in Colombia. This research work aims to show the need to implement flexible intercultural curricula which aims for public policies that manage to protect Afro-Colombian identity, that is, the origins, traits and culture, its uses and customs combined with the pedagogical models that determine inclusion. as inclusive and differentiating measures in order to achieve higher educational training with better academic performance, having as its axis central to strengthening their cultural ties, as well as raising their graduation rates from the different undergraduate and graduate programs. In this order of ideas, there is a need for the university "cloisters" to interact with public actors and citizens, and in this way, assume an active and important role in seeking solutions to implement quality education for the Afro-descendant population.
Palabras clave
Políticas Públicas, Afrodescendientes, Etnoeducación, Constitución política, Identidad étnica, Ciudadanos, Democracia, Derechos civiles y políticos, Derechos fundamentales, Derecho colectivos, Estado social de Derecho, Public Policies, Afro-descendants, Ethno-education, Political constitution, Ethnic identity, Citizens, Democracy, Civil and political rights, Fundamental rights, Collective law and social rule of law.