Factores que afectan la práctica encaminada a la aplicación del modelo de economía circular en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Santamaría J., Luis Santiago
Alberto Peñaranda, Fernando
Carolina Villera, Dayana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
En la actualidad muchas empresas a nivel mundial se están centrando en cambiar el modelo económico lineal que se caracteriza por extraer de la naturaleza materia prima que va a ser transformada en productos que van a ser comercializados para ser consumidos, una vez terminan su ciclo de vida útil son desechados por no prestar ningún servicio, teniendo como último destino los vertederos. Este modelo a largo plazo no es sostenible desde lo económico porque los recursos utilizados para producir son limitados, finitos y al escasear aumentan su precio, impactando negativamente el medio ambiente, y los problemas sociales se incrementarán por no haber forma de satisfacer las necesidades de los individuos. Los empresarios y líderes mundiales le apuestan al modelo de economía circular por ser respetuoso con la naturaleza, diseñar productos que sean útiles una vez terminen su ciclo de vida al poder ser incorporado en la producción de nuevo artículo, en este modelo a diferencia del lineal el tejido social no se va a ver afectado.
Muchos son los autores que han realizado investigación en torno a empresas que adoptado y que se han creado desde la EC, llegando a la conclusión que el proceso de transición es un poco más lento para las empresas que se constituyeron y producen con el modelo lineal que aquellas que inician con el modelo circular, por tal motivo estrategias como: El cambio de mentalidad por medio de creación de modelos pedagógicos que permitan ampliar el conocimiento sobre la EC, la implementación de tecnología innovadora y el acceso a préstamos destinados a este tipo de actividades circulares, son fundamentales para el posicionamiento de este modelo en la ciudad de Barranquilla.
Currently many companies worldwide are focusing on changing the linear economic model that is characterized by extracting from nature raw materials that will be transformed into products that will be marketed for consumption, once they finish their life cycle are discarded for not providing any service, having as final destination the landfills. This long-term model is not economically sustainable because the resources used to produce are limited, finite, and when they are scarce they increase in price, negatively impacting the environment, and social problems will increase because there is no way to satisfy the needs of individuals. Businessmen and world leaders are betting on the circular economy model because it is respectful of nature, designing products that are useful once they finish their life cycle and can be incorporated into the production of new articles. In this model, unlike the linear model, the social fabric will not be affected. Many are the authors who have carried out research on the companies that have been adopted and created since the EC, reaching the conclusion that the transition process is a little slower for the companies that were constituted and produce with the linear model than those that begin with the circular model, for this reason strategies such as The change of mentality through the creation of pedagogical models that allow for the expansion of knowledge about CE, the implementation of innovative technology and access to loans for this type of circular activities, are fundamental for the positioning of this model in the city of Barranquilla.
Currently many companies worldwide are focusing on changing the linear economic model that is characterized by extracting from nature raw materials that will be transformed into products that will be marketed for consumption, once they finish their life cycle are discarded for not providing any service, having as final destination the landfills. This long-term model is not economically sustainable because the resources used to produce are limited, finite, and when they are scarce they increase in price, negatively impacting the environment, and social problems will increase because there is no way to satisfy the needs of individuals. Businessmen and world leaders are betting on the circular economy model because it is respectful of nature, designing products that are useful once they finish their life cycle and can be incorporated into the production of new articles. In this model, unlike the linear model, the social fabric will not be affected. Many are the authors who have carried out research on the companies that have been adopted and created since the EC, reaching the conclusion that the transition process is a little slower for the companies that were constituted and produce with the linear model than those that begin with the circular model, for this reason strategies such as The change of mentality through the creation of pedagogical models that allow for the expansion of knowledge about CE, the implementation of innovative technology and access to loans for this type of circular activities, are fundamental for the positioning of this model in the city of Barranquilla.
Palabras clave
Economía circular, Desarrollo sostenible, Reciclaje, Residuos, Circular economy, Sustainable development, Recycling, Waste