Factores intervinientes en el incremento de la violencia intrafamiliar en Latinoamérica en tiempos de confinamiento
Barrios Miranda, Julio Cesar
Martínez Romero, Maryuris Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Antecedentes: En el estudio titulado violencia familiar en tiempos de covid-19 los autores
(Gómez & Sánchez, 2020) manifestaron que La pandemia del virus Covid-19 ha tenido
consecuencias en las familias de México y de todo el mundo, debido al confinamiento para
evitar contagios. En ese sentido, los datos de violencia intrafamiliar constituyen un
indicador que busca prontamente implementar acciones públicas para evitar y atender los
daños que ésta ocasiona.
De ahí que sea necesario revisar el marco legal que protege a los integrantes de las
familias mexicanas de la violencia que se desata por otro integrante del núcleo familiar y
que puede tener diferentes causas, como la restricción total o parcial de la libertad; y
variadas consecuencias en la salud física y psicológica de mujeres, adultos, niños, niñas,
jóvenes y cualquier miembro de la familia, (León García y Caviedes Hoyos, 2014).
En el estudio de Gaitán, (2020) para la Javeriana en Colombia: Covid 19 y “quedarse
en casa”: un posible riesgo ante la violencia intrafamiliar. Se hace un llamado a la
ciudadanía para estar atentos a las familias en cuya interacción se presentan situaciones de
violencia, entendiendo que ésta tiene muchas manifestaciones. La más lamentable es el
feminicidio, la más evidente es la violencia física (23%), pero la más inadvertida,
normalizada y por la que se inicia el ciclo de violencia, es la violencia psicológica con un
50%, siendo la más consultada en la Línea Púrpura; seguidas por la económica (19%), la
sexual y patrimonial con un 4% cada una y la verbal (1%) (Tomado del artículo Violencia
de género en tiempos de encierro, otro desafío para Bogotá, 29 marzo).
Barranquilla, una de las principales ciudades del país, no es ajena a distintos
problemas de tipo social que lastiman considerablemente la salud y la vida de sus
habitantes, la canalización de los arroyos es quizá uno de los mayores avances en los
últimos años, en los que a pesar de los inconvenientes causados a la ciudadanía se pudo
obtener una mejoría en la calidad de vida (Barrios Fontalvo, et al, 2020); sin embargo ha
habido un aumento significativo de la inseguridad y violencia al interior de los hogares;
problemática que se ejerce mayoritariamente en el espacio privado. Así lo deja en evidencia
la Corporación Sisma Mujer (2020), en su Boletín Especial No.20. “Comportamiento de las
violencias contra las mujeres en el marco de la pandemia del COVID-19”, y lo detalla el
Instituto Nacional de Salud en su tercer informe acerca de la violencia intrafamiliar en el
país, en donde el 80,9% de los casos tienen a las mujeres como víctimas centrales en estos
tiempos de confinamiento.
Background: In the study entitled family violence in times of covid-19, the authors (Gómez & Sánchez, 2020) stated that the Covid-19 virus pandemic has had consequences on families in Mexico and around the world, due to confinement to avoid contagion . In this sense, the data on domestic violence constitute an indicator that seeks to promptly implement public actions to avoid and address the damages that this occasion. Hence, it is necessary to review the legal framework that protects members of Mexican families from violence that is unleashed by another member of the family nucleus and that may have different causes, such as the total or partial restriction of freedom; and various consequences on the physical and psychological health of women, adults, children, young people and any member of the family. In the study by Gaitán, (2020) for the Javeriana in Colombia: Covid 19 and “staying at home”: a possible risk in the face of intrafamily violence. Citizens are called to be attentive to the families in whose interaction situations of violence occur, understanding that it has many manifestations. The most regrettable is femicide, the most evident is physical violence (23%), but the most inadvertent, normalized and by which the cycle of violence begins, is psychological violence with 50%, being the most consulted in the Purple Line; followed by economic (19%), sexual and patrimonial with 4% each and verbal (1%) (Taken from the article Gender violence in times of confinement, another challenge for Bogotá, March 29). Gender violence in Barranquilla is practiced mainly in the private space. This is made clear by the Sisma Mujer Corporation, in its Special Bulletin No.20. "Behavior of violence against women in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic", and is detailed by the National Institute of Health in its third report on domestic violence in the country, where 80.9 of the cases they have women as central victims in these times of confinement.
Background: In the study entitled family violence in times of covid-19, the authors (Gómez & Sánchez, 2020) stated that the Covid-19 virus pandemic has had consequences on families in Mexico and around the world, due to confinement to avoid contagion . In this sense, the data on domestic violence constitute an indicator that seeks to promptly implement public actions to avoid and address the damages that this occasion. Hence, it is necessary to review the legal framework that protects members of Mexican families from violence that is unleashed by another member of the family nucleus and that may have different causes, such as the total or partial restriction of freedom; and various consequences on the physical and psychological health of women, adults, children, young people and any member of the family. In the study by Gaitán, (2020) for the Javeriana in Colombia: Covid 19 and “staying at home”: a possible risk in the face of intrafamily violence. Citizens are called to be attentive to the families in whose interaction situations of violence occur, understanding that it has many manifestations. The most regrettable is femicide, the most evident is physical violence (23%), but the most inadvertent, normalized and by which the cycle of violence begins, is psychological violence with 50%, being the most consulted in the Purple Line; followed by economic (19%), sexual and patrimonial with 4% each and verbal (1%) (Taken from the article Gender violence in times of confinement, another challenge for Bogotá, March 29). Gender violence in Barranquilla is practiced mainly in the private space. This is made clear by the Sisma Mujer Corporation, in its Special Bulletin No.20. "Behavior of violence against women in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic", and is detailed by the National Institute of Health in its third report on domestic violence in the country, where 80.9 of the cases they have women as central victims in these times of confinement.
Palabras clave
Violencia intrafamiliar, Covid-19, Confinamiento, Pandemia, Factores, Domestic violence, Lockdown, Pandemic, Factors