El impacto de la migración venezolana sobre los índices criminales ocurridos en la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta
Lindarte Salazar, Vladimir Hernando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En esta investigación de carácter interpretativo, se realizó con el fin de interpretar una serie de datos obtenidos en investigaciones, reportajes y/o boletines de entidades y organizaciones civiles nacionales e internacionales, que realizaron dichas investigaciones para estudiar la realidad de la migración de personas de origen venezolano que escapan de su país buscando escapar de las angustiosas y crueles realidades de la Venezuela de hoy en día, como consecuencia de las malas prácticas administrativas de su presidente Nicolás Maduro. Con los datos recolectados, fueron procesados para detectar los delitos que más cometen las personas extranjeras dentro de la ciudad de Cúcuta y en la cual se busca conocer si hay una proporcionalidad entre el aumento del ingreso de personas extranjeras al país y el aumento de los índices delincuenciales y como consecuencia de esto buscar las formas apropiadas para que la situación de la inseguridad sea revertida de forma rápida y consistente
In this investigation of interpretative character, it was carried out with the purpose of interpreting a series of data obtained in investigations, reports and / or bulletins of national and international civil organizations and organizations, that carried out said investigations to study the reality of the migration of people from Venezuelan origin escaping from their country seeking to escape the anguish and cruel realities of today's Venezuela, as a result of the bad administrative practices of its president Nicolás Maduro. With the collected data, they were processed to detect the crimes most committed by foreigners in the city of Cucuta and in which it is sought to know if there is a proportionality between the increase of income of foreigners to the country and the increase of the indexes criminal and as a consequence of this look for the appropriate forms so that the situation around the insecurity, is reversed quickly and consistently
In this investigation of interpretative character, it was carried out with the purpose of interpreting a series of data obtained in investigations, reports and / or bulletins of national and international civil organizations and organizations, that carried out said investigations to study the reality of the migration of people from Venezuelan origin escaping from their country seeking to escape the anguish and cruel realities of today's Venezuela, as a result of the bad administrative practices of its president Nicolás Maduro. With the collected data, they were processed to detect the crimes most committed by foreigners in the city of Cucuta and in which it is sought to know if there is a proportionality between the increase of income of foreigners to the country and the increase of the indexes criminal and as a consequence of this look for the appropriate forms so that the situation around the insecurity, is reversed quickly and consistently
Palabras clave
Migración, Delitos, Seguridad, Comunidad, Migration, Crime, Security, Community