Juntas administradoras locales: realidad social a la materialización de participación ciudadana en Colombia
Rozo Pacheco, Andrea Carolina
García Albarracín, Andrea Camila
Gutiérrez Gómez, Camila Rocío
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Las Juntas Administradoras Locales, son un instrumento mediante el cual los ciudadanos de los sectores donde son elegidos pueden incidir de manera directa en los procesos y/o proyectos adelantados donde se ven inmersos sus necesidades y problemáticas, es por esto que a través de este estudio, se analizan las estas como instrumento de la participación ciudadana en decisiones y proyectos del municipio. Este artículo se desarrolla bajo un enfoque cualitativo con diseño fenomenológico, siendo estos instrumentos estudiados, elementos fundamentales entre la sociedad y el Estado, llegando a la conclusión que pese a, que se encuentran estipuladas y reglamentadas dentro del ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, existen dificultades que impiden su pleno desarrollo de funciones, planteando así una inclusión institucional y social por parte de la administración municipal
The Local Administrative Boards are an instrument through which the citizens of the sectors where they are elected can have a direct impact on the processes and / or advanced projects where their needs and problems are immersed, that is why through this study, these are analyzed as a materializing instrument of citizen participation in the decisions and projects of the municipal administration. This article is developed under a qualitative approach with phenomenological design, these instruments being studied, fundamental elements between society and the State, reaching the conclusion that despite being stipulated and regulated within the Colombian legal system, there are difficulties that prevent Its full development of functions, thus posing an institutional and social inclusion by the municipal administration
The Local Administrative Boards are an instrument through which the citizens of the sectors where they are elected can have a direct impact on the processes and / or advanced projects where their needs and problems are immersed, that is why through this study, these are analyzed as a materializing instrument of citizen participation in the decisions and projects of the municipal administration. This article is developed under a qualitative approach with phenomenological design, these instruments being studied, fundamental elements between society and the State, reaching the conclusion that despite being stipulated and regulated within the Colombian legal system, there are difficulties that prevent Its full development of functions, thus posing an institutional and social inclusion by the municipal administration
Palabras clave
Participación ciudadana, JAL, Administración Pública