Competencias docentes y transformaciones en la educación en la era digital
Villarreal Villa, Sandra
García Guliany, Jesús
Hernández Palma, Hugo
Steffens Sanabria, Ernesto
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Centro de Información Tecnológica
Se analizan aspectos relacionados con las competencias digitales en docentes en el escenario de educación superior en Barranquilla, Colombia. Se realizó una investigación con un enfoque mixto, que aplicando herramientas cuantitativas y cualitativas con el apoyo de un instrumento tipo Likert abordó el tema con una muestra dirigida (intencionada) de 20 docentes. Se revisó la literatura para identificar los modelos institucionales más acogidos para la incorporación de las tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones en los ambientes académicos y se contrastó con los resultados obtenidos. Los resultados evidencian una alta autopercepción (superior al 80%) por parte del profesorado encuestado frente a la presencia de competencias digitales en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Entre estas, destacaron la capacitación e información, aplicación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y la gestión de entornos de aprendizaje. Se
concluye que se debe promover en los docentes mayor compromiso con la renovación del conocimiento y la información, así como la estimular la creación de contenido digital que fomente las competencias en el alumnado.
Aspects related to digital competencies in teachers in the higher education scenario in Barranquilla, Colombia, are analyzed. A research was carried out with a mixed approach, applying quantitative and qualitative tools with the support of a Likert type instrument and addressing the topic with a targeted (intentional) sample of 20 teachers. The literature was reviewed to identify the most accepted institutional models for the incorporation of information and communication technologies in academic environments, and the results obtained were compared. The results show a high level of self-perception (over 80%) by the teachers surveyed in view of the presence of digital competences in teaching and learning processes. Among these, training and information, the application of information and communication technologies and the management of learning environments stand out. It is concluded that it is necessary to promote in teachers greater commitment to the renewal of knowledge and information, as well as to stimulate the creation of digital content that promotes the skills in students.
Aspects related to digital competencies in teachers in the higher education scenario in Barranquilla, Colombia, are analyzed. A research was carried out with a mixed approach, applying quantitative and qualitative tools with the support of a Likert type instrument and addressing the topic with a targeted (intentional) sample of 20 teachers. The literature was reviewed to identify the most accepted institutional models for the incorporation of information and communication technologies in academic environments, and the results obtained were compared. The results show a high level of self-perception (over 80%) by the teachers surveyed in view of the presence of digital competences in teaching and learning processes. Among these, training and information, the application of information and communication technologies and the management of learning environments stand out. It is concluded that it is necessary to promote in teachers greater commitment to the renewal of knowledge and information, as well as to stimulate the creation of digital content that promotes the skills in students.
Palabras clave
Tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones, Competencias digitales, Competencias docentes, Educación superior, Information and communication technologies, Digital skills, Teacher´s competence, Higher education