Percepción de las gestantes sobre la atención humanizada en el servicio de sala de partos del HUEM
Villamizar Vargas, Leidy Marinella
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
(garrido 2017), en la universidad Barcelona España, realizo estudio para obtener el título de Doctorado, es un estudio cualitativo fenomenológico, como objetivo obtener información de las experiencias vividas acerca atención humanizada y satisfactoria del parto donde participaron 29 entrevistas referente a la toma de decisiones, consentimiento informado, respeto a la reproducción, y así disminuyendo las situaciones de riesgo.
(Quevedo 2019) en el hospital Lanfranco Peru, estudio cualitativo, encuestas personalizadas entre el periodo de enero a diciembre año 2019, con un muestreo aleatorio sistemático, donde se tiene en cuenta la importancia de control prenatal, consumo de micronutrientes, tratamiento adecuado y oportuno de las patologías presentadas en el embarazo, como resultando resaltando la importancia de adherencia de los controles prenatales.
Objetivo General
develar la percepción de las gestantes sobre la atención humanizada en el servicio de sala de partos del HUEM
Objetivos Específicos
Determinar la percepción de las gestantes en cuanto a humanización en el proceso de servicio de sala de partos.
Establecer la correspondencia entre la percepción del usuario y los componentes legales de la humanización.
Materiales y Métodos: en la presente investigación de la percepción de las gestantes sobre la atención humanizada en el servicio de sala de partos del HUEM, es cuantitativa y probabilística se observa el fenómeno desde lo general a lo particular, requiriendo de una descomposición del todo en sus partes a través del análisis de la situación actual con el fin propósito de mejorar las generalizaciones ya establecidas en torno a la situación a investigar. Respecto al diseño es descriptivo donde recopila información, analiza, registra y critica e interpreta datos primarios y secundarios de diferentes autores concluyendo la investigación documental es basado en información en otros autores siendo un tema no experimental. Como instrumento fue una encuesta con 15 preguntas evaluadas a escala Likert a 300 gestante seleccionadas el muestreo aleatorio simple.
Resultados: se evidencia los resultados al respecto los encuestados respondieron 70% siempre tiene un trato amable, incluyente y respetuoso para con los usuarios, 69% casi siempre los colaboradores del hospital se mostraron pacientes a la hora de resolver o gestionar sus necesidades, 85% siempre la información proporcionada en la institución es amplia, clara y suficiente para un buen de proceso de su atención, 69% el hospital conto con los equipos necesarios para brindarle el servicio solicitado, 59% le han brindado la posibilidad de tomar decisiones libremente, 71% algunas veces ha recibido apoyo usted espiritual y/o emocional, 91% recibió la atención adecuada para su problema de salud, 62% las sillas, camas e inmobiliario del hospital son cómodos, 32% las sillas, camas e inmobiliario del hospital son cómodos.
Conclusiones. Del instrumento aplicado se obtuvo el personal de salud es diligente y pertinente, solucionando de manera efectiva con la utilización de dispositivos, equipos biomédicos de igual manera cuenta de procesos agiles con la señalización correcta, sin embargo, también se encontró como falencias el lugar de espera y sus elementos no son cómodos para la atención, presenta ruidos durante la atención y poco apoyo espiritual refieren las encuestadas
Background: (Garrido 2017), at the University barcelona Spain, I carry out a study to obtain the title of Doctorate, it is a qualitative phenomenological study, as an objective to obtain information from the experiences lived about humanized and satisfactory care of childbirth where 29 interviews participated regarding decision making, informed consent, respect for reproduction, and thus reducing risk situations. (Quevedo 2019) at the Lanfranco Peru hospital, qualitative study, personalized surveys between the period from January to December 2019, with a systematic random sampling, which takes into account the importance of prenatal control, micronutrient consumption, adequate and timely treatment of the pathologies presented in pregnancy, as it turns out highlighting the importance of adherence to prenatal controls. Objective: General Objective reveal the perception of pregnant women about humanized care in the delivery room service of hueM Specific Objectives Determine the perception of pregnant women in terms of humanization in the process of delivery room service. Establish the correspondence between the user's perception and the legal components of humanization. Materials and Methods: in the present investigation of the perception of pregnant women about humanized care in the delivery room service of the HUEM, it is quantitative and probabilistic the phenomenon is observed from the general to the particular, requiring a decomposition of the whole in its parts through the analysis of the current situation in order to improve the generalizations already established around the situation to be investigated. Regarding the design is descriptive where it collects information, analyzes, records and criticizes and interprets primary and secondary data from different authors concluding the documentary research is based on information in other authors being a non-experimental topic. As an instrument was a survey with 15 questions evaluated on a Likert scale to 300 pregnant women selected for simple random sampling. Results: the results are evident in this regard, the respondents answered 70% always have a friendly, inclusive and respectful treatment for users, 69% almost always the collaborators of the hospital were patient when solving or managing their needs, 85% always the information provided in the institution is broad, clear and sufficient for a good process of their care, 69% of the hospital had the necessary equipment to provide the requested service, 59% have given you the possibility to make decisions freely, 71% sometimes you have received spiritual and / or emotional support, 91% received the appropriate care for your health problem, 62% the chairs, beds and real estate of the hospital are comfortable, 32% the chairs, beds and real estate of the hospital are comfortable. Conclusions: From the instrument applied was obtained the health personnel is diligent and pertinent, solving effectively with the use of devices, biomedical equipment in the same way account of agile processes with the correct signaling, however, it was also found as shortcomings the place of waiting and its elements are not comfortable for care, presents noises during care and little spiritual support refer the respondents
Background: (Garrido 2017), at the University barcelona Spain, I carry out a study to obtain the title of Doctorate, it is a qualitative phenomenological study, as an objective to obtain information from the experiences lived about humanized and satisfactory care of childbirth where 29 interviews participated regarding decision making, informed consent, respect for reproduction, and thus reducing risk situations. (Quevedo 2019) at the Lanfranco Peru hospital, qualitative study, personalized surveys between the period from January to December 2019, with a systematic random sampling, which takes into account the importance of prenatal control, micronutrient consumption, adequate and timely treatment of the pathologies presented in pregnancy, as it turns out highlighting the importance of adherence to prenatal controls. Objective: General Objective reveal the perception of pregnant women about humanized care in the delivery room service of hueM Specific Objectives Determine the perception of pregnant women in terms of humanization in the process of delivery room service. Establish the correspondence between the user's perception and the legal components of humanization. Materials and Methods: in the present investigation of the perception of pregnant women about humanized care in the delivery room service of the HUEM, it is quantitative and probabilistic the phenomenon is observed from the general to the particular, requiring a decomposition of the whole in its parts through the analysis of the current situation in order to improve the generalizations already established around the situation to be investigated. Regarding the design is descriptive where it collects information, analyzes, records and criticizes and interprets primary and secondary data from different authors concluding the documentary research is based on information in other authors being a non-experimental topic. As an instrument was a survey with 15 questions evaluated on a Likert scale to 300 pregnant women selected for simple random sampling. Results: the results are evident in this regard, the respondents answered 70% always have a friendly, inclusive and respectful treatment for users, 69% almost always the collaborators of the hospital were patient when solving or managing their needs, 85% always the information provided in the institution is broad, clear and sufficient for a good process of their care, 69% of the hospital had the necessary equipment to provide the requested service, 59% have given you the possibility to make decisions freely, 71% sometimes you have received spiritual and / or emotional support, 91% received the appropriate care for your health problem, 62% the chairs, beds and real estate of the hospital are comfortable, 32% the chairs, beds and real estate of the hospital are comfortable. Conclusions: From the instrument applied was obtained the health personnel is diligent and pertinent, solving effectively with the use of devices, biomedical equipment in the same way account of agile processes with the correct signaling, however, it was also found as shortcomings the place of waiting and its elements are not comfortable for care, presents noises during care and little spiritual support refer the respondents
Palabras clave
Atención en salud, Gestante, Percepción, Humanización, Health care, Pregnant women, Perception, Humanization