La Gestión por procesos en las Pymes de Barranquilla: factor diferenciador de la competitividad organizacional
Barrios-Hernández, Karelis del C.
Contreras Salinas, Jheison A.
Olivero-Vega, Enohemit
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Centro de Información Tecnológica
Con el objetivo de valorar como la gestión por procesos influye en la competitividad y organización de las pequeñas y medianas empresas con más de cinco años en actividad y pertenecientes al sector comercio y servicio, se propuso un estudio que considera las tendencias globales que orientan y sugieren mayor dinámica desde los componentes organizacionales. Se planteó una investigación cualitativa apoyada en la revisión documental que resultó valiosa para contrastar los referentes bibliográficos con la actividad del sector real. Los principales hallazgos destacan que la competitividad es un tema que con el pasar de los años mantiene su vigencia en las organizaciones empresariales y está en continua evolución. Como resultado final se encontró que, la gestión por procesos aporta de manera significativa al impulso de la competitividad empresarial, orientándola hacia la coordinación y explotación eficiente de los recursos que se dispone en la organización.
medium enterprises with more than five years in activity and belonging to the trade and service sector, a study was proposed considering the global trends that guide and suggest greater dynamics from the organizational components. A qualitative research based on the documentary review was proposed, which was valuable to contrast the bibliographic references with the activity of the real sector. The main findings highlight that competitiveness is an issue that with the passing of time maintains its validity in business organizations and is in continuous evolution. As a final result it was found that, the management by processes contributes in a significant way to the impulse of managerial competitiveness, oriented it to the coordination and efficient exploitation of the resources that are available in the organization.
medium enterprises with more than five years in activity and belonging to the trade and service sector, a study was proposed considering the global trends that guide and suggest greater dynamics from the organizational components. A qualitative research based on the documentary review was proposed, which was valuable to contrast the bibliographic references with the activity of the real sector. The main findings highlight that competitiveness is an issue that with the passing of time maintains its validity in business organizations and is in continuous evolution. As a final result it was found that, the management by processes contributes in a significant way to the impulse of managerial competitiveness, oriented it to the coordination and efficient exploitation of the resources that are available in the organization.
Palabras clave
Competitividad, Gestión, Procesos, Pymes, Mercado, Competitiveness, Process, Management, SMEs, Market