Proceso monitorio: Análisis de derecho procesal comparado en torno a la regulación normativa colombiana frente a la Italiana y Española
Ladrón De Guevara, Ulpiano
Montes Peña, Miguel
Tirado Rodríguez, Claudia Lucía
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación es acerca del Proceso Monitorio: Análisis de Derecho Procesal Comparado en torno a la Regulación Normativa Colombiana frente a la Italiana y Española. En primer lugar, se hace una investigación, sobre el significado del proceso monitorio para las leyes en Colombia, Italia y España, de igual modo se establece el impacto que dicha figura procesal ha tenido en la resolución de conflictos. Asimismo, teniendo en cuenta que la implementación del proceso monitorio ha cobrado un gran impulso en el Congreso de la República, gracias al esfuerzo del Instituto Colombiano de Derecho Procesal, se destaca su actualidad y trascendencia nacional.
La finalidad del proceso monitorio y de estructura monitoria en la Comunidad Económica Europea es simplificar, acelerar y reducir los costos de los litigios de pequeñas cuantías, y permitir la libre circulación de requerimientos de pago para facilitar el recaudo. De igual forma, en Colombia, con este proceso de monición, lo que pretendió el Legislador, fue contemplar una figura para esas personas que realizan negocios jurídicos informalmente, es decir, aquellas que, al celebrar transacciones monetarias, no las documentan en títulos ejecutivos o en títulos valores, de tal manera que cuenten con un mecanismo que permita dar resolución a esas controversias civiles y comerciales, como también el acceso eficiente a la administración judicial.
In this research, it is based on The Monitorial Process: Comparative Procedural Law Analysis on the Colombian Normative Regulation versus the Italian and Spanish Regulation. In the first place, an investigation is made, about the meaning of the payment process for the laws in Colombia and for the Italian and Spanish ones, in the same way the impact that has had on the resolution of conflicts is established. Also, taking into account that the implementation of the payment process has gained a great impetus in the Congress of the Republic, thanks to the efforts of the Colombian Institute of Procedural Law, highlights its relevance and national importance. The purpose of the payment process and monitoring structure in the European Economic Community is to simplify, accelerate and reduce the costs of litigation of small amounts, and allow the free circulation of payment requirements to facilitate collection. Similarly, in Colombia, with this process of monitoring, what the legislator intended, was to contemplate a figure for those people who carry out legal business informally, that is, those who, when entering into monetary transactions, do not document them in executive titles or in securities, have a mechanism that allows to resolve these civil and commercial disputes, as well as efficient access to judicial administration.
In this research, it is based on The Monitorial Process: Comparative Procedural Law Analysis on the Colombian Normative Regulation versus the Italian and Spanish Regulation. In the first place, an investigation is made, about the meaning of the payment process for the laws in Colombia and for the Italian and Spanish ones, in the same way the impact that has had on the resolution of conflicts is established. Also, taking into account that the implementation of the payment process has gained a great impetus in the Congress of the Republic, thanks to the efforts of the Colombian Institute of Procedural Law, highlights its relevance and national importance. The purpose of the payment process and monitoring structure in the European Economic Community is to simplify, accelerate and reduce the costs of litigation of small amounts, and allow the free circulation of payment requirements to facilitate collection. Similarly, in Colombia, with this process of monitoring, what the legislator intended, was to contemplate a figure for those people who carry out legal business informally, that is, those who, when entering into monetary transactions, do not document them in executive titles or in securities, have a mechanism that allows to resolve these civil and commercial disputes, as well as efficient access to judicial administration.
Palabras clave
Derecho Procesal, Proceso Monitorio, Tutela efectiva del crédito, Acceso a la administración de Justicia, Créditos indocumentados, Procedural Law, Monitorial Process, Effective protection of credit, Access to the administration of Justice, Undocumented credits