Usefulness of calcium score and computed tomography images in patients with nonspecific chest pain: A case report
datacite.rights | | eng | | Vera, Miguel | | | Bravo, Antonio | | | Del Mar, Atilio | | | 2020-12-07T20:51:09Z | | | 2020-12-07T20:51:09Z | | | 2020 | |
dc.description.abstract | Coronary calcium is a marker of the presence and extent of atherosclerosis, capable of providing prognostic information in addition to traditional risk factors. Additionally, the coronary calcium test has as an associated descriptor the calcium score or calcium score (Cs) which is useful, mainly, for the risk stratification of asymptomatic patients, whereas in patients with acute or chronic chest pain, it is required, usually, coronary axial computed tomography. In this article, we present the clinical case of a 59-year-old male patient with a history of chronic hypertension and mixed hyperlipidemia who consults for presenting non-specific chest discomfort, without irradiation, of 3 months of evolution, which has been progressively increasing and exacerbated with intense effort; while it improves with rest. No abnormalities suggestive of myocardial ischemia was observed on the 12-lead surface electrocardiogram. A quantification of the Cs is performed, which reports a total value of 350 Hounsfield units (HU) equivalent to acute coronary disease. Due to the high volume, mass and concentration of calcium in a single artery, located at 310 HU in the right descending coronary artery (ADA), together with the clinical and risk factors, it was decided to perform a cardiac catheterization with a finding of 90 % in the proximal segment of the ADA, followed by the respective coronary angioplasty and coronary stent implantation processes. | eng |
dc.description.abstract | El calcio coronario es un marcador de la presencia y la extensiĆ³n de aterosclerosis, capaz de proporcionar una informaciĆ³n pronĆ³stica aƱadida a los factores de riesgo tradicionales. Adicionalmente, la prueba de calcio coronario tiene como descriptor asociado la puntuaciĆ³n de calcio o calcio score (Cs) el cual es Ćŗtil, principalmente, para la estratificaciĆ³n de riesgo de pacientes asintomĆ”ticos, mientras que en pacientes con dolor agudo o crĆ³nico de pecho se requiere, usualmente, la tomografĆa computarizada axial de coronarias. En este artĆculo, se presenta el caso clĆnico de un paciente masculino de 59 aƱos con antecedentes de hipertensiĆ³n crĆ³nica e hiperlipidemia mixta quien consulta por presentar molestia torĆ”cica inespecĆfica, sin irradiaciĆ³n, de 3 meses de evoluciĆ³n, que ha ido aumentando progresivamente y que se exacerba con el esfuerzo intenso; mientras que mejora con el reposo. En el electrocardiograma de superficie de 12 derivaciones no se observaron alteraciones sugerentes de isquemia miocĆ”rdica. Se realiza cuantificaciĆ³n del Cs el cual reporta un valor total de 350 unidades Hounsfield (UH) equivalente a enfermedad coronaria aguda. Debido al alto volumen, masa y concentraciĆ³n de calcio en una sola arteria, ubicado en 310 UH en la arteria coronaria descendente derecha (ADA), aunado a la clĆnica y factores de riesgo, se decidiĆ³ practicarle un cateterismo cardiaco con hallazgo de lesiĆ³n de 90% en el segmento proximal de la ADA; seguido de los respectivos procesos de angioplastia coronaria e implante del stent coronario. | spa |
dc.format.mimetype | spa | |
dc.identifier.issn | 26107996 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.identifier.url | | |
dc.language.iso | eng | eng |
dc.publisher | Sociedad Venezolana de HipertensiĆ³n | spa |
dc.publisher | Sociedad Latinoamericana de HipertensiĆ³n | spa |
dc.rights | Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional | eng |
dc.rights.accessrights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | eng |
dc.rights.uri | | |
dc.source | Revista Latinoamericana de HipertensiĆ³n | spa |
dc.source | Vol. 15, No. 3 (2020) | spa |
dc.subject | Calcium score | eng |
dc.subject | Coronary artery | eng |
dc.subject | Cardiac catheterization | eng |
dc.subject | Angioplasty | eng |
dc.subject | Coronary stent | eng |
dc.subject | Arteria coronaria | spa |
dc.subject | Cateterismo cardiaco | spa |
dc.subject | Angioplastia | spa |
dc.title | Usefulness of calcium score and computed tomography images in patients with nonspecific chest pain: A case report | eng |
dc.title.translated | Utilidad del calcio score e imĆ”genes de tomografĆa computarizada en pacientes con dolor torĆ”cico inespecĆfico: A propĆ³sito de un caso clĆnico | spa |
dc.type.driver | info:eu-repo/semantics/article | eng | | ArtĆculo cientĆfico | spa |
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