Estrategias didácticas para la innovación de las prácticas docentes en el área de Matemáticas en el Grado de Quinto de Educación Básica Primaria en la Institución Educativa Departamental Rural Buenos Aires de Aracataca, Magdalena
Llanes Plata, Ricardo
Tapia Montenegro, Dugeinys Lucia
Jiménez Cantillo, Yira Rosa
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Ediciones Univerisidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación busca describir las prácticas pedagógicas de la I.E.D. Rural de
Buenos Aires de Aracataca, para lo cual se utilizó una metodología con enfoque paradigmático
Histórico Hermenéutico que permitió caracterizar a través del estudio de caso las prácticas
docentes de la institución partiendo desde su contexto, para efectos de recolección de
información se desarrolló un análisis cualitativo apoyado en un análisis documental,
observaciones de clases y encuestas. Se abordaron las categorías de práctica docente, estrategias
didácticas e innovación educativa. Los hallazgos más importantes de este estudio demuestran
que las prácticas docentes se enfocan principalmente en el clima de aula además se evidenció
que la innovación es el aspecto que menos se desarrolla. Con respecto a las estrategias
didácticas, se pudo identificar que las más utilizadas en el aula son aquellas que no necesitan
una posición crítica del estudiante o manejo de la creatividad, dejando de lado estrategias como
el foro, seminario que implican más la intervención del estudiante, por todo esto es importante
implementar acciones que contribuyan al desarrollo del Conocimiento Didáctico del Contenido
para que los docentes puedan diseñar y aplicar mejores estrategias garantizando el aprendizaje.
This chapter shows the main findings of an investigation that aimed to describe the pedagogical practices of the I.E.D. Rural of Buenos Aires of Aracataca, for which a methodology with paradigmatic approach was used Historical Hermeneutics that allowed to characterize through the case study the teaching practices of the institution starting from its context, for purposes of information gathering an analysis was developed qualitative supported by a documentary analysis, observations of classes and surveys. The categories of teaching practice, didactic strategies and educational innovation were addressed. The most important findings of this study show that teaching practices are mainly focused on the classroom climate. It also showed that innovation is the aspect that develops the least. With respect to teaching strategies, it was possible to identify that the most used in the classroom are those that do not need a critical position of the student or creativity management, leaving aside strategies such as the forum, which involve more student intervention, for all this it is important to implement actions that contribute to the development of the Didactic Knowledge of the Content so that the teachers can design and apply better strategies guaranteeing the learning.
This chapter shows the main findings of an investigation that aimed to describe the pedagogical practices of the I.E.D. Rural of Buenos Aires of Aracataca, for which a methodology with paradigmatic approach was used Historical Hermeneutics that allowed to characterize through the case study the teaching practices of the institution starting from its context, for purposes of information gathering an analysis was developed qualitative supported by a documentary analysis, observations of classes and surveys. The categories of teaching practice, didactic strategies and educational innovation were addressed. The most important findings of this study show that teaching practices are mainly focused on the classroom climate. It also showed that innovation is the aspect that develops the least. With respect to teaching strategies, it was possible to identify that the most used in the classroom are those that do not need a critical position of the student or creativity management, leaving aside strategies such as the forum, which involve more student intervention, for all this it is important to implement actions that contribute to the development of the Didactic Knowledge of the Content so that the teachers can design and apply better strategies guaranteeing the learning.
Palabras clave
Práctica docente, Estrategias didácticas, Innovación educativa, Estrategia innovadora, Pensamiento aleatorio, Teaching practice, Didactic strategies, Educational innovation, Innovative strategy, Random thinking