Análisis jurisprudencial de victimas de ataque con ácido: la realidad de las mujeres en Colombia
Díaz Avellaneda, Andrés Fabián
Espinosa Sánchez, Jacson Efrén
Mora Vesga, Mayte Yulliana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente escrito de resultado pretende hacer un análisis a la realidad jurídico-social por la que atraviesa el Estado colombiano, respecto a los ataques con ácido como una forma de lesiones personales que perturba la dignidad de la mujer; forjando una exposición conceptual acerca de las lesiones personales y su correlación intrínseca con los ataques con ácido y como estos actos victimizantes se pueden ver desde diferentes contextos sociales, su forma de afectar la personalidad jurídica en materia de defensa de derechos. Adicionalmente se realiza un estudio jurisprudencial sobre los diferentes criterios de amparo que ha perpetrado la corte constitucional en materia de victimización a la mujer, anudado a la normatividad internacional e interna que regula estos hechos crueles que atentan directamente al núcleo fundamental de la dignidad humana de toda mujer.
Los ataques con ácido como una forma de lesiones personales se instituye como una de los actos de violencia más atroces y crueles que se pueden ejecutar en contra de las mujeres, aunque esta problemática se dé a nivel internacional, en el Estado colombiano este tipo de violencia guarda una relación directa con el contexto social, familiar, religioso y especialmente el atribuido al género, en las últimas décadas, estos actos han ido en aumento, por lo que se hace evidente la necesidad de desarrollar políticas criminales más eficientes por parte del Estado tendientes a regular este hecho de violencia en el país.
The present result document intends to make an analysis of the juridico-social reality that the Colombian State is going through, regarding acid attacks as a form of personal injuries that disturb the dignity of women; Forging a conceptual exposition about personal injuries and their intrinsic correlation with acid attacks and how these victimizing acts can be seen from different social contexts, their way of affecting the legal personality in the defense of rights. Additionally, a jurisprudential study is carried out on the different criteria of amparo that the constitutional court has perpetrated in terms of victimization of women, tied to the international and domestic regulations that regulate these cruel acts that directly attack the fundamental nucleus of human dignity of all woman. Acid attacks as a form of personal injury is instituted as one of the most atrocious and cruel acts of violence that can be carried out against women, although this problem occurs internationally, in the Colombian State this type of violence It has a direct relationship with the social, family, religious and especially that attributed to gender, in recent decades, these acts have been increasing, so it becomes evident the need to develop more efficient criminal policies by the State tendientes to regulate this fact of violence in the country.
The present result document intends to make an analysis of the juridico-social reality that the Colombian State is going through, regarding acid attacks as a form of personal injuries that disturb the dignity of women; Forging a conceptual exposition about personal injuries and their intrinsic correlation with acid attacks and how these victimizing acts can be seen from different social contexts, their way of affecting the legal personality in the defense of rights. Additionally, a jurisprudential study is carried out on the different criteria of amparo that the constitutional court has perpetrated in terms of victimization of women, tied to the international and domestic regulations that regulate these cruel acts that directly attack the fundamental nucleus of human dignity of all woman. Acid attacks as a form of personal injury is instituted as one of the most atrocious and cruel acts of violence that can be carried out against women, although this problem occurs internationally, in the Colombian State this type of violence It has a direct relationship with the social, family, religious and especially that attributed to gender, in recent decades, these acts have been increasing, so it becomes evident the need to develop more efficient criminal policies by the State tendientes to regulate this fact of violence in the country.
Palabras clave
Mujeres, Ataques con ácidos, Violencia, Realidad social, Women, Acid attacks, Violence, Social reality