Nulidad constitucional en el proceso civil colombiano
Caballero Luquez, Yizela Maria
Bolemo Gutierrez, Selena
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente articulo analiza las causales que se pueden argumentar para que un acto procesal sea declarado nulo, señalando los efectos desde una perspectiva doctrinal, normativa y jurisprudencial, planteando la posibilidad de aplicar las nulidades constitucionales en el proceso civil colombiano y sean aprobadas como una nueva causal de nulidad fundamentada en el artículo 29 de la constitución política. Para ello, se requiere de un profundo estudio y de una excelente interpretación de los principios que integran el debido proceso, siendo un derecho constitucional que protege la libertad, la seguridad jurídica y la fundamentación de las resoluciones judiciales. En los procesos civiles, las nulidades constitucionales son fundamentales ya que garantizan el respeto de los derechos fundamentales de las partes, asegurando un proceso justo y equitativo permitiendo cuestionar y anular actos procesales que no cumplan con los requisitos legales y que vayan en contra a los principios constitucionales, debido proceso y derecho a la defensa. Es así, como las nulidades constitucionales tienen un alcance jurisprudencial significativo en el sistema judicial colombiano, ya que garantizan la legalidad, justicia y equidad en la resolución de conflictos, los inconvenientes presentados al momento de radicar la solicitud de nulidad con fundamento constitucional se reflejan principalmente en la falta de comprensión de las normas que regulan las nulidades constitucionales lo que genera contradicción entre la jurisprudencia y la doctrina al presentarse falta de precisión y comprensión en la definición de nulidad constitucional y la forma en cómo debe aplicarse para que el acto procesal sea declarado nulo.
This article analyzes the grounds that can be argued for a procedural act to be declared null, pointing out the effects from a doctrinal, normative and jurisprudential perspective, raising the possibility of applying constitutional nullities in the Colombian civil process and their approval as a new cause of nullity based on article 29 of the political constitution. To do so, a deep study and an excellent interpretation of the principles that make up due process are required, being a constitutional right that protects freedom, legal security and the foundation of judicial resolutions. In civil processes, constitutional nullities are fundamental since they guarantee respect for the fundamental rights of the parties, ensuring a fair and equitable process allowing to question and annul procedural acts that do not comply with the legal requirements and that go against the constitutional principles, due process and right to defense. Thus, as constitutional nullities have a significant jurisprudential scope in the Colombian judicial system, since they guarantee legality, justice and equity in the resolution of conflicts, the inconveniences presented at the time of filing the request for nullity with constitutional grounds are mainly reflected in the lack of understanding of the norms that regulate constitutional nullities, which generates a contradiction between jurisprudence and doctrine when presenting a lack of precision and understanding in the definition of constitutional nullity and the way in which it should be applied so that the procedural act is declared null.
This article analyzes the grounds that can be argued for a procedural act to be declared null, pointing out the effects from a doctrinal, normative and jurisprudential perspective, raising the possibility of applying constitutional nullities in the Colombian civil process and their approval as a new cause of nullity based on article 29 of the political constitution. To do so, a deep study and an excellent interpretation of the principles that make up due process are required, being a constitutional right that protects freedom, legal security and the foundation of judicial resolutions. In civil processes, constitutional nullities are fundamental since they guarantee respect for the fundamental rights of the parties, ensuring a fair and equitable process allowing to question and annul procedural acts that do not comply with the legal requirements and that go against the constitutional principles, due process and right to defense. Thus, as constitutional nullities have a significant jurisprudential scope in the Colombian judicial system, since they guarantee legality, justice and equity in the resolution of conflicts, the inconveniences presented at the time of filing the request for nullity with constitutional grounds are mainly reflected in the lack of understanding of the norms that regulate constitutional nullities, which generates a contradiction between jurisprudence and doctrine when presenting a lack of precision and understanding in the definition of constitutional nullity and the way in which it should be applied so that the procedural act is declared null.
Palabras clave
Nulidad procesal, Nulidad constitucional, Acto procesal, Taxatividad, Debido proceso