Innovación social en las cárceles del departamento del Atlántico generadora de competencias en los reclusos para su inserción laboral
Fernández Barraza, Wilfrido Rafael
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolivar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Las competencias laborales son un factor clave para lograr la inserción en el mercado laboral, por lo tanto, los empleadores establecen los requisitos de competencias que sus potenciales empleados deben tener para lograr su vinculación. En la sociedad se encuentran poblaciones en situaciones vulnerables, para las cuales el desarrollo de competencias o la inserción laboral resulta difícil, tal es el caso de las personas que han estado privadas de la libertad. Dado lo anterior, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el planteamiento de una estrategia de innovación social que permita el desarrollo de competencias laborales en reclusos del Departamento del Atlántico, a cargo del INPEC, para lograr su futura inserción laboral.
La investigación tuvo un alcance descriptivo – correlacional - propositivo con enfoque cuantitativo, que permitió la aplicación de una encuesta a 30 empresas que apoyan o han apoyado los programas de trabajo, estudio o enseñanza adoptados por el INPEC a fin de conocer sus requisitos de inserción laboral, incluyendo las competencias, en aras de dar cumplimiento al primer objetivo específico de la investigación; adicionalmente, se aplicó una encuesta a 263 reclusos de las cárceles del INPEC en el Departamento del Atlántico, número establecido a través de un muestreo aleatorio estratificado, con el propósito de conocer las competencias laborales con las cuales cuentan los reclusos de los tres establecimientos carcelarios en el Atlántico, lo cual obedece al segundo objetivo específico. Para el estudio se definieron tres tipos de competencias laborales, las básicas, genéricas y específicas, estas últimas fueron desagregadas en los cargos directivos, tácticos y operativos. Para alcanzar el tercer objetivo específico, se llevó a cabo la correlación de ambas variables, es decir los requerimientos en competencias por parte de las empresas en comparación con las competencias laborales de los reclusos,
utilizando la prueba estadística de Chi Cuadrado, la cual arrojó relación entre las variables, por lo que se procedió a emplear el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson para conocer el grado de relación, el cual tuvo un resultado bajo dado que el nivel de competencias que tienen los reclusos no es el esperado por las empresas, principalmente en lo que respecta a las competencias específicas directivas y las tácticas. Las competencias donde más coincidieron los reclusos con las empresas fueron en las competencias básica, genéricas y específicas del nivel operativo.
De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en la investigación, se planteó la estrategia de innovación social, la cual consiste en fortalecer las competencias que les hacen falta a los reclusos para suplir las necesidades del mercado, implementando un programa que integre la academia, el sector público y el privado, desarrollado en tres etapas: formación académica, práctica y vinculación laboral.
Labor competencies are a key factor to achieve insertion in the labor market, therefore, employers establish the competency requirements that their potential employees must have to achieve their connection. In society there are populations in vulnerable situations, for which the development of skills or job placement is difficult, such is the case of people who have been deprived of liberty. Given the above, the present work aims to propose a social innovation strategy that allows the development of labor competencies in inmates of the Department of Atlántico, in charge of the INPEC, to achieve their future labor insertion. The research had a descriptive - correlational - purposeful scope with a quantitative approach, which allowed the application of a survey to 30 companies that support or have supported the work, study or teaching programs adopted by the INPEC in order to know their labor insertion requirements. , including competences, in order to fulfill the first specific objective of the investigation; In addition, a survey was applied to 263 inmates of the INPEC prisons in the Department of Atlántico, a number established through a stratified random sampling, in order to know the job competencies that the inmates of the three prisons have at their disposal. the Atlantic, which obeys the second specific objective. For the study, three types of job competencies were defined: basic, generic and specific, the latter were disaggregated into managerial, tactical and operational positions. To achieve the third specific objective, the correlation of both variables was carried out, that is, the competency requirements by the companies in comparison with the labor competencies of the inmates, using the Chi-square statistical test, which showed a relationship between the variables, so we proceeded to use the Pearson correlation coefficient to determine the degree of relationship, which had a low result given that the level of competencies that inmates have is not as expected by the companies, mainly in with regard to specific managerial skills and tactics. The competences where the inmates most coincided with the companies were in the basic, generic and specific competences of the operational level. According to the results obtained in the research, the strategy of social innovation was proposed, which consists of strengthening the skills that inmates need to meet the needs of the market, implementing a program that integrates the academy, the public sector and the private one, developed in three stages: academic training, practice and employment.
Labor competencies are a key factor to achieve insertion in the labor market, therefore, employers establish the competency requirements that their potential employees must have to achieve their connection. In society there are populations in vulnerable situations, for which the development of skills or job placement is difficult, such is the case of people who have been deprived of liberty. Given the above, the present work aims to propose a social innovation strategy that allows the development of labor competencies in inmates of the Department of Atlántico, in charge of the INPEC, to achieve their future labor insertion. The research had a descriptive - correlational - purposeful scope with a quantitative approach, which allowed the application of a survey to 30 companies that support or have supported the work, study or teaching programs adopted by the INPEC in order to know their labor insertion requirements. , including competences, in order to fulfill the first specific objective of the investigation; In addition, a survey was applied to 263 inmates of the INPEC prisons in the Department of Atlántico, a number established through a stratified random sampling, in order to know the job competencies that the inmates of the three prisons have at their disposal. the Atlantic, which obeys the second specific objective. For the study, three types of job competencies were defined: basic, generic and specific, the latter were disaggregated into managerial, tactical and operational positions. To achieve the third specific objective, the correlation of both variables was carried out, that is, the competency requirements by the companies in comparison with the labor competencies of the inmates, using the Chi-square statistical test, which showed a relationship between the variables, so we proceeded to use the Pearson correlation coefficient to determine the degree of relationship, which had a low result given that the level of competencies that inmates have is not as expected by the companies, mainly in with regard to specific managerial skills and tactics. The competences where the inmates most coincided with the companies were in the basic, generic and specific competences of the operational level. According to the results obtained in the research, the strategy of social innovation was proposed, which consists of strengthening the skills that inmates need to meet the needs of the market, implementing a program that integrates the academy, the public sector and the private one, developed in three stages: academic training, practice and employment.
Palabras clave
Innovación social, Competencias laborales, Inserción laboral, Social innovation, Labor competencies, Labor insertion