Afectación de la virtualidad frente al cumplimiento de los principios rectores que orientan el proceso jurisdiccional en Colombia durante el año 2020
Lamadrid Daza, Mercedes Lucila
Velásquez Martínez, Yuranis Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El Estado encargada por la Constitución Política y la ley debe hacer efectivos los derechos, obligaciones, garantías y libertades consagrados en ellas, con el fin de realizar la convivencia social y lograr y mantener la concordia nacional.
Desde que se expidió la Ley Estatutaria de Administración de Justica –LEAJ - (ley 270/1996), se hizo notable el interés del legislador de utilizar las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación con el fin de imprimirle al procedimiento judicial un trámite más ligero, eficaz, y de fácil acceso a la comunidad. El Decreto Legislativo 806, expedido el 4 de junio de 2020 por el Presidente de la República, implementó medidas para reactivar la administración de justicia ante la presente contingencia que afronta el país, siendo un tema crucial del mismo el relativo a la realización de las audiencias artículos 2, 3 y 7 utilizando los medios tecnológicos. Sin embargo, alrededor de este tema se suscitan ciertos interrogantes, en especial en lo que refiere a las garantías mínimas que se le deben otorgar a los intervinientes en dichos procesos. Este trabajo de investigación, resuelve el interrogante: ¿Cómo afecta la virtualidad en el cumplimiento de los principios rectores que orientan el proceso jurisdiccional en Colombia durante el año 2020? Es decir ¿La implementación y aplicación de los medios electrónicos y las nuevas tecnologías virtuales en los procesos judiciales, respeta los derechos fundamentales, las garantías y principios procesales al debido proceso? En el desarrollo del texto, se evidenciará que la finalidad de los medios electrónicos en el funcionamiento de la administración judicial está dirigida a la descongestión de los despachos, por lo que se debe garantizar la veracidad de los datos que a través de ellos se suministran, y de evitar errores al procesar y comunicar dicha información.
The State entrusted by the Political Constitution and the law must enforce the rights, obligations, guarantees and freedoms enshrined in them, in order to carry out social coexistence and to maintain national harmony. Since the Statutory Law of Administration of Justice - LEAJ - (law 270/1996) was issued, it became apparent the legislator's interest in using new information and communication technologies in order to give the judicial procedure a faster, more effective, and easily accessible process to the community Legislative Decree 806, issued on June 4, 2020 by the President of the Republic, implemented measures to reactivate the administration of justice in the face of the present contingency facing the country, with the holding of hearings using technological means being a crucial issue (articles 2, 3 and 7). However, around this issue certain questions arise, especially with regard to the minimum guarantees that must be granted to those involved in these processes. This research work solves the question: How does virtuality affect compliance with the principles that guide the jurisdictional process in Colombia during 2020? In other words, does the implementation and application of electronic media and new virtual technologies in judicial processes respect the fundamental rights, guarantees and the procedural principles of due process? In the development of the text, it will be evident that the purpose of the electronic means in the operation of the judicial administration is aimed at the decongestion of the offices, for which the veracity of the data that is supplied through them must be guaranteed, and to avoid errors when processing and communicating such information.
The State entrusted by the Political Constitution and the law must enforce the rights, obligations, guarantees and freedoms enshrined in them, in order to carry out social coexistence and to maintain national harmony. Since the Statutory Law of Administration of Justice - LEAJ - (law 270/1996) was issued, it became apparent the legislator's interest in using new information and communication technologies in order to give the judicial procedure a faster, more effective, and easily accessible process to the community Legislative Decree 806, issued on June 4, 2020 by the President of the Republic, implemented measures to reactivate the administration of justice in the face of the present contingency facing the country, with the holding of hearings using technological means being a crucial issue (articles 2, 3 and 7). However, around this issue certain questions arise, especially with regard to the minimum guarantees that must be granted to those involved in these processes. This research work solves the question: How does virtuality affect compliance with the principles that guide the jurisdictional process in Colombia during 2020? In other words, does the implementation and application of electronic media and new virtual technologies in judicial processes respect the fundamental rights, guarantees and the procedural principles of due process? In the development of the text, it will be evident that the purpose of the electronic means in the operation of the judicial administration is aimed at the decongestion of the offices, for which the veracity of the data that is supplied through them must be guaranteed, and to avoid errors when processing and communicating such information.
Palabras clave
Administración de justicia, Debido proceso, Medios electrónicos, Principios, Procesos, Jurisdicción, Virtualidad, Avances tecnológicos, Garantías procesales, Audiencias virtuales, Administration of justice, Due process, Electronic media, Principles, Processes, Jurisdiction, Virtuality, Technological advances, Procedural guarantees, Virtual hearings