Análisis de la incidencia del trabajo social desde la educación ambiental (EA) durante los años 2010-2022 en Colombia, a través de un ejercicio de revisión documental
Orellanos Buitrago, Derly Daniela
Oviedo Villamizar, Julieth Milady
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación se centra en analizar el impacto del trabajo social en cuestiones medioambientales a través de una exhaustiva revisión documental que abarca diversas fuentes. El objetivo es comprender cómo las intervenciones y prácticas de los trabajadores sociales han influido en la conciencia, percepción y acciones relacionadas con la sostenibilidad ambiental. La revisión documental abarca un período significativo (2010 a 2022), permitiendo evaluar la
evolución y efectividad de las estrategias empleadas por los trabajadores sociales en temas ambientales durante este tiempo. La intersección entre el trabajo social y la protección del medio ambiente se vuelve esencial en un
contexto global donde las preocupaciones medioambientales están en aumento. La revisión documental busca identificar patrones, desafíos y logros en las intervenciones de trabajo social ambiental, ofreciendo una visión integral de su contribución a la construcción de comunidades más conscientes y comprometidas con la preservación del entorno. A través de este análisis, se aspira a proporcionar recomendaciones que fortalezcan la presencia y el impacto del trabajo social en la construcción de sociedades más sostenibles.
This research focuses on analyzing the impact of social work on environmental issues through an exhaustive document review encompassing various sources. The aim is to understand how the interventions and practices of social workers have influenced awareness, perception, and actions related to environmental sustainability. The document review spans a significant period (2010 to 2022), allowing for an assessment of the evolution and effectiveness of strategies employed by social workers in environmental issues during this time. The intersection between social work and environmental protection becomes crucial in a global context where environmental concerns are on the rise. The document review seeks to identify patterns, challenges, and achievements in environmental social work interventions, providing a comprehensive view of its contribution to building communities more aware and committed to preserving the environment. Through this analysis, the goal is to offer recommendations that strengthen the presence and impact of social work in constructing more sustainable societies
This research focuses on analyzing the impact of social work on environmental issues through an exhaustive document review encompassing various sources. The aim is to understand how the interventions and practices of social workers have influenced awareness, perception, and actions related to environmental sustainability. The document review spans a significant period (2010 to 2022), allowing for an assessment of the evolution and effectiveness of strategies employed by social workers in environmental issues during this time. The intersection between social work and environmental protection becomes crucial in a global context where environmental concerns are on the rise. The document review seeks to identify patterns, challenges, and achievements in environmental social work interventions, providing a comprehensive view of its contribution to building communities more aware and committed to preserving the environment. Through this analysis, the goal is to offer recommendations that strengthen the presence and impact of social work in constructing more sustainable societies
Palabras clave
Trabajo Social, Medio ambiente, Educación ambiental, Sostenibilidad, Impacto ambiental, Social Work, Environment, Environmental education, Sustainability, Environmental impact