Relación entre el comportamiento sedentario y el IMC durante el tiempo de pandemia por COVID-19
Altamar Torres, Samuel Esteban
Campo Rivas, Carlos Enrique
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Entre las principales causas de enfermedad crónica no transmisible
están los comportamientos sedentarios, definidos como las actividades en vigilia
que no superan el gasto calórico y la frecuencia cardiaca basal, con poco impacto
en la salud de las personas, entre estas actividades se cuentan leer y estar frente a
pantallas (TV, computadores, celulares, videojuegos, entre otras); actualmente, las
personas adultas dedican entre 4 y 7 horas al día a actividades sedentarias. Una de
las consecuencias es el sobrepeso y la obesidad por el bajo gasto calórico al que
se ven expuestas las personas, creando un desbalance entre la ingesta y el gasto.
Se encontraron niveles altos de comportamientos sedentarios frente a pantallas,
principalmente el uso de celulares y TV durante el confinamiento estricto por la
pandemia COVID 19. Lo cual es preocupante dado que el comportamiento
sedentario es un factor independiente de mayor morbilidad por enfermedad
cardiovascular y mortalidad global. En diferentes estudios los participantes
informaron estar sentados más de 8 horas al día frente a pantallas, estos
incrementos afectan tanto la salud física como la salud mental de las personas; los
autores explican que esta situación fue motivada por el cambio a trabajo remoto con
aumento en el uso de las diferentes pantallas, es decir, la transición a entornos
laborales o escolares virtuales limitó el tiempo para mantenerse activo físicamente.
Las medidas de distanciamiento social por el Covid 19 se asociaron con Índices de
Masa Corporal altos, repercutiendo directamente en la salud dada la relación entre
gravedad por la enfermedad infecciosa y la obesidad de las personas
Among the main causes of chronic non-communicable disease are sedentary behaviors, defined as waking activities that do not exceed caloric expenditure and basal heart rate, with little impact on people's health, these activities include reading and be in front of screens (TV, computers, cell phones, video games, among others); currently, adults dedicate between 4 and 7 hours a day to sedentary activities. One of the consequences is overweight and obesity due to the low caloric expenditure to which people are exposed, creating an imbalance between intake and expenditure. High levels of sedentary behaviors in front of screens were found, mainly the use of cell phones and TV during strict confinement due to the COVID 19 pandemic, which is worrisome given that sedentary behavior is an independent factor of greater morbidity from cardiovascular disease and global mortality. In different studies the participants reported sitting more than 8 hours a day in front of screens, these increases affect both the physical and mental health of people; The authors explain that this situation was motivated by the change to remote work with an increase in the use of different screens, that is, the transition to virtual work or school environments limited the time to be physically active. The measures of social distancing by Covid 19 were associated with high Body Mass Indices, having a direct impact on health given the relationship between severity due to infectious disease and obesity in people.
Among the main causes of chronic non-communicable disease are sedentary behaviors, defined as waking activities that do not exceed caloric expenditure and basal heart rate, with little impact on people's health, these activities include reading and be in front of screens (TV, computers, cell phones, video games, among others); currently, adults dedicate between 4 and 7 hours a day to sedentary activities. One of the consequences is overweight and obesity due to the low caloric expenditure to which people are exposed, creating an imbalance between intake and expenditure. High levels of sedentary behaviors in front of screens were found, mainly the use of cell phones and TV during strict confinement due to the COVID 19 pandemic, which is worrisome given that sedentary behavior is an independent factor of greater morbidity from cardiovascular disease and global mortality. In different studies the participants reported sitting more than 8 hours a day in front of screens, these increases affect both the physical and mental health of people; The authors explain that this situation was motivated by the change to remote work with an increase in the use of different screens, that is, the transition to virtual work or school environments limited the time to be physically active. The measures of social distancing by Covid 19 were associated with high Body Mass Indices, having a direct impact on health given the relationship between severity due to infectious disease and obesity in people.
Palabras clave
Conducta sedentaria, Índice de masa corporal, Pandemia, COVID-19, Sedentary behavior, Body mass index, Pandemic