Posturas políticas de los jóvenes cucuteñ@s, en la red social facebook dentro del marco de las elecciones prisidenciales en el periodo del primer semestre del año 2022
Cardozo Cuello, Angie Katherine
Claro Carrascal, Yoel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El papel que han jugado las redes sociales en el último lustro, en materia de movilizaciones sociales e incidencia social sobre aspectos gubernamentales (el caso de la Primavera Árabe o el de Ocuppy Wall Street por mencionar algunos), ha sido evidente y ha puesto en discusión su consideración como variable determinante de la participación ciudadana en la actualidad. Ziccardi (1998), menciona que la participación ciudadana debe gestarse, organizarse y legitimarse desde la sociedad, por lo que las redes sociales pueden constituir el punto nodal para que se geste la participación ciudadana (Aguirre, 2012). La participación ciudadana a través de redes sociales, logra superar varias de las limitantes que otros espacios interponen. Una de esas principales limitantes superadas y quizás la más evidente, sea el mermar la asimetría de la información.
Como se ha mencionado anteriormente, el efecto doble vía donde los receptores también pueden ser emisores de información, reduce la tecnocracia y el acceso privilegiado a cierta información. Asimismo, al ser un espacio donde no se requieran mecanismos legales para ejercer la participación autónoma cuando se trate de evaluar y sancionar las políticas públicas y a los responsables de las mismas (referéndums, revocación al mandato, rendición de cuentas, plebiscitos), teniendo en consideración que tal participación no actúa únicamente por la vía de la fiscalización y evaluación las políticas públicas, sino que también en una vía propositiva para una amplia deliberación y una toma de decisiones más incluyente (Aguirre, 2012).
Objetivo General:
Observar y analizar las posturas políticas de l@s jóvenes cucuteños, en la red social Facebook dentro del marco de las elecciones presidenciales, en el periodo del primer semestre del año 2022.
Objetivos específicos:
1. Identificar las diferentes posturas políticas, las cuales predominan los(as) jóvenes usuarios de la red social Facebook de la ciudad de Cúcuta, en el periodo 2022-1.
2. Describir el tipo de lenguaje y las imágenes que comparten los actores principales en la red social Facebook, acerca de sus posturas políticas, durante el periodo de 2022-1.
3. Explicar de manera coherente y explicita el contenido analizado en las publicaciones compartidas por los actores principales en la red social Facebook, en cuanto a las posturas políticas que estos tienen, en el periodo 2022-1.
Materiales y Métodos:
La presente investigación social está dirigida a observar y analizar las posturas políticas de l@s jóvenes cucuteños, en la red social Facebook dentro del marco de las elecciones presidenciales, en el periodo del primer semestre del año 2022. De este modo, la investigación es abordada desde un paradigma histórico hermenéutico: ‘’ Proponía la ciencia como un sistema complejo que pretendía comprensiones mediadas por el lenguaje, las cuales conducían a procesos interpretativos de la realidad social y humana’’. (Marín J, 2009). De esta manera, comprender el contexto cibernético, con el fin de analizar aquellos procesos de las posturas políticas de los jóvenes de la ciudad de Cúcuta.
La investigación ejecutada desde un enfoque cualitativo, puesto que se realizó un minucioso análisis, para observar aquellos comportamientos de los sujetos, para con esto, poder realizar una reflexión acerca de la realidad social.
Desde la metodología, se abarca la micro etnografía, ya que la investigación amerita un trabajo de poco tiempo que puede ser desarrollada por un solo etnógrafo o investigador’’, es así como la micro etnografía por medio de la observación, interpreta aquellos fenómenos que se encuentran dentro de la sociedad, y no requiere de mucho tiempo. Dentro de los participantes: Se seleccionaron a 10 participantes al azar, amigos y conocidos de los investigadores, los cuales compartían contenido político.
Las posiciones políticas de los sujetos se lograron analizar, de tipo izquierdista, con publicaciones sin ánimo de ofender, de tipo constructivo, haciendo énfasis en toda la campaña política que ha desarrollado a lo largo de este tiempo, resaltando características que atribuyen aspectos positivos de los candidatos, Francia Márquez y Gustavo Petro, quienes están en la coalición política ''Pacto histórico''. Las publicaciones contienen imágenes y videos de corte respetuoso, algunos se enfocan en debates en conjunto con los demás candidatos, resaltando a su vez, aspectos de la vida personal y privada de los candidatos en mención. Conclusiones:
-Se logró observar y analizar las posturas políticas de los y las jóvenes cucuteños, por medio de la red social de Facebook, teniendo como referencia las elecciones presidenciales, en el primer periodo del 2022-1
-Se identificación todas las posturas políticas, las cuales resultaron ser diferentes, con diversos puntos de vista, y se destacaron que los políticos Gustavo Petro y Rodolfo Hernández, ponderaron la mayoría de los encabezados de contenido político en la red social
Background: The role played by social networks in the last five years, in terms of social mobilizations and social incidence on governmental aspects (the case of the Arab Spring or Occupy Wall Street, to mention a few), has been evident and has put into discussion its consideration as a determining variable of citizen participation at present. Ziccardi (1998), mentions that citizen participation must be generated, organized and legitimized from society, so that social networks can constitute the nodal point for citizen participation to take shape (Aguirre, 2012). Citizen participation through social networks overcomes several of the limitations that other spaces impose. One of the main limitations overcome, and perhaps the most evident, is the reduction of information asymmetry. As mentioned above, the two-way effect, where receivers can also be senders of information, reduces technocracy and privileged access to certain information. Likewise, being a space where legal mechanisms are not required to exercise autonomous participation when it comes to evaluate and sanction public policies and those responsible for them (referendums, mandate revocation, accountability, plebiscites), taking into consideration that such participation does not act only by way of monitoring and evaluation of public policies, but also in a proactive way for a broad deliberation and a more inclusive decision making (Aguirre, 2012). Objectives: General Objective: To observe and analyze the political positions of l@s jóvenes cucuteños, in the social network Facebook within the framework of the presidential elections, in the period of the first semester of the year 2022. Specific objectives: 1. Identify the different political positions, which predominate the young users of the social network Facebook of the city of Cúcuta, in the period 2022-1. 2. To describe the type of language and images shared by the main actors in the social network Facebook, about their political positions, during the period 2022-1. 3. To explain in a coherent and explicit way the content analyzed in the publications shared by the main actors in the social network Facebook, regarding the political positions they hold, during the period 2022-1. Materials and Methods: The present social research is aimed at observing and analyzing the political postures of l@s jóvenes cucuteños, in the social network Facebook within the framework of the presidential elections, in the period of the first semester of the year 2022. Thus, the research is approached from a historical hermeneutic paradigm: '' It proposed science as a complex system that intended comprehensions mediated by language, which led to interpretative processes of social and human reality''. (Marín J, 2009). In this way, to understand the cybernetic context, in order to analyze those processes of the political postures of young people in the city of Cúcuta. The research was carried out from a qualitative approach, since a thorough analysis was made to observe the behavior of the subjects, in order to be able to reflect on the social reality. From the methodology, the micro ethnography is covered, since the research merits a short time work that can be developed by a single ethnographer or researcher'', this is how the micro ethnography through observation, interprets those phenomena found within society, and does not require much time. Within participants: 10 participants were randomly selected, friends and acquaintances of the researchers, who shared political content. Results: The political positions of the subjects were managed to analyze, of a leftist type, with publications with no intention to offend, of a constructive type, emphasizing the entire political campaign that has developed throughout this time, highlighting characteristics that attribute positive aspects of the candidates, Francia Márquez and Gustavo Petro, who are in the political coalition ''Pacto histórico'' (Historical Pact). The publications contain images and videos of respectful cut, some focus on debates in conjunction with the other candidates, highlighting in turn, aspects of personal and private life of the candidates in mention. Conclusions: -It was possible to observe and analyze the political positions of the young people of Cucuta, through the social network Facebook, with reference to the presidential elections, in the first period of 2022-1. -All the political positions were identified, which turned out to be different, with diverse points of view, and it was highlighted that the politicians Gustavo Petro and Rodolfo Hernández, weighted the majority of the headings of political content in the social network.
Background: The role played by social networks in the last five years, in terms of social mobilizations and social incidence on governmental aspects (the case of the Arab Spring or Occupy Wall Street, to mention a few), has been evident and has put into discussion its consideration as a determining variable of citizen participation at present. Ziccardi (1998), mentions that citizen participation must be generated, organized and legitimized from society, so that social networks can constitute the nodal point for citizen participation to take shape (Aguirre, 2012). Citizen participation through social networks overcomes several of the limitations that other spaces impose. One of the main limitations overcome, and perhaps the most evident, is the reduction of information asymmetry. As mentioned above, the two-way effect, where receivers can also be senders of information, reduces technocracy and privileged access to certain information. Likewise, being a space where legal mechanisms are not required to exercise autonomous participation when it comes to evaluate and sanction public policies and those responsible for them (referendums, mandate revocation, accountability, plebiscites), taking into consideration that such participation does not act only by way of monitoring and evaluation of public policies, but also in a proactive way for a broad deliberation and a more inclusive decision making (Aguirre, 2012). Objectives: General Objective: To observe and analyze the political positions of l@s jóvenes cucuteños, in the social network Facebook within the framework of the presidential elections, in the period of the first semester of the year 2022. Specific objectives: 1. Identify the different political positions, which predominate the young users of the social network Facebook of the city of Cúcuta, in the period 2022-1. 2. To describe the type of language and images shared by the main actors in the social network Facebook, about their political positions, during the period 2022-1. 3. To explain in a coherent and explicit way the content analyzed in the publications shared by the main actors in the social network Facebook, regarding the political positions they hold, during the period 2022-1. Materials and Methods: The present social research is aimed at observing and analyzing the political postures of l@s jóvenes cucuteños, in the social network Facebook within the framework of the presidential elections, in the period of the first semester of the year 2022. Thus, the research is approached from a historical hermeneutic paradigm: '' It proposed science as a complex system that intended comprehensions mediated by language, which led to interpretative processes of social and human reality''. (Marín J, 2009). In this way, to understand the cybernetic context, in order to analyze those processes of the political postures of young people in the city of Cúcuta. The research was carried out from a qualitative approach, since a thorough analysis was made to observe the behavior of the subjects, in order to be able to reflect on the social reality. From the methodology, the micro ethnography is covered, since the research merits a short time work that can be developed by a single ethnographer or researcher'', this is how the micro ethnography through observation, interprets those phenomena found within society, and does not require much time. Within participants: 10 participants were randomly selected, friends and acquaintances of the researchers, who shared political content. Results: The political positions of the subjects were managed to analyze, of a leftist type, with publications with no intention to offend, of a constructive type, emphasizing the entire political campaign that has developed throughout this time, highlighting characteristics that attribute positive aspects of the candidates, Francia Márquez and Gustavo Petro, who are in the political coalition ''Pacto histórico'' (Historical Pact). The publications contain images and videos of respectful cut, some focus on debates in conjunction with the other candidates, highlighting in turn, aspects of personal and private life of the candidates in mention. Conclusions: -It was possible to observe and analyze the political positions of the young people of Cucuta, through the social network Facebook, with reference to the presidential elections, in the first period of 2022-1. -All the political positions were identified, which turned out to be different, with diverse points of view, and it was highlighted that the politicians Gustavo Petro and Rodolfo Hernández, weighted the majority of the headings of political content in the social network.
Palabras clave
Jóvenes, Posturas políticas, Redes sociales, Ciber espacio, Política, Young people, Political postures, Social networks, Cyberspace, Politics