Problemas de salud mental y disfuncionalidad familiar en adolescentes del caribe colombiano
Alcocer De La Cruz, Karen Estefanía
Escobar Munive, Heledis Cecilia
Donado Barrios, Harry Manuel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Los problemas de salud mental se reconocen a nivel mundial como una de las afectaciones que pueden presentarse en la adolescencia. Estos problemas interfieren en la forma como adolescentes y jóvenes piensan, sienten, se comportan o interactúan con los demás. Uno de los factores que ha sido ampliamente estudiado y que está relacionado con la presencia de estos problemas es la funcionalidad familiar. En este sentido, el objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la relación entre la presencia de problemas de salud mental y funcionalidad familiar en una muestra de adolescentes (n=180) del caribe colombiano. La edad de los participantes osciló entre los 11 y 17 años (M= 14,02 SD= 1.57). Se utilizó el Cuestionario de Capacidades y Dificultades (SDQ), el APGAR familiar y se recogieron datos sociodemográficos relevantes. Se logró identificar que el 21,7% (n=39) reportó tener algún tipo de problemas de salud mental, seguido por el 10,6% (n=19) que presentan un riesgo de desarrollar algún tipo de problema relacionados con síntomas emocionales, problemas de la conducta, hiperactividad y dificultades en la socialización con pares. Con relación a la funcionalidad familiar se identificó que el 51.1% (n=92) manifestó tener una funcionalidad adecuada en contraste con el 48,9% (n=88) quienes reportando algún tipo de disfuncionalidad que va fluctúa entre lo leve y lo severo. Además, los problemas de salud mental se correlacionaron negativamente con el funcionamiento de la familia (r = -0,22, p < 0,01). Estos resultados aportan y se suman a la tendencia global que resalta el papel prioritario del funcionamiento familiar como factor protector de la salud mental. En este sentido, se pone en evidencia la necesidad de desarrollar investigaciones que estudien y brinden estrategias de intervención a nivel individual y familiar enfocadas en el fortalecimiento de la salud mental y pautas de funcionamiento familiar propicias y protectoras para todos los miembros de la familia.
Mental health problems are recognized worldwide as one of the conditions that can occur in adolescence. These problems interfere in the way adolescents and young people think, feel, behave or interact with others. One of the factors that has been widely studied and that is related to the presence of these problems is family functionality. In this sense, the objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the presence of mental health problems and family functionality in a sample of adolescents (n=180) from the Colombian Caribbean. The age of the participants ranged between 11 and 17 years (M= 14,02 SD= 1.57). The Abilities and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), the family APGAR, and relevant sociodemographic data were collected. It was possible to identify that 21,7% (n=39) reported having some type of mental health problems, followed by 10,6% (n=19) who present a risk of developing some type of problem related to emotional symptoms, behavioral problems, hyperactivity and difficulties in socialization with peers. In relation to family functioning, 51.1% (n=92) reported adequate functioning in contrast to 48.9% (n=88) who reported some type of dysfunctionality ranging from mild to severe. In addition, mental health problems were negatively correlated with family functioning (r = -0.22, p < 0.01). These results contribute to and add to the overall trend highlighting the priority role of family functioning as a protective factor for mental health. In this sense, the need to develop research that studies and provides intervention strategies at the individual and family level focused on strengthening mental health and family functioning patterns that are conducive and protective for all family members is evident.
Mental health problems are recognized worldwide as one of the conditions that can occur in adolescence. These problems interfere in the way adolescents and young people think, feel, behave or interact with others. One of the factors that has been widely studied and that is related to the presence of these problems is family functionality. In this sense, the objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the presence of mental health problems and family functionality in a sample of adolescents (n=180) from the Colombian Caribbean. The age of the participants ranged between 11 and 17 years (M= 14,02 SD= 1.57). The Abilities and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), the family APGAR, and relevant sociodemographic data were collected. It was possible to identify that 21,7% (n=39) reported having some type of mental health problems, followed by 10,6% (n=19) who present a risk of developing some type of problem related to emotional symptoms, behavioral problems, hyperactivity and difficulties in socialization with peers. In relation to family functioning, 51.1% (n=92) reported adequate functioning in contrast to 48.9% (n=88) who reported some type of dysfunctionality ranging from mild to severe. In addition, mental health problems were negatively correlated with family functioning (r = -0.22, p < 0.01). These results contribute to and add to the overall trend highlighting the priority role of family functioning as a protective factor for mental health. In this sense, the need to develop research that studies and provides intervention strategies at the individual and family level focused on strengthening mental health and family functioning patterns that are conducive and protective for all family members is evident.
Palabras clave
Problemas de salud mental, Funcionalidad familiar, Fortalezas, Dificultades, Adolescencia, Caribe colombiano, Mental health problems, Family functionality, Strengths, Difficulties, Adolescence, Colombian Caribbean