Jurados de votación frente a las garantías de seguridad social como servidor público
Castellanos Rivera, Nelly Socorro
Rolón Calderón, Geraldine
Mendoza Flórez, Gustavo Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente artículo de investigación abordó la problemática que tiene los individuos cuando son elegidos como jurados de votación en Colombia, pues adquieren su status como servidores públicos, debiendo garantizar que durante los comicios electorales se lleve cabalmente su labor como lo dispone la constitución y la ley. Esto con el propósito de que no se presenten irregularidades durante la jornada laboral. Al mismo tiempo es importante señalar que como servidores públicos transitorios de forzosa aceptación deben estar asegurados a la seguridad social por parte del Estado, pues están ejerciendo una labor impuesta por él y que debe ser asumida como tal.
Este desarrollo implicó detallar como la seguridad social es exaltada por parte de la Corte Constitucional como derecho fundamental, para lo cual fue importante desarrollar una investigación bajo el paradigma interpretativo, con un enfoque cualitativo, desde un diseño hermenéutico, que brindara el analizar e interpretar la jurisprudencia en lo referente a dignidad humana, derechos fundamentales y seguridad social. También se realizó un análisis documental donde se revisaron investigaciones relacionadas con el problema de investigación para ello se consultaron bases de datos especializadas que permitieron abordar dicho fenómeno de manera veraz.
Para esto se identificó inicialmente quienes eran los posibles candidatos para ser jurados de votación, según lo establecido en el Decreto 2241 de 1986, debido a que existe una serie determinada de sujetos que no pueden hacer parte de ésta lista como por ejemplo los miembros del Ejército o la Policía Nacional entre otros. Determinando que, aunque son particulares son nombrados servidores públicos transitorios durante la jornada electoral y conforme a la normatividad vigente.
This research article addressed the problems that individuals have when they are elected as voting juries in Colombia, since they acquire their status as public servants, having to guarantee that during the electoral elections their work is carried out fully as provided by the constitution and the law. This with the purpose that irregularities do not occur during the working day. At the same time, it is important to point out that as transitory public servants of compulsory acceptance, they must be insured with social security by the State, since they are carrying out a task imposed by it and that must be assumed as such. This development implied detailing how social security is exalted by the Constitutional Court as a fundamental right, for which it was important to develop an investigation under the interpretive paradigm, with a qualitative approach, from a hermeneutic design, which would provide the analysis and interpretation of the jurisprudence regarding human dignity, fundamental rights and social security. A documentary analysis was also carried out where research related to the research problem was reviewed, for which specialized databases were consulted that allowed this phenomenon to be addressed truthfully. For this, the possible candidates to be voting juries were initially identified, as established in Decree 2241 of 1986, because there is a certain series of subjects who cannot be part of this list, such as members of the Army. or the National Police among others. Determining that, although they are individuals, they are appointed transitory public servants during election day and in accordance with current regulations.
This research article addressed the problems that individuals have when they are elected as voting juries in Colombia, since they acquire their status as public servants, having to guarantee that during the electoral elections their work is carried out fully as provided by the constitution and the law. This with the purpose that irregularities do not occur during the working day. At the same time, it is important to point out that as transitory public servants of compulsory acceptance, they must be insured with social security by the State, since they are carrying out a task imposed by it and that must be assumed as such. This development implied detailing how social security is exalted by the Constitutional Court as a fundamental right, for which it was important to develop an investigation under the interpretive paradigm, with a qualitative approach, from a hermeneutic design, which would provide the analysis and interpretation of the jurisprudence regarding human dignity, fundamental rights and social security. A documentary analysis was also carried out where research related to the research problem was reviewed, for which specialized databases were consulted that allowed this phenomenon to be addressed truthfully. For this, the possible candidates to be voting juries were initially identified, as established in Decree 2241 of 1986, because there is a certain series of subjects who cannot be part of this list, such as members of the Army. or the National Police among others. Determining that, although they are individuals, they are appointed transitory public servants during election day and in accordance with current regulations.
Palabras clave
seguridad social, Servidor público, Jurado de votación, Garantías constitucionales, Social security, Public servant, Voting jury, Constitutional guarantees