Percepción del paciente sobre la calidad en la atención de urgencias en la Clínica de la Costa, Barranquilla, segundo trimestre del 2020.
Valderrama Cure, Eileen Karina
Pérez Velásquez, Jorge Eliecer
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo: Determinar la percepción de la calidad de la atención del servicio de
urgencias en la Clínica de la Costa, Barranquilla, durante el segundo trimestre de
Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y de corte transversal, que evaluara una
muestra conformada por 50 usuarios que recibieron atención en el servicio de
urgencias durante el segundo trimestre del año 2020. Para la recolección de la
información, se diseñó una encuesta de servicio (modelo SERVPERF), para evaluar
la calidad del servicio según la percepción del usuario en la Clínica de la Costa.
Para el análisis de datos la calificación se realizó con base en la escala Liker.
Resultados: El 95.74% de los pacientes estuvieron satisfechos con la atención. Las
dimensiones de fiabilidad, capacidad de respuesta, seguridad, empatía y aspectos
tangibles de la encuesta SERVPERF resultaron con más del 90% de usuarios
satisfechos (96%, 94.5%, 97%, 96% y 95.2%; respectivamente); pero la dimensión
aspectos tangibles resultó con una proporción de usuarios insatisfechos – muy
insatisfechos y extremadamente muy insatisfechos (4.8%).
Conclusiones: a los pacientes que consultan el servicio de urgencias de la Clínica
de la Costa en general les parece bueno el servicio ofrecido, teniendo que la
dimensión fiabilidad obtuvo la puntuación más alta, la atención inmediatamente a
su llegada a urgencia, sin importar la condición socioeconómica, la disponibilidad
de medicamentos en la farmacia de urgencias, que la atención haya sido por el
médico en urgencias y considerada por la gravedad de su salud, así como la
suficiente comunicación del médico con el paciente o sus familiares para explicarles
el seguimiento de su problema de salud.
Objective: To determine the perception of the quality of the attention of the emergency service at the Clinica de la Costa, Barranquilla, during the second quarter of 2020. Methods: Descriptive, longitudinal and cross-sectional study that evaluated a sample made up of 50 users who received care in the emergency department during the second quarter of the year 2020. To collect the information, a service survey (SERVPERF model) was designed, to evaluate the quality of the service according to the perception of the user at the Clínica de la Costa. For data analysis, the qualification was made based on the Liker scale. Results: 95.74% of the patients were satisfied with the care. The dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, security, empathy and tangible aspects of the SERVPERF survey resulted with more than 90% of satisfied users (96%, 94.5%, 97%, 96% and 95.2%, respectively); but the tangible aspects dimension resulted in a proportion of dissatisfied users - very dissatisfied and extremely very dissatisfied (4.8%). Conclusions: In general, patients who consult the emergency department of the Costa Clinic find the service offered to be good, since the reliability dimension obtained the highest score, care immediately upon arrival to the emergency department, regardless of socioeconomic status, the availability of medicines in the emergency pharmacy, that the attention was given by the emergency doctor and considered due to the severity of their health, as well as sufficient communication from the doctor to the patient or their family members to explain the follow-up of their Health.
Objective: To determine the perception of the quality of the attention of the emergency service at the Clinica de la Costa, Barranquilla, during the second quarter of 2020. Methods: Descriptive, longitudinal and cross-sectional study that evaluated a sample made up of 50 users who received care in the emergency department during the second quarter of the year 2020. To collect the information, a service survey (SERVPERF model) was designed, to evaluate the quality of the service according to the perception of the user at the Clínica de la Costa. For data analysis, the qualification was made based on the Liker scale. Results: 95.74% of the patients were satisfied with the care. The dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, security, empathy and tangible aspects of the SERVPERF survey resulted with more than 90% of satisfied users (96%, 94.5%, 97%, 96% and 95.2%, respectively); but the tangible aspects dimension resulted in a proportion of dissatisfied users - very dissatisfied and extremely very dissatisfied (4.8%). Conclusions: In general, patients who consult the emergency department of the Costa Clinic find the service offered to be good, since the reliability dimension obtained the highest score, care immediately upon arrival to the emergency department, regardless of socioeconomic status, the availability of medicines in the emergency pharmacy, that the attention was given by the emergency doctor and considered due to the severity of their health, as well as sufficient communication from the doctor to the patient or their family members to explain the follow-up of their Health.
Palabras clave
Calidad de la atención de salud, Urgencias médicas, Percepción, Quality of health care, Medical emergencies, Perception