Factores psicosociales que inciden en los entornos familiares de las mujeres que laboran 8 horas diarias dentro de la Universidad Simón Bolívar sede Cúcuta
Gómez Portilla, Jessica Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Antecedentes: Las mujeres en los contextos laborales se enfrentan a desafíos en sus entornos familiares debido a las largas jornadas labores, lo que conlleva a que experimenten situaciones de riesgos psicosociales que acrecienta la situación con su núcleo familiar cercano. Es por ello, que hace necesario realizar un estudio desde la profesión de Trabajo social la cual permita comprender de manera específica los factores psicosociales que afectan los entornos laborales de las mujeres laboran 8 horas diarias dentro de la universidad simón bolívar sede Cúcuta. A su vez, se tienen en cuenta diversas categorías que permiten por medio de referentes teóricos analizar la situación abordada. La investigación tiene por objetivo general; analizar los factores psicosociales que inciden en el entorno familiar de mujeres que laboran en la universidad simón bolívar sede Cúcuta para contribuir a mejores dinámicas familiares. Y, los objetivos específicos son identificar los entornos familiares en los cuales se encuentran sumergidas las mujeres que laboran en la universidad Simón Bolívar, definir las afectaciones psicosociales que genera las largas jornadas laborales en las mujeres que laboran 8 horas diarias e Indagar sobre la influencia de las 8 horas laboradas en las dinámicas familiares de las mujeres.
Para darle mayor sustento a los conceptos que se están abordando, y, poder comprender la importancia de intervenirlo en el contexto previamente seleccionado. Se trae a colación a diversos autores que proponen diversas teorías y modelos que contribuyen a comprender el problema planteado, en la que se puede realizar una articulación entre teoría y práctica la cual permite entender la realidad social. Entre ellos, Medina et al. (2007) con su teoría psicosocial, Muñoz, Orellano y Hernández (2018) con los riesgos psicosociales, Eslava (2015) con los entornos familiares y Parella y Cavalcanti (2009) con las dinámicas familiares.
Materiales y métodos: Hay que mencionar que, para el diseño metodológico estuvo direccionado desde un paradigma es el interpretativo hermenéutico considerando que dicho paradigma permite interpretar y comprender los motivos del comportamiento humano. A su vez, el enfoque es direccionado desde un enfoque cualitativo, comprendiendo que, es inductivo, y a su vez, analiza las realidades subjetivas. Por ende, se propone dicho enfoque, dado que, permite analizar la información sin el ánimo de generalizar el conocimiento, además, de utilizar técnicas que permitan conocer la percepción de las mujeres con relación a la triple jornada y sus afectaciones en la vida cotidiana. Asimismo, el diseño de la investigación es el fenomenológico, dado que, se busca conocer la percepción que tienen las mujeres con relación a la triple jornada, y como ello afecta su vida cotidiana. Este fenómeno es estudiado partiendo las experiencias propias de las femeninas.
Resultados: La investigación permite profundizar en aspectos relacionados con el género desde el ámbito laboral, debido a que, diversas mujeres con los procesos de globalización se han incorporado al mercado laboral, pero, en la que aún se percibe que deben cargar con las labores domésticas. En este sentido, se habla de una triple jornada, puesto que, deben cumplir con las ocho horas laborales y cumplir con tareas domésticas.
Conclusiones: los factores psicosociales permiten comprender a que se enfrentas las mujeres que laboran la triple jornada, y cómo eso influye en su entorno familiar. Es cotidiano observar que diversas mujeres se enfrentan a diversos factores al interior de su entorno laboral, y a su vez, llegan a sus hogares a seguir con sus labores domésticas. La investigación permite determinar las desigualdades de género en cuanto al sistema laboral. Comprendiendo que diversas mujeres deben cumplir con triple jornada por su rol establecido por la sociedad
Background: Women in work contexts face challenges in their family environments due to long working hours, which leads them to experience situations of psychosocial risks that increase the situation with their close family nucleus. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a study from the profession of social work which allows to understand in a specific way the psychosocial factors that affect the work environment of women who work 8 hours a day at the Simon Bolivar University, Cúcuta. At the same time, several categories are taken into account that allow, by means of theoretical references, to analyze the situation addressed. The general objective of the research is to analyze the psychosocial factors that affect the family environment of women who work at the Simon Bolivar University, Cúcuta campus, in order to contribute to better family dynamics. And, the specific objectives are to identify the family environments in which women who work at the Simon Bolivar University are immersed, to define the psychosocial affectations generated by the long working hours in women who work 8 hours a day and to investigate the influence of the 8 hours worked in the family dynamics of women. In order to give more support to the concepts that are being addressed, and to understand the importance of intervening in the previously selected context. We bring up several authors who propose different theories and models that contribute to understand the problem posed, in which an articulation between theory and practice can be made, which allows to understand the social reality. Among them, Medina et al. (2007) with their psychosocial theory, Muñoz, Orellano and Hernández (2018) with psychosocial risks, Eslava (2015) with family environments and Parella and Cavalcanti (2009) with family dynamics. Materials and methods: It should be mentioned that, for the methodological design was directed from a paradigm is the interpretive hermeneutic considering that such paradigm allows to interpret and understand the reasons for human behavior. In turn, the approach is directed from a qualitative approach, understanding that it is inductive, and in turn, analyzes subjective realities. Therefore, this approach is proposed, since it allows analyzing the information without the intention of generalizing knowledge, in addition to using techniques that allow knowing the perception of women in relation to the triple workday and its effects on their daily lives. Likewise, the research design is phenomenological, since it seeks to know the perception that women have in relation to the triple workday and how it affects their daily lives. This phenomenon is studied on the basis of women's own experiences. Results: The research allows to deepen in aspects related to gender from the labor field, due to the fact that, with the globalization processes, several women have joined the labor market, but, in which it is still perceived that they must carry the domestic tasks. In this sense, there is talk of a triple workday, since they have to work eight hours and perform domestic chores. Conclusions: Psychosocial factors allow us to understand what women who work a triple workday face, and how this influences their family environment. It is a daily occurrence to observe that several women face different factors within their work environment, and at the same time, they come home to continue with their domestic chores. The research allows us to determine gender inequalities in the labor system. Understanding that several women have to work triple shifts due to their role established by society.
Background: Women in work contexts face challenges in their family environments due to long working hours, which leads them to experience situations of psychosocial risks that increase the situation with their close family nucleus. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a study from the profession of social work which allows to understand in a specific way the psychosocial factors that affect the work environment of women who work 8 hours a day at the Simon Bolivar University, Cúcuta. At the same time, several categories are taken into account that allow, by means of theoretical references, to analyze the situation addressed. The general objective of the research is to analyze the psychosocial factors that affect the family environment of women who work at the Simon Bolivar University, Cúcuta campus, in order to contribute to better family dynamics. And, the specific objectives are to identify the family environments in which women who work at the Simon Bolivar University are immersed, to define the psychosocial affectations generated by the long working hours in women who work 8 hours a day and to investigate the influence of the 8 hours worked in the family dynamics of women. In order to give more support to the concepts that are being addressed, and to understand the importance of intervening in the previously selected context. We bring up several authors who propose different theories and models that contribute to understand the problem posed, in which an articulation between theory and practice can be made, which allows to understand the social reality. Among them, Medina et al. (2007) with their psychosocial theory, Muñoz, Orellano and Hernández (2018) with psychosocial risks, Eslava (2015) with family environments and Parella and Cavalcanti (2009) with family dynamics. Materials and methods: It should be mentioned that, for the methodological design was directed from a paradigm is the interpretive hermeneutic considering that such paradigm allows to interpret and understand the reasons for human behavior. In turn, the approach is directed from a qualitative approach, understanding that it is inductive, and in turn, analyzes subjective realities. Therefore, this approach is proposed, since it allows analyzing the information without the intention of generalizing knowledge, in addition to using techniques that allow knowing the perception of women in relation to the triple workday and its effects on their daily lives. Likewise, the research design is phenomenological, since it seeks to know the perception that women have in relation to the triple workday and how it affects their daily lives. This phenomenon is studied on the basis of women's own experiences. Results: The research allows to deepen in aspects related to gender from the labor field, due to the fact that, with the globalization processes, several women have joined the labor market, but, in which it is still perceived that they must carry the domestic tasks. In this sense, there is talk of a triple workday, since they have to work eight hours and perform domestic chores. Conclusions: Psychosocial factors allow us to understand what women who work a triple workday face, and how this influences their family environment. It is a daily occurrence to observe that several women face different factors within their work environment, and at the same time, they come home to continue with their domestic chores. The research allows us to determine gender inequalities in the labor system. Understanding that several women have to work triple shifts due to their role established by society.
Palabras clave
Mujeres, Factores psicosociales, Entornos familiares, Dinámicas familiares, Entorno laboral, Women, Psychosocial factors, Family environment, Family dynamics, Work environment