Factores que influyen en la aparición de desórdenes musculoesqueléticos en la empresa Deportivos del Norte S.A.S de la ciudad de Cúcuta
López Aparicio, Yeison
Ruiz Ardila, Guillermo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El estudio realizado en la empresa Deportivos del Norte SAS en Cúcuta tuvo como objetivo
describir las características socio laborales, las condiciones del puesto de trabajo y evaluar los
riesgos musculoesqueléticos a los que estaban expuestos los trabajadores. Se utilizó una
metodología descriptiva y observacional, incluyendo encuestas para recopilar la información. Los
resultados revelaron que los trabajadores experimentan mayor dolencia en el cuello y la espalda
baja debido a las posturas incomodas al trabajar de pie, a pesar de recibir capacitaciones. La
observación mostró que la mayoría de los trabajadores temen relacionar sus dolencias con sus
actividades laborales. Sin embargo, la empresa ha implementado capacitaciones y orientaciones
para mantener buenas posturas, lo que ha resultado en porcentajes bajos de dolencias en las
zonas principales del cuerpo. Este estudio destaca la importancia de abordar las condiciones
laborales y los riesgos musculoesqueléticos en entornos de trabajo específicos, y sugiere la
necesidad de fomentar una cultura de seguridad y bienestar en el lugar de trabajo.
The study carried out in the company Deportivos del Norte SAS in Cúcuta had the objective of describing the socio-labor characteristics, the conditions of the workplace and evaluating the musculoskeletal risks to which the workers were exposed. A descriptive and observational methodology was used, including surveys to collect information. The results revealed that workers experience increased neck and low back pain due to awkward postures when working while standing, despite receiving training. The observation showed that most workers are afraid to relate their ailments to their work activities. However, the company has implemented trainings and orientations to maintain good postures, which has resulted in low percentages of ailments in the main areas of the body. This study highlights the importance of addressing working conditions and musculoskeletal risks in specific work environments, and suggests the need tofoster a culture of safety and wellness in the workplace
The study carried out in the company Deportivos del Norte SAS in Cúcuta had the objective of describing the socio-labor characteristics, the conditions of the workplace and evaluating the musculoskeletal risks to which the workers were exposed. A descriptive and observational methodology was used, including surveys to collect information. The results revealed that workers experience increased neck and low back pain due to awkward postures when working while standing, despite receiving training. The observation showed that most workers are afraid to relate their ailments to their work activities. However, the company has implemented trainings and orientations to maintain good postures, which has resulted in low percentages of ailments in the main areas of the body. This study highlights the importance of addressing working conditions and musculoskeletal risks in specific work environments, and suggests the need tofoster a culture of safety and wellness in the workplace
Palabras clave
Desordenes musculoesqueléticos, Factores riesgo, Manifestaciones clínicas, Musculoskeletal disorders, Risk factors, Clinical manifestations